
Graphites [Graph]

Fat people blonde complexion; women with scanty menses; VERY DRY SKIN, NEVER PERSPIRES humid, spreading and scurfy eczema; painful to contact, starting behind ears, extending to vertex and down to cheeks; eczema of scalp, forming massive dirty crusts, which mat down to cheeks; eczema of scalp, forming massive dirty rusts, which mat down to cheeks; eczema of scalp, forming massive dirty crusts, which mat the hair together; violent itching and burning, (>) mornings, in-doors, from cold or draught of air, at night, with profuse serous exudations behind the ears, back of head, palms of hands, bends of limbs, around anus, surrounded by a raw surface with deep rhagades, gradually becoming sticky, gluey and finally offensive, perfectly indifferent to external touch; useful after Lycopodium

Hepar [Hep]

Eczema of scalp, humid, very sore and sensitive to the touch, burning or sore on scratching, itching violently on rising in the morning, on genitals and upon folds on scrotum and thighs, emoting an offensive odor, spreading by means of new pimples appearing just beyond the old parts; BOILS ON HEAD AND NECK, very sensitive to contact (opposite to Graph); pustules around the seat of the disease, hands and feet always cold. Often useful after application of salves and ointments; crusta lactea tetter, rhagades, excoriations.,

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Eczema on margin of hair in front of head, (<) coming from cold into warm room, oozes after washing,, itching when warm; scalp and face covered with thick crusts, which upon removal red, raw and infiltrated patches poor digestion;l constipation alternating with diarrhoea.

Juglans-ciner [Jug-c]

ECZEMA OF HANDS AND WRISTS, one attack hardly subsiding before another sets in; ichor oozing out when using hands, with intolerable itching and soreness, depriving patient of sleep; dyspepsia with bronchial irritation and cough; scrofulous swellings of glands.

Kali-arsen [Kali-ar]

DRY CHRONIC ECZEMA: Skin of arms thicker and rougher than natural, itching and tingling when getting warm, intensely suffered about joints, occasionally (<) with eruption of distinct vesicles.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Eruption begins on ears and spreads over half the head; greenish crusts with oozing of whitish thick matte; painful small boils on back of head; hair thin and scattered or nearly falling off. rheumatism alternating with gastric symptoms, one appearing in the fall, the other in the spring; catarrhs alternating with rheumatism;; suits persons of a blotchy red appearance with tendency to catarrhs of the mucous membranes.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Eczema on sebaceous or sudoriferous glands, causing an abscess in each of the and developing a scaly eruption; moist eczema of legs with pityriasis of scalp.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Persons inclined to pulmonary troubles; eruption dry at first, but when scratched exuding a moisture; great dryness of skin; yellow, scaly violent spots over the body, especially on abdomen and around nipples.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Eczema of thighs, pityriasis of scalp; small boils on neck, face, scalp, back, chest, suppurating and often leaving scars; suppuration and atrophy of glands, scrofulosis.

Kali-mur [Kali-m]

ECZEMA AFTER VACCINATION with oozing from inflamed skin, whitish, opaque, muco-purulent discharge; eczema from suppressed or deranged uterine functions; barbers’ itch; intertrigo of infants; discharges of thick, white or yellowish slimy mucus from nose, ears or eyes or from any passage lined with mucous membrane.

Kali-sulph [Kali-s]

EFFECTS OF IVY POISONING; copious peeling off of epithelium, leaving the base moist and sticky; discharge often decidedly yellow, slimy, sometimes sticky or watery matter; burning, itching, papular eruption, exuding the puslike moisture.

Lappa-major [Lappa]

Moist, badly smelling, grayish-white crusts; most of hair gone and eruption extending to face.

Ledum-pal [Led]

ECZEMA OF DRUNKARDS, eruption comes out after a spree; dry eruption; gnawing, itching of skin; sensation as if lice were crawling over the surface unnatural dryness of skin, (<) from heat, motion and at night, violent spasmodic cough from extension o eruption into the air passages.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Begins on back of head and extends to face, also on hands, crusts thick, easily bleeding, oozing a foetid moisture, full of deep rhagades (Graph), breeding lice, itching violently; (<) from 4 to 8 P.M., from getting heated, from poultices;(>) from cold air or uncovering the parts; cervical glands swollen; swallow, constipated, disposed to intertrigo.

Mercurius [Merc]

Humid foetid eruption; thick, yellow disc large or yellow crusts form on scalp, surrounded by an inflamed border; itching (<) at night in bed, with pain from scratching and tendency to bleed (Sulph); great tendency to clammy sweat over the body; nervous and sleepless; much salivation; greenish Diarrhoea; (>) in the morning after rising (Mercurius pr. alb.)

Mezereum [Mez]

Eczema affects especially those parts of the skin that are normally deficient in fat. Vesicles full of clear serum on nose and back, skin under ruptured vesicles inflamed, formation of a brown scab, violently itching in almost all parts of the skin, compelling to scratch, and then changing location, (<) evening; large white scabs, with ichor under them, becoming offensive and breeding lice (Led); scabs look chalky (Lappa) and spread to brows, nape and throat. child scratches face incessantly, it is covered with blood, great fat pustules form after scratching; honey-like crust about mouth and cheeks; (<) when undressing, in bed; from touch; constant chilliness, general or partial, especially in extremities; intense thirst, but drinks only a little at a time; scrofulosis.

Muriatic-acid [Mur-ac]

Eczema solaris; red, itching pimples on forehead, cheeks and around mouth; whole face red.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

ECZEMA solaris; red, itching pimples on forehead, cheeks and around mouth; whole face red.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

White, scaly scabs on the head from ear to ear; thick scabs oozing pus and matting the hair together, with rawness, soreness and smarting pain; eruption about mouth, bends of knees and folds of skin generally, borders and corners of eyelids raw and ulcerated, oozing a corroding, gluey fluid, (<) forenoon about 10 to 11, from exercise or warmth, (>) when lying down.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

Very moist eruptions, with much oozing of fluids, secretions more watery than sticky. Vesicular eczema, thin, watery, discharge exuding from the stiff, swollen fingers; palms of hands raw and sore, fine water blisters here and there over the the body; barbers’ itch.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

After abuse of mercurial ointments; eczema ani with long-lasting pain in rectum after stool and itching at night; humid, stinging eruption on vertex and temples, bleeding easily when scratched and feeling very when lain on, also in auditory meatus, or genitals, about the anus and on hand (left) chronic swelling of tonsils; (<) nights, in open air, from change of weather and during sweat; (>) in cold air. Gouty inheritance, child likes sweet.

Nux-juglans [Jug-r]

Burning itching vesicles upon a cracked surface with a greenish discharge which stiffens the linen; large blood-boils on shoulders and in hepatic region, very painful. TINEA FAVOSA.

Oleander [Olnd]

Vesicular eruption about he head of children, with smooth, shining surface, with drops of serum standing out her and there and scabs turning brown when dry; humid scaly eruption on back part of head and behind ears, with biting and itching, a s if from lice; skin gets raw by the rubbing of the clothing; gnawing itching while undressing, skin sensitive and sore; absence of mind; fainting, marked weakness of lower limbs; gloomy and irritable.

Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]

Exceedingly sensitive skin, with vesicular eruptions; suffers from use of sugar and sweets.

Petroleum [Petr]

Yellowish-green, thick crusts on face and neck, most or dry and amber-colored, discharge profuse, irritating the margins, pain in denuded surface like that of a slight burn, (<) on occiput, scrotum, perineum and thighs. Itching, moist sore places or deep cracks in skin (Graphites, foul sweat; all (<) morning and in open air and cold weather; inflamed skin heals with difficulty; rhagades in winter, when the hands chap, crack, burn and itch intolerably.

Phytolacca [Phyt]

Erythematous blotches slightly elevated, passing over into vesicles, itching, but too sore to allow any scratching, or made worse by scratching; skin hot and dry; ringworm; barbers’ itch; glands inflamed and swollen.

Psorinum [Psor]

Dry or humid foetid eruption. Crusty eruptions, vesicles being pointed, with red areolae; skin itches intolerably, (<) in bed and from warmth (Clem., Mercurius, Mez., Sulphur); scratches until it bleeds; dry and scaly eruption, with little pointed vesicles around the reddened edges, DISAPPEARING DURING SUMMER, BUT REAPPEARING WHEN THE COLD WEATHER COMES ON; pale, sickly children who have continually a filthy smell which washing does not relieve; psoric constitutions, subjects to glandular and skin affections; diarrhoea watery, dark-colored and very offensive, (<) at night.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.