
Homeopathy treatment for Eczema from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Eczema…

Aconite [Acon]

Acute cases in plethoric persons; fine prickings, as from needles, here and there; spots like flea-bites, itching unchanged by scratching; restlessness.

AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]

Tetters bleed easily in children during dentition; eruption, itching and burning in bed, during heat.

Alumina [Alum]

Humid scurf, scab, sore, worse about temples, with gnawing, itching, bleeding when scratched, (<) evenings, on alternate days, from heat of bed, at new and full moon, from eating new potatoes; (>) in open air heat of bed, at new and full moon, from eating new potatoes; (>) in open air (Barytac.); or hard crust upon scalp, nails brittle, dRY SKIN, EVEN IN HOT WEATHER; every little bruise smarts. Skin feels as if white of egg had dried on its surface.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

Eczema on the bends of the extremities; excoriations between the thighs and about genitals, (<) from wet applications; violent itching, after scratching, after scratching burning blisters appear. Scrofulous children who dislike washing.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

Useful in fat, bloated and lax persons who are indolent and sluggish; eruptions on hands, wrists and shoulders; skin peels off the fingers; blisters, especially on tips; skin intensely red, covered with a fine brownish exfoliation. (>) only by applying cold water day and night; anxious dreams with feelings of embarrassment; (<) during menses with vomiting and diarrhoea.

Anacardium [Anac]

Itching vesicles, rapidly becoming pustular, large, flat, later confluent, discharging a yellowish transparent fluid, hardening to a crust in the open air as the epidermis peels of, surface swollen, hyperaemic and suppurating, spreading from right to left and affecting chiefly finger, s eyelids, face and scrotum, chest and around neck; unbearable itching.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Suppurating, yellow-crusted eruption, pain to touch and easily detached; a green sanious pus oozes out from beneath the thick, hard, yellow crusts, irritating the surrounding parts, itching violently; (<) from poultices, bathing, working in water, from alcoholic drinks and in the sun. Gastric derangement with violent thirst and map tongue; especially on face and genital organs; impetigo scroti.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Impetiginous eczema; vesicles surrounded by a red areola, with itching, chiefly about nose, neck and shoulder and back of the ears; sleepiness with nausea; irritability; does not want to be touched rattling cough.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Eruptions sting and burn like bee-stings, sensitive to touch, chiefly in circumscribed spots all over body, causing itching and restlessness, (<) by heat and (>) by exposure to air; urine scanty, no thirst.

Arsenicum-alb [Ars]

Chronic eczema; eruption upon scalp and face dry and scaly, or pimples and vesicles upon face with acrid, sometimes foetid, discharge and intense burning itching, the same on likes and genitals, (<) at night and in cold air, (>) from warmth. Branlike, scaly eruption, (<) on forehead., margin of hair, itching and burning, (<) by scratching, followed by bleeding; harsh, dry, rough skin in papers not affected by the eruption; emaciation from disturbances in vegetative sphere; emaciation of urine shows deficiency of urea (Arsenicum iod. and Arsenicum brom)

Asterias-rubens [Aster]

Eczema on things, legs, ankles and instep, itching vesicles break and form small ulcers which spread superficially; scrofulous and sycotic constitutions.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

Moist vesicular eruption, with formation of thick crusts, itching, burning, causes the hair to fall out; cervical glands hard, swollen; skin humid, sore fat, dumpy children with swollen lymphatics, enlarged tonsils and take cold easily.

Belladonna [Bell]

Over sensitiveness; eruptions during dentition, with tendency to convulsions; diffused redness of skin;l perspires only on uncovered parts as face and neck, or general sweat suddenly occurring and suddenly disappearing, erratic pains.

Bovista [Bov]

Eczema of the back of hands (baker;s and grocer’s itch), especially when the irritation is brought on by washing; moist vesicular eruption with formation of thick crusts, no relief from scratching eruption about mouth and nostrils; general lassitude, especially about joints; flabby skin; foul perspiration.

Bromium [Brom]

Eczema covers entire scalp like a cap, dirty-looking, offensive discharge, scalp tender, mouth dry and parched; stony-hard swelling of glands, especially on lower jaw and throat; flatulence, profuse moist eruption s in armpit and perineum;

high-coloured urine.

Caladium [Calad]

Burning vesicular rash on chest, forearm and vulva, alternating with attacks of asthma; great disinclination to more; vertigo on going to sleep; low-spirited, feels best when perspiring.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Thick, large, yellow scabs form on the occiput first and spread thence to face; eruption mostly dry, but thick, bland pus under the crusts; inching not very intense, but on awakening from sleep teething children are apt to scratch their head and make it bleed; moist eruption upon legs, about navel and flexure of extremities; no dread of water, but eruptions are aggravated by water; chronic eruption with cold feet, as it their were damp stockings on them; chalky stools; skin inclined to ulcerate. Eczema scrofulosum.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Scurfy and scabby eruptions in anaemic, rachitic, scrofulous constitutions; dry skin, moist on hands; itching, black scurfs; poor crop of hair or hair falling out; second dentition.

Calcarea-sulph [Calc-s]

Eczema with greenish, brownish or yellowish scabs; yellow scab follows pimples on scalp.

Cantharis [Canth]

ECZEMA SOLARE WITH MUCH BURNING AND ITCHING; when touched burning and smarting; complications with urinary troubles;l eruption begins in a small spot and spreads so as to involve a large surface, with a watery discharge underneath the scabs, (>) from lying down and in cool weather; (<) from warmth; scales form on scalp like enormous dandruff; hair falls out; perspiration smells urinous; eruption mostly on right side.

Causticum [Caust]

Pimples and crusts on tip of nose, burning, inflamed, swollen and scurfy; pustules on nostrils and nape of neck; eruption around nipple, tending to ulceration; (<) evenings in open air; (>) from warmth and heat in bed. Child is afraid in a dark room, will not go to bed alone.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Eczema of lower extremities from chronic affections of abdominal organs;l red and painful pimples and pustules on various parts; great irritability of cutaneous nerves; vesicles on lips and alae nasi, forming scabs; bright golden diarrhoea in children with capillary bronchitis.

Cicuta-virosa [Cic]

Eczema capitis, NO ITCHING, whitish scurf on chin and upper lip, with oozing; long-lasting purulent eruptions, confluent, drying down to hard lemon-colored crust, like dried honey (Ant.crud); burning soreness no fever.

Clematis [Clem]

Eruption appears on back part of head and neck, sometimes extending over face, tingling and itching drying into scabs; sticking sensation when touching the skin; vesicles break and tend to ulceration; ERUPTION MOIST DURING INCREASING MOON, DRY DURING WANING MOON; after suppressed gonorrhoea.

Conium [Con]

Glandular enlargements; moist vesicles, (<) by scratching followed by pricking in skin; gluey, sticky discharge, forming hard crusts about face, arms and mons veneris; eruptions of old people suffering from vertigo, (<) in bed; eruptions developed by being overheated.

Copaiva [Cop]

Eczema consisting of small vesicles, itching and pricking in skin; annoying itching with severe inflammation in parts denuded of epithelium; papular and pustular eruption occurring in groups, with pain in limbs and disordered stomach.

Croton-tigl [Croto-t]

PURE IDIOPATHIC ECZEMA, such as usually seen in children. Eczema on face and genitals, after Rhus poisoning. Eczema of the whole body to the soles of the feet, the small vesicles more prominent on face and eyelids, and the scrotum and genitals; swelling and redness with violent burning and itching, (<) after eating and by night, (>) by gentle scratching, after sleep; painful swelling of glands.

Condurango [Cund]

Chiefly when rhagades are present, oozing out a foetid fluid; cachectic or syphilitic dyscrasia.

Curare [Cur]

Moist eczema of face and behind ears in scrofulous children; Patches in places especially in right popliteal space and on scrotum, with bright redness and imperceptible serous exudation, forming squamous scabs,. with intense itching, (<) evening and night.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Thick crusts form on the scalp, causing the hair to fall out, thick brown to yellowish crusts one cheeks, forehead or chin; tettery crusts over whole body, glandular enlargements; exudating vesicles on face and extremities; eruption of itching vesicles, which pass into suppuration and become covered with a crust, chiefly on lower limbs and posterior surface of body; the itching diminishes after crusts form, but remains sensitive to contact and bleeds after scratching.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.