
Ranunculus-bulb [Ran-b]

Vesicular eruption on face, as from a burn, smarts as if scalded; vesiculation followed by scabbing and this by a renewal of vesicles, attended by burning and itching and formation of hard, horny scabs; eruption in clusters; herpes on gingers and palms of hands.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Moist eruptions on head, beginning with small yellow vesicles with red areolae, forming thick crusts and hard horny scabs which eat off the hair, offensive itching, worse at night, surface raw, excoriated; extends to shoulder, s or eczema scroti on insides of thighs, discharging freely, or thickened, infiltrated and between the fields sore and humid, (<) by changes of weather, especially wet weather, in winter. Eczema of right hand. Cold fresh air is not tolerated on head making scalp painful (Sil).

Rhus-ven [Rhus-v]

Intense itching, (<) by scratching and by application of water, either hot or cold. During WINTER DRY ERUPTION ON BACK OF HANDS, DISAPPEARING IN SPRING.

Ruta [Ruta]

Eczema palmaris with unbearable itching; eczema of hands and feet; ulcers and scabs on scalp. with copious discharge. and itching after the use of meat; skin changes easily, from walking and riding, also in children.

Sarsaparilla [Sars]

Eczema from abuse of mercury; base of eruption much inflamed; crusts become detached in open air and the adjoining skin chapped; deep, burning rhagades, child cries much and is very uneasy; (<) during hot summer months.

Scrofularia-nod [Scroph-n]

Eczema of ear, hot, stinging, itching, penetrating into the meatus, with pustules springing up on the side of the side.

Sepia [Sep]

ERUPTIONS DURING PREGNANCY AND NURSING; itching vesicles and pustules on face, vertex and occiput, itching changing to burning when scratched; soreness of skin and humid places in bend of joints and behind the ears; Pruritus, with vesicles on a red base over all parts of the body, face eyelids, hands, feet, armpits, vulva, anus, ears, hairy parts; eruption is dry or soon becomes moist and discharges offensive puslike fluid copiously, which becomes dry, cracks and exfoliates.

Silicea [Sil]

Itching, burning, offensive eruption behind ears, ending in scabs, discharging pus, also on scrotum and hands, (<) by scratching; spreading from back to head; itching pustules on scalp and neck very sensitive, (>) wrapping up warmly (Rhus); pustules form and discharge copiously; skin dry, face pale and muscles relaxed.

Staphisagria [Staph]

Offensive humid vesicles, burning and itching about head, face and ears of children; a yellow scaly eruption on cheeks and behind; yellow thick scabs on scalp holding offensive pus, breeding lice. Scratching stops itching in one place, but it goes to another; skin peels off with itching, hair falls out, Sunken face, nose pointed, blue rings around eyes Cross words injure feelings; irritable children.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Dry, offensive, scabby, easily-bleeding, burning eruption, beginning along margin of hair from ear to ear posteriorly, with sore pain and cracks, (>) from scratching or humid, offensive with thick pus; yellow crusts, itching and burning, painful especially around chin and under the toes, Colicky babies with dry roughness of the skin of body, which itches from warmth and feels good from scratching (Silicea, worse); soreness between nates and in groins, most comfortable when dirty, hates to be washed. in fresh air.

Sulphuric-acid [Sul-ac]

Crusta lactea in children, with saffron-yellow, stringy shreddy, slimy stools. Moist eruption with pricking of the skin; on scratching the itching changes locality. Sycosis.

Sumbul [Sumb]

Eczema on left side of scalp in infants.

Terebinthina [Ter]

Infantile eczema in front of ear, tending to affect the eye (Graph, behind ear) often alternating with otitis.

Thuja [Thuj]

AFTER VACCINATION THE ECZEMA IS WORSE (Sil); itching vesicles with shooting pains skin extremely sensitive to touch, burning violently after scratching; dry, scaly eruption on head, extending to temples, eyebrows, ears and neck, with itching, tingling, biting. Dryness of covered parts; sweat on uncovered parts smelling like honey; eruptions only on covered parts; (<) from wet, washing or pollutions only on covered parts; (<) from wet, washing or poulticing; offensive perspiration on feet; wants head and face warmly wrapped up (Sil)

Ustilago [Ust]

ECZEMA IMPETIGINOSUM, whole scalp one filthy mass of inflammation; pustular ulceration of skin; whole skin dry, hot, congested.

Vinca-minor [Vinc]

Badly-smelling eruption on head, face and behind ears; humid eruptions, itching at night, with burning after scratching eruption appearing in spots, oozing moisture and matting the hair (Oleand., Mez., Viol.).

Viola-tric [Viol-t]

Humid, miliary eruption on scalp, itching at night, breeding vermin, discharging yellow water or pus; urine smells like cat’s urine; swelling of cervical glands; milk-crusts of children.

Zincum-met [Zinc]

Dry eruption all over body, formication between skin and flesh,(<) at night in bed,. disappearing by touching parts; itching in the bends of the joints, especially when following mental exhaustion or nervous shocks.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.