
Gratiola-off [Grat]

Cardialgia, pain commences in pit of stomach and spreads to upper abdomen, back and especially kidneys; pressure at pit of stomach as from stone rolling from side to side, with cramp like drawing which mounts into chest, frequent urging to vomit and eructations, (<) after food, constipation; urine scanty, reddish, turbid and painful to discharge; empty or cold feeling in stomach.

Hippomanes [Hipp]

ICY COLDNESS IN STOMACH; desire for acids and aversion to sweet things; sensation of emptiness in stomach and head.

Hydrastis-can [Hydr]

Faintness at the stomach; sinking, gone feeling, with violent palpitation of the heart; acidity; constipation.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Gastralgia, (<) when the stomach is empty and (>) by food, sinking at the stomach with weakness in the limbs and loss of power in the muscles; heart sympathizes with the dyspeptic symptoms; much flatulency.

Hyoscyamus [Hyos]

Cramps in stomach, with loud shrieks, vomiting, convulsions; cramps better after vomiting; pit of stomach tender to touch.

Ignatia [Ign]

Sensation of sinking and weakness in the pit of stomach, with qualmishness; regurgitation of food, flat taste, or sighing; spasmodic pains in stomach, (>) when eating; periodical attacks of cramps, (<) from emotions at night and from touch, and (>) by change of position; anxious feeling in praecordia; belching, with pressure in cardia; suitable to nervous or hysterical people or to those who had been starving from want or from other causes; empty retching sometimes; relieved by eating, vomits at night the food taken in the evening; copious urination.

Iris-vers [Iris]

Great burning pains in epigastrium, coming on at intervals; everything sours in stomach; food vomited an hour or so after meals; nausea, straining and belching of wind.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

ORGANIC CARDIALGIA. Fulness and pressure after a full meal which was relished (China; heavy pressure in stomach after taking a little food), cannot bear tight clothing; nausea and faintness in stomach and abdomen, (>) by breakfast; GASTRIC AND RHEUMATIC SYMPTOMS ALTERNATE.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Cutting, lancinating or constricting boring pains, (<) after midnight, in cold weather, cannot sit up straight; pit of stomach swollen and sensitive to touch; pain in back and legs after eating; haemorrhoids; constipation after confinement or very large-formed faeces.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

IRRITABLE WEAKNESS OF THE STOMACH, though it retains the food several hours it finally ejects it undigested; painless gastromalacia; painful, hard spot at or to the left of the stomach; gnawing, burning constricting pain in stomach and hypochondria. (<) in the morning, during motion, cannot tolerate tight clothing; frequent and distressing eructations.

Lachesis [Lach]

Utter emptiness goneness or faintness of stomach several hours after eating; earthy yellowness of face; gnawing pressure, (>) after eating, but returning as soon as stomach is empty, very violent after a siesta; pit of stomach painful to touch; dark urine; excessively foetid stools; FOOD BECOMES VIOLENTLY ACID IN THE STOMACH; hepatic affections of drunkards and syphilitic persons.

Leptandra [Lept]

Constant distress in the lower part of the epigastrium and upper portions of the umbilical regions; sharp cutting pains at intervals in the same parts; burning-aching sensation in the stomach, aggravated, by drinking cold water; weak, sinking

sensation in the pit of the stomach; great desire for stool, that cannot be retained one moment.

Lithium-carb [Lith-c]

Gastralgia accompanied by pain in left temple and orbit, (>) by eating; drinking chocolate or cocoa causes diarrhoea; pain in heart by bending forward.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

Nausea, pain, heat, oppression and excessive uneasiness; extreme nausea, with profuse perspiration; FEELING OF WEAKNESS OF THE STOMACH, EXTENDING THROUGH THE WHOLE CHEST; feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach as from a plug; violent painful constriction in the cardia; tightness of the epigastrium, with acidity of the stomach; faintness or weakness at pit of stomach from excessive use of green tea or tobacco; heartburn.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Gnawing griping in the region of the stomach; compressive pain as if the stomach were pressed together from both sides; flatulence, immediately after a meal; the stomach is full, bloated, distended; tension as from a cord marking the diaphragmatic attachments; he cannot stretch or stand upright; abdominal plethora; full and bloated stomach, acidity, pyrosis; the pains radiate according to the flatulency, to the chest, acidity, pyrosis; the pains radiate according to the flatulency, to the chest, the back, upward to the oesophagus, downward to the umbilicus and abdomen, (<) from cold drinks and (>) from warm drinks (Lachesis, the reverse); stomach deranged from pastry and farinaceous, heavy food.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

Frequent rumbling and grumbling pain in gastric and epigastric region, disagreeable taste and want of appetite; aversion to warm food and desire for fruit and sour things; INTENSE THIRST FOR COLD WATER; great nausea and vomiting, at first water, afterwards, of the food taken and finally again of an insipid fluid.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Cardialgia, (<) during night and (>) when eating something at once, and by belching after eating and by walking about; throbbing in pit of stomach, eroding pains radiating from stomach around both sides of body, especially left, can only rest on left side, horripilations; palpitation when sitting quietly; stools knotty like sheep’s dung.

Magnesia-phos [Mag-p]

Gastralgia with clean tongue;; feeling of crampy constriction; griping in stomach with eructations of air, affording no relief, (>) by bending double, by rubbing, by external warmth, rarely by eructations; flatulency of little children.

Natrum-carb [Nat-c]

Pit of stomach sensitive to touch and WHEN TALKING; gnawing and pressure in stomach, (>) from eating; flatus changing place and causing pain.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Cardialgia better immediately after eating, but pressing, constricting, stitching burning pains, setting in one or two hours after eating; cramp in stomach, (>) FROM TIGHTENING THE CLOTHES; clawing in pit of stomach; waterbrash; heartburn with palpitation; disgust for fat and bread; relief when digestion is completed; sensation of hair no tongue, which he tries to wipe away.

Natrum-phos [Nat-p]

Gastralgia with predominating acidity; ulceration of stomach, loss of appetite, disgust for milk, pastry and fat.

Natrum-sulph [Nat-s]

Gastralgia on a sycotic basis; squeamishness in stomach before meals; constant rising of sour water; nausea, vomiting, first of a sour, then of a bitter fluid; boring in stomach as if it were perforated, or burning, pinching in the morning after rising, (>) by breakfast; cannot bear tight clothing around waist.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Vascular and organic cardialgia; erosions and ulcers of the stomach; spinal irritation; burning, gnawing, stitching pains; sensitive to pressure and motion; EATING EASES, but soon products again pain and feeling of satiety; heartburn; sour alleviating eructations; distension of the abdomen, preventing breathing; pulsations in different parts of the body; pain in cardiac orifice on swallowing food.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

Atony of digestion; gastric catarrh with flatulent swelling; voraciousness or loss of appetite; twisting pains below the stomach, as from colic; severe pain in praecordia, with vomiting; wants to eat after taking a meal, but feels uncomfortable and tired; scratching eructations as from rancid oil; irritation of stomach from overtaxed mental powers; weak digestion, especially in the aged; arthritic and hysteric gastralgia.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Neurotic and congestive gastralgia; A LIGHT PRESSURE INCREASES THE PAIN, BUT HARDER PRESSURE RELIEVES; bending forward gives therefore, immediate relief; vomiting relieves, so that the paroxysms of pain cease for the time being; burning in the stomach at the pylorus; clawing cramping pain in the stomach, with pressure and tension between the scapulae; pains extend to chest or down the back to the anus, with urging to stool; pressure in epigastrium as from a stone; the pressure of the clothes on epigastrium feels painful; pains worse after a meal, from taking offence, at night, towards morning or after rising; sensation as if a band were tied around the chest, with pain extending to the back and kidneys, attended with nausea, water in mouth, heartburn, and even vomiting of the ingesta; sour or foul taste in mouth, flatulency in abdomen, hemicrania, palpitations.

Oxalic-acid [Ox-ac]

Burning sensation from the throat downward to the seat of pain, awakens at night with violent pressive pains, like a heavy weight, coming and going at intervals, flatulent discharges relieve, stomach sensitive, slightest touch causes excruciating pains; empty feeling, forcing one to eat.

Petroleum [Petr]

Gastralgia, with pressing-drawing pains, BETTER FROM EATING; sensation of emptiness and weakness of the stomach; waterbrash; feeling of fulness in pit of stomach, which is painful to the touch; aversion to open air; don’t like to move.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.