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Homeopathy treatment for Cardialgia from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Cardialgia…

Abies-nigra [Abies-n]

Total loss of appetite in the morning, but great craving for food at noon and at night; sensation of an undigested, hard- boiled egg in the stomach, the food sags in stomach and lies there like a load (Nux v., a knotted feeling); continual distressing constriction just above the pit of the stomach; painful sensation as if something were lodged in the chest and

had to be coughing up, hardly any amount of coughing dislodges the painful object; waterbrash follows and often large quantities of mucus are brought up, but the offending subject remains causing much distress and profuse lachrymation. (H.N.G.) DISTRESS IMMEDIATELY AFTER EATING.

Abrotanum [Abrot]

Gnawing hunger; craves bread boiled in milk; appetite sometimes ravenous while emaciating; burning in stomach as from acidity; sensation as if the stomach were hanging or swimming in water, with a peculiar feeling of coldness and a dulness to all irritants; pains cutting, gnawing burning, sometimes contracting and stinging, mostly (<) at night; never entirely free from pain even in the intervals of the spasms; constipation; haemorrhoids; gastralgia after suppressed gout.

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Violent burning pain in stomach, cannot bear slightest pressure; Sensation as if there were an ulcer in the stomach or as if the contents were in a constant ferment; sour eructations; sour vomiting; profuse salivation and waterbrash day and night; great

thirst for large quantities of water; profuse urination; profuse debilitating night-sweats and emaciation, bread and butter disagrees, cannot drink anything cold and vomits at every meal.

Aconite [Acon]

Pressure in stomach and pit of stomach, as from a weight or hard stone, extending through to the back; warmth in stomach; anxious feeling in the praecordia; severe and constant pain in epigastrium, pressing outward.

AEsculus-hip [Aesc]

Pain in stomach for four or five hours after eating, which continues till food is taken; aching, cutting and burning distress in stomach, fluttering sensation with faintness in pit of stomach; periodical tightness in the scrobiculus, with labored breathing.

AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]

Painful contractions of stomach, so severe as to prevent vomiting; tearing, rending pains in pit of stomach, extending to oesophagus, with sensation as if the stomach were turned upside down, accompanied by a burning feeling up the chest; while eating sudden heaviness in forehead; desire for wine (anaemic patients); intolerance of milk.

Agaricus [Agar]

Eructations with the taste of apples or rotten eggs; heart burn almost always after eating meat; burning and twisting pains in the stomach an hour or more after a meal; constant sensation in stomach as if it were sinking like a heavy weight towards the abdomen; gastric derangement with itching, burning and redness in different parts of the body as if frost-bitten; much hunger, but no appetite; fainting turns with inclination to vomit, sometimes alternating with a jerking as of some heavy object.

Ammonium-brom [Am-br]

Terrible distress in upper part of epigastrium; must hold mouth open when walking on account of heat in throat and lungs; sighs and walks the room with fear of dying; belching relieves faintness of stomach.

Anacardium-orient [Anac]

Drawing pain at cardia when walking fast; craving for food, eating relieves distress for a few hours, the craving then returns to be again relieved by eating; heartburn after eating soup; sensation of fasting in pit of stomach, followed by pressure in stomach, in the morning; weak memory.

Aranea-diadema [Aran]

After eating very little food violent convulsive pains in the stomach, with nausea, oppression of chest and violent gaping; convulsions then become general, with trembling of the whole body; spasmodic movements and a desire to be constantly moving when sitting in a chair.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Delicate nervous women; gnawing ulcerative pain, confined to a small circumscribed spot in the stomach as from a sore, forcing one to double himself up, aggravated by the lest motion or food; spinal irritation; tendency to gangrene. The pain comes on sometimes immediately after taking food, as if the oesophagus were irritated as well as the stomach; heartburn; epileptiform convulsions from a heavy meal. Irritative flatulent gastralgia, chiefly affecting the cardia and oesophagus, accompanied and relieved by belching; faintish sort of nausea with palpitation, sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat when swallowing, irritating the respiration, (>) by stretching and moving the neck. Suitable to delicate nervous, women, especially when the affection arises from depressing causes, nightly watching, etc. The pain gradually increases in intensity; when at its acme the patients often press their clenched first into the region of the stomach for relief, and then the pains gradually decrease again; irresistible desire for sugar and piquant food and drinks.

Arnica [Arn]

Gastrodynia, with feeling of nausea and repletion DURING and after eating; pinching, spasmodic griping, as if posterior wall of the stomach would be forcibly pressed against the spine; colicky pains in abdomen and sides; FOUL BELCHING like rotten eggs, especially mornings; vomits all solids, but retains liquids; obstinate constipation.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Gnawing corroding pains, alternating with pressure in the stomach, with weight as of a stone or hard lump (objectively confirmed by the hardness of the stomach); sensation of soreness and of ulceration in the stomach, which is tender to pressure; fruitless retching; vomiting immediately after eating or drinking; violent vomiting of food and gastric fluids; pain in stomach (<) by sweet milk, desire for warm food, for hot coffee, for stimulants; intense heat and burning in stomach and pit of stomach, with anguish, great restlessness and fainting.

Asafoetida [Asaf]

Pressing, cutting, stitching pains in spells, not regular; FULL OF WIND, PRESSING UPWARD, never down; gulping up rancid fluid; meteorism of stomach, with great feeling of tension and difficult eructation; empty feeling in stomach, not a pain, with faintness, (<) about 11 A.M.; sensation of peristaltic motion in abdomen from below upward; strong pulsations in epigastrium after eating; obstinate constipation or very offensive diarrhoea.

Baptisia [Bapt]

Sensation as if the OEsophagus from its beginning to the stomach were too narrow and constricted; constant burning distress in epigastrium and cramp in the stomach; the patient can only swallow fluids, but no solids, as they cause gagging when entering the pharynx.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

GASTRALGIA RESTING ON A MATERIAL BASIS, especially stenosis of the cardiac or pylorus from hypertrophy; heaviness of the stomach immediately after the food has entered the stomach; pressure as from a stone, better from eructations, sour a few hours after dinner.

Belladonna [Bell]

Gnawing, pressing, crampy, drawing and wrenching pain in stomach, extending through to spine; between the shoulder-blades dull aching, with a sense of fatigue and tired feeling in the spine, relieved by bending backward, worse after drinking; painful pressure in pit of stomach when walking, compels him to walk slowly; hard pressure on stomach after eating, extending through to spine between shoulders; paroxysmal stomach; sensation of hunger after a meal; frequent empty eructations.

Bismuth [Bism]

Spells of cardialgia, during which the abdominal muscles are spasmodically contracted; pressure in stomach, especially after a meal; GASTRALGIA NERVOSA with retching and VOMITING AS SOON AS FOOD TOUCHES THE STOMACH; dyspnoea, trembling of limbs and convulsion, the pain so violent as to cause fainting. (>) momentarily by cold water, but may be vomited up as soon as it reaches the stomach, and by bending backward; burning in stomach, with violent ejection of food; spasmodic vomiting; pyrosis; (<) towards evening; or brought on at any time by fatigue or over- exertion; hysterical girls and women suffering from spinal irritation.

Bryonia [Bry]

Pressure on the stomach, not circumscribed, but extending over the whole stomach; pains come on one or two hours after eating, keep on for a few hours, and gradually decline; pressure on account of the bloatedness of the abdomen and dyspnoea; epigastric region painful to touch, cannot endure the clothes; stitching pains in gastric region, (<) from motion, especially from a misstep; compressive sensation in temples, forehead and occiput as if the skull would burst; relief obtained by making pressure on head and temples.

Caladium [Calad]

Burning in stomach, not (>) by drinking, it becomes a severe pressure, extending upward under breast, preventing respiration and eructation; empty hollow feeling and sensation as if a bird were fluttering in stomach, causing nausea but no retching; (<) after vinegar and all acids.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

All food tastes too fresh, he wishes to have more salt on it; walk disagrees; sour or burning-sour eructations or tasting of the ingesta; an undefined sensation of weight in stomach, with great anguish; intolerable feeling of pressure, as from tight clothes, around the hypochondria; pressing pains from above downward, or from before backward, in the abdomen, about the umbilical region; flatulence, gurgling in the right side of the abdomen (Lycopodium left); pressing-pinching, spasmodically squeezing and contracting pains in the stomach, particularly after meals, with vomiting of food, (>) from motion, (>) lying quiet on the back.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.