
Calcarea-carb [Calc-c]

Haemorrhoids protruding painful when walking (>) while sitting, causing pain during stool, great irritability of anus even a loose stool is painful, frequent and copious bleeding of piles, vertigo, especially when going up stairs, with dullness and heaviness of head form cessation or suppression of haemorrhoidal flow; profuse sweat of feet, which is foetid and excoriates the skin. (After Sulph.)

Calcarea-fluor [Calc-f]

Constipation with dizziness and dull headache; bleeding piles; tired aching in small of back; itching at anus; CRAMPY KNOTTING OF CALVES OF LEGS; enlarged veins.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Protruding piles, aching, itching and sore; oozing of a yellow fluid; itching in the anus, most in the evening; stitches in the rectum towards the anus or shooting in the anus; hard stool, with depression of mind, causing headache; with old people.

Capsicum [Caps]

Piles burning, swollen, cutting and smarting during defaecation, even when the stool is liquid; itching, throbbing with sore feeling in anus; large piles, discharging blood or bloody mucus; blind piles with mucous discharge. Urinary troubles, tenesmus, frequent and futile urging to urinate, smarting and burning in urethra, during and after micturition; TENESMUS ANI, ONLY RELIEVED BY SQUATTING DOWN ON HIS HEELS; suppressed haemorrhoidal flow, causing melancholy; lack of reactive power, especially in fat, lazy people, easily exhausted and want to lie down constantly.

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Oozing of a thin, inodorous fluid from the rectum, weak digestion, especially in nursing women; coldness about stomach, (>) by pressing firmly with the hand or by friction.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Discharge of an acrid, corrosive, viscid humor from the anus, causing much itching and some smarting; oozing of moisture upon the perineum, with soreness and much itching; protruding large bluish varices, suppurating and offensive, with burning pains in anus; stitching pains in the small of back, burning and tearing in the limbs; constipation, with burning stools and discharge of blood; frequent tendency of the blood to the head, flatulence, slow action of the bowels; epistaxis; dysuria; for debauchees; used up people; profound adynamia.

Cascarilla [Casc]

Profuse bright blood with or without stool, in large quantities, causing weakness; diarrhoea alternating with hard lumpy stool; constant slight urging, often with pain high up in rectum.

Causticum [Caust]

Haemorrhoids accompanied with obstinate constipation, with ineffectual urging and fistula ani; haemorrhoids impeding the stool, swollen, itching, stinging, when thinking of them; frequent sudden, pressive, penetrating pain in rectum; THE STOOL PASSES BETTER STANDING; pain worse from mental labor; useful for clergymen who have an attack of piles after every effort to preach; pain (>) after stool; sores between nates.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Flowing piles, with compressive pain in the abdomen, frequent urging to stool, occasional burning and corrosive diarrhoeic stools; tearing pain in the small of the back, especially at night; painful and ulcerated rhagades of the anus.

Collinsonia [Coll]

Tendency to flatulent colic; ALTERNATION OF HAEMORRHOIDAL SUFFERING WITH CEREBRAL AND CARDIAC TROUBLES (dilated right heart); haemorrhoids during or as a sequela of pregnancy and parturition, with constipation and malposition or prolapsus uteri. Chronic, painful, bleeding piles, sensation of sticks in rectum (AEsc. hip., not bleeding), dry balls of light-colored faeces; prolapsus recti with forcing-down pains even when urinating; constipation; congestion of pelvic organs and catarrh of bladder, urinating; constipation; congestion of pelvic organs and catarrh of bladder, with piles; (<) at night, (>) mornings; stools mostly only in the evening (Nux the opposite).

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Painfully swollen haemorrhoids in rectum and anus; pricking at anus with constant discharge of mucus; burning and darting pains at anus; terrible colic, causing cramping up double and great restlessness from or on account of haemorrhoids; blood flows continuously and for a long time from piles, with violent sticking and burning pains in small of back and anus.

Cuprum-ars [Cupr-ar]

Intense burning itching in anus and thighs, (<) at night in bed and when undressing, not (>) by scratching or hard rubbing; scrotum moist and damp; habitual constipation.

Dioscorea [Dios]

Piles, like grapes, around the anus, not bleeding; involuntary discharge of slimy mucus from the anus; darting pain, from old haemorrhoidal tumor, to the liver; black, hard, dry, lumpy stool, last part of it soft, white and mushy, followed by prolapsus; haemorrhoidal tumors of livid color prolapsed, with great pain and distress in them.

Erigeron [Erig]

Bleeding piles, with hard lumpy stools, burning around the margin of the anus, it feels as if torn; small stools streaked

with blood; burning in bowels and rectum.

Ferrum [Ferr]

Piles, copious bleeding or ichorous oozing, tearing pains with itching and gnawing; costiveness, stool hard and difficult, followed by back-ache; protrusion of large piles, (<) at rest.

Graphites [Graph]

Piles, with pain on sitting down or on taking a wide step, as if split with a knife, also violent itching and very sore to the touch; haemorrhoids of the rectum, with burning rhagades at the anus; large haemorrhoidal tumors; protrusion of rectum, without urging to stool, as if the anus were lame; fissure ani, sharp cutting pain during stool, followed by constriction and aching for several hours, worse at night; chronic constipation, with hardness in hepatic region; moist humid eruption on scalp and behind ears; watery leucorrhoea at the time of menstruation; piles accompanied by dizziness.

Hamamelis [Ham]

Haemorrhage from piles, where the loss of a small quantity of blood is followed by PROSTRATION OUT OF PROPORTION TO THE LOSS OF BLOOD; painful and profusely bleeding piles, with burning, soreness, fulness and weight; burning soreness and at times rawness of the anus; weakness and weariness of the back, as if it would break; tumid haemorrhoidal veins, bluish in color, the whole anus encircled by a red erythematous halo; HAEMATURIA; constipation, severe frontal headache, restless nights; pulsation in rectum as if piles would protrude.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

Haemorrhoids from ENGORGEMENT OF THE LIVER, with great abdominal distress, preventing abdominal respiration; protrusion of haemorrhoids, haemorrhage from the rectum, with soft stool; sensation as if bruised in small of back and thighs; great want of vital power of expulsion from the congested condition of the veins in rectum; abdomen swollen and somewhat tender; obstinate constipation.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

EVEN A LIGHT HAEMORRHOIDAL FLOW EXHAUSTS; painful piles; severe burning, smarting pains in rectum before and after stool, with paroxysms of headache and constipation; flatulent colic, accompanied by faintness; catarrh of the bladder, with thick, ropy, mucous sediment in the urine; faintness, goneness, physical prostration; icterus.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Piles bleed profusely; fulness of the veins, full pulse, skin and muscle lax.

Ignatia [Ign]

Contractive sore pain in rectum, like from blind haemorrhoids, one or two hours after stool; stools large or soft, but passed with difficulty; constriction of anus after stool, (<) by standing or sitting, (>) while walking, though renewed and worse by taking the fresh air; sudden sharp stitches in rectum, shooting upward into the body, with every cough; moderate effort at stool causes prolapsus ani; spasmodic constriction of anus, strangulating piles; bleeding during and after stool; haemorrhage and pain (<) when stool is loose; fissura ani; pruritus ani; ulcerated haemorrhoids in rectum.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Stool dry, too large in size, rectum inactive, feels distressed an hour or two before stool; SENSATION AS IF A RED-HOT POKER WERE BEING THRUST UP THE RECTUM, (>) by sitting in cold water; stinging, burning, tearing, itching pain, even after a natural stool, setting patient nearly crazy and depriving him of sleep; haemorrhoids complicating fistula ani, especially in persons suffering from lung troubles; sensation as if anus would be fissured, (>) by horseback exercise or by any pressure on anus.

Kali-sulph [Kali-s]

Haemorrhoids with catarrh of stomach and yellow, mucus-coated tongue; sensation of faintness in stomach and dull feeling in head, fearing to lose her senses.

Lachesis [Lach]

Piles PROTRUDING AND STRANGULATED, with stitches upward at each cough or sneeze; sensation as of a plug in the anus; rectum prolapsed or tumefied; beating in the anus as from hammers, worse at climaxis or with drunkards.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

Copious haemorrhoidal discharge; discharge of black blood after stool; debility; sensation of tightness in the epigastrium and acidity of the stomach; sense of weakness and oppression at the epigastrium, with oppression of the chest.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Varices protrude, painful when sitting; discharge of blood, even with soft stool; itching eruption at the anus, painful to touch; itching and tension at the anus in the evening in bed; continued burning or stitching pain in the rectum; constipation; ineffectual urging from the contraction of the sphincter ani; flatulence; painless haematuria; pain in the sacral region, extending to the thighs, worse rising from a seat; bleeding piles which contain an amount of blood, a far greater quantity of blood than the size of the vein would warrant; piles which do not mature, but from partial absorption of their contents remain as hard, bluish limps; great tendency to excoriations about anus which bleed easily.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.