Haemorrhage from uterus

Lachesis [Lach]

Pain in right ovarian region, extending towards uterus steadily increasing till relieved by a discharge of blood, menorrhagia, leaving a sediment like charred straw, with chills at night and flushes of heat in daytime, fungus haematodes, climaxis.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

NEARLY EXSANGUINATED FROM LOSS OF BLOOD, patient cold, clammy, pale dimness of vision, cold extremities, peculiar suffocating spells around heart, gasping for breath, tearing in vertex, stupor or coma Uterus flabby or somewhat hard.

Ledum [Led]

Profuse menorrhagia, caused by POLYPI, menses too early and too profuse, with absence of vital heat, she can hardly keep warm.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Haemorrhage during climaxis, chronic catarrh of abdominal organs with obstinate Leucorrhoea and symptoms of venous fulness in abdomen and extremities, sensation as if full up to throat, cutting pains across abdomen from right to left, with rumbling in upper and descending to lower part of abdomen, with discharge of much flatulence and (>) by a flow of blood; profuse and protracted flow partly black, clotted partly bright-red, partly serum, with labor-like pains, followed by swooning increased flow of blood from vagina during every passage of hard or soft stool.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

Menses too early and too profuse flowing decidedly more at night and never during uterine pains, blood pitchy and dark.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-mur]

Metrorrhages of old women who have passed climaxis flow profuse, dark and clotted, hanging out of vulva like icicles; serious and anxious mental condition; scorbutic gums, salivation; mouth and tongue moist with thirst.

Millefolium [Mill]

Haemorrhage of bright-red and fluid blood after great exertion, excessive flow, lasts too long, painless or with colic pains, sterility with too profuse menstruation.

Mitchella-repens [Mit]

Uterus engorged, bright-red haemorrhage with dysuria.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Uterine haemorrhage from overexertion of body, long lasting cases; absence of pain, copious flooding kept up by ulcers on os uteri especially in cachectic in women; blood rather fluid from loss of plasticity; asthenia. After miscarriage or confinement, with violent pressure, as if every thing would come out of the vulva, with pain in small of back and down through the hips to thighs.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Menses irregular in time and quantity flow generally dark, thick, with intolerable dryness of mouth and tongue, the latter so dry that it sticks to the palate; great fear of death, violent headache; flatulent colic; post partum, rumbling and distension of abdomen from flatus, expulsion of flatus from uterus and vagina.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Metrorrhagia as a precursor of the critical age, also after parturition, particularly if there be constipation or frequent calls to small and painful stools.

Opium [Op]

Menorrhagia, with great sleepiness, yet she cannot sleep, the sheets are so hot she has to change to a cooler place every little while; menses profuse, violent colic, forcing her to bend over, urging to stool.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Frequent and profuse metrorrhagia, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a short time; menorrhagia in nursing women; menses early profuse, long-lasting, with pain in small of back, and palpitation sense of emptiness in abdomen, cold feet and legs.

Platina [Plat]

Premature or excessive development of sexual instinct, catamenia early, long continued and profuse, blood dark, thick and tarry, but not coagulated, with chilliness and unnatural sensitiveness of vulva; menorrhagia associated with melancholy of older women; metrorrhagia of dark, thick and tarry blood, with pain in the small of back, which penetrates into both groins, with excessive sensitiveness of the genital organs flooding, with the SENSATION AS IF THE BODY WERE GROWING LARGE in every direction; great sexual excitement, haemorrhage during pregnancy, horrifying thoughts.

Plumbum [Plb]

Metrorrhagia, with a sensation of a string from the abdomen to the back, constipation, faeces composed of lumps packed together like sheep’s manure; anxiety about heart, dark clots alternating with fluids blood or bloody serum; skin dry, pale, yellowish, melancholic mood.

Podophyllum [Podo]

Haemorrhage from straining or overlifting; prolapsus uteri et ani constipation.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Haemorrhage ceases for a short time and then recommences with redoubled force, the blood black, mixed with coagulated lumps, most profuse in persons given to reveries, at the critical age, better in the open air.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Menorrhagia from a strain, blood bright-red, if in rheumatic women, worse at night, demanding constant change of position for relief, and worse at every change of weather.

Sabina [Sabin]

Pain or a feeling of uncomfortableness extending between the sacrum and pubis, flow profuse, intermixed with clots, the blood most frequently of a bright-red color, sometimes dark-red frequently attended by pains in joints; the slightest motion excites the flow afresh, but very much walking lessens it, excessive, debilitating menses with abdominal spasms painless loss of dark-red blood after miscarriage, immediately after parturition PLETHORIC WOMEN WITH HABITUAL MENORRHAGIA, who began to menstruate very early in life, always menstruated freely, and showed more or less a tendency to miscarriage; great weakness or nervousness in head and extremities; menorrhagia with erethism.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

Metrorrhagia at climaxis, blood BRIGHT-RED, CLOTTED AND OFTEN OFFENSIVE, Accompanied by sick-headache flushing of face and flushes of heat, face scarlet, passing off with moisture and faint, weak feeling flow at a later stage becomes dark and less offensive.

Secale [Sec]

Painless flooding in feeble, CACHECTIC DYSCRATIC women, or who have long resided in tropical climates, general coldness, while the patient feels too warm and does not wish to be covered, feverish pulse haemorrhage passive, dark colored and continuous, seldom clotted, sometimes offensive, and the slightest motion aggravates the flow particularly where the weakness is not caused by loss of blood. Haemorrhage, with strong bearing down pains, haemorrhage from atony of the uterus, especially after protracted labor or miscarriage, aggravated by the slightest motion; menses usually too profuse and too long lasting with spasms and mental depression or melancholy.

Sepia [Sep]

Menorrhagia with a painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach, or with foetid urine, or sediment as if clay were burned at the bottom of the vessel, constipation, icy-cold feet and flushes of heat icy-cold paroxysms yellow spots on her face, a yellow saddle across the ridge of her nose; chronic congestion of uterus with sense of weight as if all would come out of the vulva.

Silicea [Sil]

Metrorrhagia, with terribly offensive sweating of the feet constipation.

Stramonium [Stram]

Metrorrhagia, with excessive loquacity, singing and praying, full of strange ideas; menorrhagia, with drawing pains in the limbs and abdomen, abdominal sexual excitement.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Chronic haemorrhage, she seems to get almost well when it occurs again and again, day after day, for weeks she is weak, has fainting spells, flushes of heat, heat on the top of the head and cold feet, sleep very light, gets hungry spells, when she cannot wait for her food, especially for her dinner.

Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]

Tremulous sensation in the whole body during profuse menses

without trembling.

Thlaspi-bursa-pastoris [Thlaspi]

Haemorrhage with severe uterine colic, with clots of blood, following miscarriage, menorrhage during climaxis or when in connection with cancer of the neck of the womb.

Trillium [Tril]

Active Uterine Haemorrhage, of dark, thick and clotted blood, continuing at intervals of several days, followed by haemorrhage and great prostration, especially for women who invariably flow after parturition or miscarriage, also haemorrhage of thick, dark and clotted blood during climaxis, crowding sensation in veins like a tightening up of the parts (<) in those of legs and anlkes. Gushing of bright red blood from uterus at the least movement later on blood pale from anemia; menses often come on from overexertion, too long a ride, etc., with profuse flow attended with faint feeling at epigastrium, coldness of extremities, rapid and feeble pulse.

Ustilago [Ust]

Persistent Haemorrhage following retention of the segundiness, after abortion, metrorrhagia dependent on or associated with ovarian irritation, flooding during climaxis, blood bright-red, partly fluid partly clotted, slightest manipulation for a digital examination causes oozing of blood with small black coagula, as though partial disorganization took place, copious flow of menses, with great restlessness and pain, menorrhagia from retroflexion of uterus or from subinvolution; womb enlarged, cervix tumefied, os dilated, swollen, flabby, PERfect INERTIA of Uterus.

Vinca-minor-and-major [Vinc]

Excessive profuse menses flowing like a stream, with great debility, passive uterine haemorrhage from fibroid tumors (led)

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.