
Ignatia [Ign]

EMOTIONAL CHOREA, especially from grief or fright, with sighing and sobbing; vacillating gait; liable to stumble and fall over small objects; trembling and twitching of various muscles; precipitate volition; asthenopia, deficient action in eye muscles; (<) after eating, especially after dinner; (>) while lying on back; in children and young girls from fear of or after punishment.

Iodum [Iod]

ABDOMINAL REFLEX CHOREA; uneasiness in limbs and nervousness, with tremor gastric region to periphery; trembling of extremities, hands, fingers and eyelids; vacillating, unsteady gait; inability to move the hand to the mouth in a straight line; violent spasms in back and feet, with convulsive twitchings of feet and arms; pains on moving the body; hurried, small, wiry pulse; during rest the parts can be kept quiet; sadness and lowness of spirits, particularly during digestion.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Acts like a crazy person; trembling of hands; gait unsteady; irregular staggering, as if drunk; incoordination of muscles, restlessness, fitfulness of motion with giddiness.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

EMOTIONAL CHOREA, especially after fright; fearful contortions and jactitations when awake; restless sleep; violent and destructive motions, can neither sit, stand nor lie down on account of the incessant motions; clonic spasms of all the limbs, with paralytic weakness; idiotic expression of face, sunken features, with livid, grayish-yellow complexion; speech indistinct, angry at not being understood; tears the clothing, strikes at everything; spasmodic deglutition; unusual appetite; gasping for breath; cold, clammy feet up to the knees; emaciation.

Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]

Convulsive contractions of almost all the muscles of the body, and a feeling as if she would be crazy if she did not hold herself tightly; spasmodic contraction of ciliary muscles; tired feeling in eyes; UTERINE AND OVARIAN CHOREA. (Cimicif.)

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Involuntary alternate extension and contraction of muscles; on awaking; cross, kicks, scolds, or awakens terrified, as if dreaming; on awaking at night; great fermentation in abdomen; incarcerated flatus; trembling and jerking in extremities; red sand in urine or urine leaves a red stain; constipation.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

Twitching all over body during waking hours, (>) during sleep; (<) at stool and by emotions; jerking of mouth, snapping of eyelids, unintelligible speech; heart’s action accelerated.

Mygale [Mygal]

Uncomplicated cases; head often jerked to one side, usually to the right, twitching and jerking of right arm and leg; patient attempts to put the hand up to his head when it is violently jerked backward; facial muscles distorted; arms and legs in constant motion; unable to dress without assistance; mouth and eyes open and shut in rapid succession; convulsive moments of limbs; and eyes open and shut in rapid succession; convulsive movements; of limbs; in attempting to control the involuntary movements he loses his breath until a deep inspiration is taken; pain in knees when walking and drags the legs; putting out of the tongue with difficulty; grating of teeth at night; low-spirited and depressed; (<) mornings.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Chronic cases after fright or suppression of eruptions on face; paroxysms of jumping high up regardless of obstructions and thus hurting himself, or mere jerking of the right side and the head; weakness of internal recti (Rhododendron); (<) during full moon.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

SPINAL CHOREA, with sensation of numbness in affected muscles; crawling sensation in affected parts; unsteady gait, feet drag; movements renewed by the least touch, but relieved by firm, steady pressure; poor appetite, constipation; (<) mornings, from high living. (Cocc. follows well where paralysis remains).

Opium [Op]

Emotional chorea; trembling of head, arms and hands; arms are thrown out at right angles with the body and spasmodic jerking of the flexors; convulsive movements of one or other arm to fro; TWITCHINGS CONTINUE DURING SLEEP.

Phosphoric-acid [Ph-ac]

Great weakness and prostration; jactitation of the muscles, especially in lower limbs, anaesthesia; urine milky-looking and loaded with phosphates.

Phosphorus [Phos]

CHOREA IN CHILDREN WHO GROW TOO FAST, are very weak and walk as if paralyzed, they feel always weary and tired out; twitching of limbs.

Psorinum [Psor]

After failure of Sulph. and other indicated drugs.

Pulsatilla [Puls]

Chorea in young girls at the age of puberty, whether gonorrhoea or dysmenorrhoea.

Rhododendron [Rhod]

Paroxysmal chorea, left arm, leg or face; (<) on approach of a storm; weakness of internal recti; spasmodic contraction of eyelids.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

CHOREA FROM A COLD BATH, getting drenched in a rainstorm or after suppression of measles; twitchings in extremities; unsteadiness and vacillation when attempting to stand or walk.

Scutellaria [Scut]

Hysteric chorea; nightly restlessness with frightful dreams; during the day, twitching and tremulousness of all the muscles.

Secale [Sec]

Spasmodic twitching beginning in the muscles of face (Cuprum in fingers and toes) and spreading over whole body, sometimes increasing to jumping and dancing; distortions of either a frightful or ludicrous character; spasms attack muscles of chest and diaphragm, causing loss of breath; spasm worst when affecting abdominal muscles and painful; convulsive starts, with the fingers spread out.

Sepia [Sep]

Convulsive motions of head and limbs; when talking (stammering) jerking of facial muscles; general muscular agitation; desire to change constantly place and position. Ringworm-like eruptions on skin every spring. Uterine chorea with menstrual irregularities; (>) after menses and after a thunderstorm.

Silicea [Sil]

VERMINOUS IRRITATIONS, especially from ascarides; distorted eyes, pale face, canine hunger, irritation of nostrils, constipation; oedema of face and extremities, great thirst; sleep disturbed by frightful dreams; foot-sweat of disagreeable odor.

Simaruba [Sima]

Chronic movements resulting from irritation of genital organs, as post-coitum.

Sticta-pulm [Stict]

Chorea complicated with hysteria, movements confined to lower extremities, (<) evenings; feet and legs jump and dance about in spite of the efforts to prevent them; sensation as if the legs were floating in the air when lying down.

Stramonium [Stram]

MANIA SALTATORIA; movements characterized by great violence and affecting the parts of body crosswise (Agaricus), or or the upper extremities, or isolated groups of muscles, of affecting the whole body, producing the most grotesque leaps, motions and gestures, rotates arms, claps hands over head. Full of fear, strange and inconsistent fancies; motions all rapid, runs as fast as possible, attacks preceded by formication of limbs and melancholy; diplopia; (<) at night, in dark place or dark room, during equinoxes, after fright or care. It may finally lead to idiocy.

Sulphur [Sulph]

Chronic cases, after suppressed eruption or where the skin is full of eruptions, itching (<) in warmth; frequent, spasmodic jerking of whole body, tremor of hands, unsteady gait. Peevish, irritable, obstinate, faint and hungry towards noon; soles of feet burn at night so that pressure on something cold relieves.

Sumbul [Sumb]

Constant jerking of head and limbs, with protrusion of tongue; happy disposition, smiles all the time; idiotic expression; fear of becoming insane; vomiting of food and constipation; voracious appetite.

Tarentula-hisp [Tarent]

CHOREA MAJOR with necessity for continual motion; trembling of whole body, movements irregular and violent, sometimes cannot speak, swallow, sit, stand or walk, but must constantly lie down; motions especially affect right arm and left leg; NOCTURNAL CHOREA, contortions not ceasing even at night; sometimes only right side affected; can run better than walk; vertigo and fainting; oppression in cardiac region; praecordial anxiety and fear of impending death; contraction and painful rigidity of some muscles; (<) from pressure and touch; (>) from diversion, especially music; feels best in bed.

Thuja [Thuj]

Sycosis. Craving appetite; hair dry; soreness of corners mouth; ill-humored and obstinate; laughs without cause; violent spasmodic twitching and prattling of unintelligible words,

followed by sleep.

Veratrum-vir [Verat-v]

CHOREA MAGNA with extremely severe convulsive action; must violent distortions of the body, universal, UNAFFECTED BY SLEEP; lips covered with foam; inability to swallow; wakes up by continual chattering of teeth during sleep; intense sexual excitement, convulsions like electric shocks, opisthotonos.

Zincum-met [Zinc]

Chronic chorea, (<) after dinner, towards evening, after drinking wine and DURING REST; great depression of spirits; twitching in various muscles; whole body jerks during sleep; starting and rolling from side to side on waking; cries out as if frightened; feet fidgety (Stict.) and constantly moved while in bed; (<) from exercise. Chorea much affecting the general health, caused by fright or suppressed eruptions.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.