
Calcarea-hypophos [Calc-hp]

Constant desire to ear, feels well only when the stomach is full, or else severe pain; pressure and distress in the pit of the stomach, recurring about two hours after each meal. Milk relieves.

Capsicum [Caps]

Burning in stomach, especially after eating; nervous, spasmodic vomiting; stomach icy cold or burning in it; heartburn, waterbrash.

Carbo-an [Carb-an]

Burning-aching pain, acidity heartburn, faint, gone feeling, not (>) by eating; fulness, cold feeling in stomach, after slight meal, relieved by laying hand on it; eructations tasting of food eaten long ago.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

ATONY OF DIGESTION. Suits old people, the male sex and the haemorrhoidal world; pains in stomach from loss of nutrition;

excessive hunger at night, must eat to appease it; painful burning pressure, with anguish trembling, and aggravation by contact, at night and after a meal, especially after taking flatulent food; spasmodic contractive pain, compelling the patient to blend double, with short breathing and aggravation in a recumbent position; heartburn; nausea; loathing of food, even when merely thinking of it; frequent flatulence, with oppression of chest and constipation, (<) by belching, eructations sour, rancid; flatulence burning putrid, moist offensive; (<) from debauchery.

Castoreum [Cast]

Pain in stomach going round to left hypochondrium and through to back, (<) after dinner, (>) by warmth, pressure or bending double; sensation in stomach as if it would go to sleep; violent pains in bowels and back, arresting breathing, with yawning, faintness, chilliness, borborygmi and tasteless eructations.

Causticum [Caust]

Pressure, spasmodic constriction and griping in stomach, as if clawed, especially on deep breathing; pain in the stomach in morning, increased by every quick movement or bodily exertion and gradually decreasing during rest, must lie down; nausea during and after meals; acidity and mucus in the stomach; constant sensation as of lime being burned in the stomach.

Chamomilla [Cham]

Distension, of the epigastrium and hypochondria, with PRESSURE AS FROM A STONE; oppression, short and difficult breathing; aggravation of the pains after a meal, or at NIGHT, with great ANGUISH AND RESTLESSNESS; decrease of the pains by bending double, INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF BY COFFEE; and when the following symptoms are present: beating pain in the vertex, at night, obliging one to get out of bed; irritable; peevish mood. Cham is frequently most suitable in alternation with Coffea; if it should be ineffectual, give Bell instead.

Chelidonium [Chel]

Atony of digestion from morbid hepatic states; alternate heat and coldness in the stomach; gnawing and digging pains in the stomach, RELIEVED BY EATING HEARTILY; spasmodic contraction, stitching and burning, with eructations, nausea, salivation; short breath and anxiety; relieved by belching; empty eructations after eating; desire for hot drinks, especially for water nearly boiling; for milk, which relieves.

China [Chin]

Dyspeptic weakness, with DISTENSION OF AND PAINFUL PRESSURE IN THE REGION OF THE STOMACH, AFTER EATING OR DRINKING EVER TO LITTLE; acidity; heartburn, slimy of bilious passages; the pains get worse during rest, abate during motion; loss of appetite, aversion to food and drink; idleness; sleepiness; hypochondriac mood and INABILITY TO WORK, ESPECIALLY AFTER A MEAL; slow stool; yellow, livid complexion; yellow appearance of the whites; belching gives no relief (belching relieves: Carb. v.).

Cicuta [Cic]

Swelling of stomach as from violent spasm of diaphragm; gastralgia with vomiting, painful distension of abdomen and spasm of pectoral muscles; swelling and throbbing in pit of stomach; burning pressure in stomach and abdomen; waterbrash; a quantity of saliva running from mouth, with sensation of heat all over; IRRESISTIBLE DESIRE TO EAT COAL.

Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Myalgia of diaphragm, simulating cardialgia; severe pains in gastric region, diverging around the ribs each way and through to the back; intense pain near cardiac region of stomach, causing faintness; eructations, nausea, vomiting; severe headache, brain feels as if too large, (>) by pressure.

Cina [Cina]

Gnawing sensation in stomach, as if from hunger; epigastric pain, (<) on first waking in the morning and before meal, (<) by food; desire for many and different things; exceeding crossness and obstinacy.

Cistus-can [Cist]

Cool feeling in stomach before can after eating; desire for acid food and fruit, but pain and diarrhoea follow after eating them; empty and cool eructations, with feeling as if they would relieve.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Violent attacks of gastralgia, she has to roll and twist, is thirsty, grasp for breath; griping, constrictive pains during day, (>) towards evening; SENSATION IN STOMACH AS IF ONE HAD BEEN A LONG TIME WITHOUT FOOD TILL HUNGER IS GONE; nausea, malaise and vomiting when riding in a carriage, boat or train or cars; sea- sickness; cardialgia from menstrual affections; morning nausea; confused headache after eating or drinking; extreme aversion to food, caused even by smell of food, although with hunger.

Coffea [Coff]

Cramps in stomach, which feels tight after food; vomiting without lest exertion; tension of epigastrium with sensitiveness to touch.

Conium [Con]

Pressure in the stomach during eating, contraction in the back with sensation of coldness, griping and sore feeling; dryness of the mouth; contraction in the throat, with retching; painful acid eructations with mouth; contraction in the throat, with retching; painful acid eructations with burning in the stomach, nausea and severe vomiting of mucus, spasmodic cough; violent pain in the stomach, two or three hours after eating, but also at night; somewhat better in the knee-elbow position; eructations offensive or frequent and empty, with heartburn; acrid heartburn; with very acrid eructations greatly irritating the tongue; hysteria.

Cuprum [Cupr]

Neuralgia of vagus; cardialgia in connection with chlorosis; pressure, nausea, eructations; rumbling in abdomen; sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under the ribs with different sounds, (<) by fluid food and (>) by tight clothing, or a bandage, or from lying quite; violent pressure at stomach, with contractive pains at intervals; cramps in stomach and chest, extending upward with violent diarrhoea and prostration.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Aversion to ordinary food and desire for inedible things; after slight nourishment indescribable pain in scrobiculum cordis, which only stopped after vomiting it up, (<) after coffee; light sleep, constantly waking up; loss of all ambition and tired of life.

Dioscorea [Dios]

Dull heavy pain in the pit of the stomach, (>) after eating, relieved by frequent eructations of air; the pains radiate from the stomach in all directions, and at time they appear suddenly in the head and feet; belching large quantities of wind, with sensation as if both temples were in a vise; has to unfasten her clothing, relief by stretching the body or by walking about; burning distress in the stomach, with sharp, prickling pains in it, and faintness; flatulent distension after meals in persons of weak digestion.

Elaps-coral [Elaps]

Cold drinks, ice, ice-cream, fruit feel like cold lumps in the stomach; weight in stomach after eating; sinking, faint feeling at the pit of the stomach, relieved by lying down on abdomen; constipation, fearful of some impending fatal disease; desire for sweetened buttermilk.

Ferrum [Ferr]

Neuralgic and anaemic cardialgia; atony of digestion; vomiting of food immediately after eating, without any preceding nausea, as also when coughing or moving about; heavy pressure in pit of stomach; palpitating in stomach, and through oesophagus, as if a nerve were quivering, with an occasional suffocative feeling as if a valve rose in the throat; cardiac uneasiness; canine hunger, alternating with extreme dislike to all food; eructations tasting of the food just taken; unquenchable thirst or thirstlessness, (<) from meat, sour fruit, milk, tobacco, tea and beer; (<) with an empty stomach, (>) after breakfast.

Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]

Acute and chronic gastralgia, (<) by eating and pressure on stomach; vomiting of food; gastric region and hypochondria puffed up.

Gelsemium [Gels]

Sensation of a heavy load, with weight, tension and dull pain; empty, faint sensations in epigastrium; a false hunger; a kind of gnawing; nervous exhaustion, as found in persons of dissolute habits; temporary improvement from stimulants.

Graphites [Graph]

Crampy, spasmodic or clawing pains, or pressure, with vomiting of the ingesta, relieved by lying down and the warmth of the bed, and returning when rising, with vomiting; acidity; constipation; pains in the hepatic region; sensation of a lump in the stomach, with constant beating as of two hammers; the pain comes on as soon as the stomach is empty and drives her to eat; disagreeable taste in morning, as though he had eaten eggs; relief from warm food or drinks. Nervous cardialgia, with anaemia (chlorotic color of face); dysmenorrhoea. Herpetic constitution.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.