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Children diseases – Convulsions in children

Homeopathy treatment for Children diseases – Convulsions in children from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Children diseases – Convulsions in children…

Aconite [Acon]

Often from exposure to dry, cold air; teething; very restless, anguish; biting its fists; dry, hot skin; twitching of single muscles; costive or dark, watery stools; convulsions from otitis or from the irritation of worms; vertigo on rising from a recumbent position.

AEthusa [Aeth]

Spasms with stupor, delirium; turning of eyes downward; epileptiforms; with clenched thumbs, red face; opisthotonos; great weakness, children cannot stand or hold their heads up.

Agaricus [Agar]

Spasms, with tremors of body; involuntary movements while awake.

Amyl-nitrite [Aml-n]

Convulsions, with unconsciousness and inability no swallow; frequent piercing shrieks; after long-continued convulsions weak; emaciation with tendency to sweat easily from slight exertion; during convulsions rigidity of limbs.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Spasms from repelled eruptions, with paleness of skin and difficult breathing; great prostration and faintness; cold sweat on forehead.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Nervous restlessness; convulsions; trembling and jerking of limbs; shrieking; boring the head into the pillow; cerebral affections.

Arnica [Arn]

Spasms, in consequence of a fall or other injury. (Hepar follows well.)

Arsenicum [Ars]

The child lies as if dead; pale, but warm; is breathless for some time; finally it twists its mouth, fist to one side, then to the other; a violent jerk appears to pass through the whole body and respiration and consciousness gradually return.

Artemisia [Art-v]

Convulsions from irritation of worms (Cin., Stann.).

Belladonna [Bell]

Starting from sleep with a wild look, dilated pupils; heat of the head and hands; red eyes and flushed face; sopor after

spasms. Convulsion may commence in arm and then the body he thrown forward and backward; child very drowsy, but cannot sleep; sudden twitchings or jerks while asleep or awake, screaming for hours without cause.

Bryonia [Bry]

Spasms developed through repercussion of measles.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Tendency to spasms in scrofulous diathesis; open fontanelles; teething process generally very slow or may be too rapid; often needful after Belladonna

Camphora [Camph]

Spasms from suppressed catarrh of head an chest; TRISMUS AND TETANUS NEONATORUM, ORIGINATING IN SOME WOUND, affecting the nervous and venous system.

Causticum [Caust]

Affecting upper part of body, with feverish heat and coldness of hands and feet; convulsive motions of the extremities in the evening while sleeping, with disturbed vision and icy coldness of body.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Child makes itself stiff and bends backward; petulant and angry disposition, kicks with the feet and screams immoderately. Convulsions of children; legs moved up and down; grasping and reaching with the hands; mouth drawn from side to side; hot sweat about head and face, eyes starting, jerking and twitching even in sleep. The nurse may have had a fit of anger which causes the convulsions of the child.

Cicuta-vir [Cic]

Violent shocks through the head, arms and legs, which cause them to jerk suddenly; spasmodic rigidity of the body, either opisthotonos or emprosthotonos. The child seems well and in great spirits, when suddenly it becomes rigid, then relaxation sets in, with great prostration. Tonic spasms, renewed from the slightest touch, or the least talking or walking about. Helminthiasis, or dentition.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Children wake at night with a frightened look and trembling of the limbs, covered with cool, clammy sweat.

Cina [Cina]

Child is feeble, lax and ailing; painful sensibility in the limbs of whole body on motion or touch; attacks worse early in morning and evening, and most violent after eating; convulsive attacks at night; spasms of children with throwing the arms from side to side; convulsions of the extensor muscles, the child becomes suddenly stiff, followed by trembling of whole body, with blue lips, and whining; complains of pain in throat, chest and all the limbs; there is a clucking noise during convulsion as if water were poured out of a bottle from throat down to abdomen; paralytic pains in arms and legs; child cross, will not be pleased, strikes around him.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Irritable weakness, spasms from sleeplessness, during convalescence.

Coffea [Coff]

Convulsions of teething children; with grinding of teeth and coldness of limbs after over-excitement; weakly and excitable children.

Cuprum-met [Cupr]

Spasms often preceded by violent vomiting of phlegm; marked blueness of face and mouth; any attempt to swallow fluids causes gurgling in throat; biting on the glass or spoon; SPASMS BEGIN IN FINGERS AND TOES, with fingers clenched, (<) on arousing from sleep; child lies on belly and spasmodically thrusts the breech up; after convulsion child screams, turns and twists till another spasm begins, convulsions from dentition or from failure of eruption to come out, or from its retrocession.

Cuprum-acet [Cupr-acet]


Gelsemium [Gels]

Convulsions from reflex irritation, head feels very large, face deep red.

Helleborus [Hell]

Convulsions of nursing children, with extreme coldness; urine very dark, with a sediment like coffee-grounds; intense and intolerable pain in head, as if an electric shock passed through it, followed by spasms.

Hepar [Hep]

Convulsions after injury where Arnica fails; trismus neonatorum.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Epileptiform convulsions; spasms affecting muscles of face, jaws and back; blueness of the surface of the body.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Sudden starting and twitching of muscles, one arm will twitch, then the other, MOTIONS, ANGULAR, twitchings and convulsions after meals; every muscle is convulsed, frothing of mouth, followed by profound sleep; sudden shrieks, followed by convulsions and insensibility; sleeplessness from twitching when going to sleep; retention of urine; from fright and fear, from worms.

Ignatia [Ign]

SPASMS RETURN AT SAME HOUR DAILY; during commencement of eruptive fevers; during dentition, with frothing at the mouth, kicking with legs; after punishment of child, screaming and violent trembling all over; after fright of grief (of the nurse); spasms of children, preceded by hasty drinking; affection of single parts; excessive timidity and nervousness.

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Convulsions from over-indulgence in mixed food; much nausea or vomiting, either before or during or after spasms; child is spasmodically drawn in some direction; body rigid, stretched out, followed by spasmodic jerking of arms; from a suppressed eruption.

Kali-brom [Kali-br]

Night terrors of children; convulsions reflex from dentition or worms; child is constantly active or in motion, nearly afraid to sleep.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Convulsions (>) or pass off by frequent eructations.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Convulsions from swelling of gum over a tooth not quite through; TEETH LOOK BLACK AND DECAY as soon as they appear; otitis; bronchial irritation from teething; great restlessness, wants to be in motion all the time and screams the whole night.

Lachesis [Lach]

Spasms come of during sleep; trembling of tongue, cold feet, stretching backward of the body and screaming.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

Much gasping for breath before, during or after a spasm, with bluish tint of skin; after fright; emaciation.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Half-open condition of eyelids during sleep; conjunctiva dry and as if powder were sprinkled on it, cornea hidden under upper eyelid; spasms from incarcerated, with screaming, foaming at mouth, throwing arms about, unconsciousness.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

Where Bell was apparently indicated, but failed; after the spasm excessive sensitiveness to every impression on its senses, even to touch and especially to noise; look of suspicion and fear; easily agitated; spasms at early morn; especially convulsions during dentition.

Melilotus [Meli]

Convulsions in nervous children during dentition, with loss of consciousness; easily furious; (<) from nosebleed.

Mercurius [Merc]

Convulsions, with cries, rigidity, bloated abdomen; itching of nose and throat; (<) at night; swelling of gums, profuse ptyalism or from suppressed salivation.

Monotropa [Mono]

Excessive nervousness; convulsions from dentition, worms. temper of nurse; SPASM RENEWED BY LEAST TOUCH, followed by deep sleep.

Opium [Op]

Child wakes up apparently frightened, crying and screaming, finally spasms set in, child jerks from head to foot, throws its head back, with upturned eyes, open mouth and quivering chin, legs and arms spread out followed by deep sleep; spasm from fright or anger; from approach of strangers; in newborn babes screaming even during spasm.

Platina [Plat]

Tonic spasms without loss of consciousness in anaemic children, preceded and followed by constriction of OEsophagus and respiratory embarrassment.

Secale [Sec]

In thin, scrawny children; affecting single muscles; twisting of head to and fro; labored and anxious respiration, hands stretched out.

Silicea [Sil]

Spasms returning at change of the moon; after vaccination; at night; attacks preceded by coldness of left side, shaking and twisting of left arm; sweating scalp.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.