Spinal Irritation
Aconite [Acon]
Stiffness in nape of neck, especially felt on motion; drawings in muscles of throat and neck in scapulae; stiffness and shooting in back and impossibility to take a deep breath when the back is very painful, not relieved by rest, worse by pressure; tensive, pressive pain in lumbar and sacral region, (<) on stepping; pain as if from a bruise from loins through back into nape of neck; numbness and coldness of upper and lower extremities; (<) evenings and night, in warm room or bed (>) in open air.
AEsculus-hip [Aesc]
Weakness, weariness and lameness in the small of the back sore and tired mornings when awaking; constant dull backache, walking almost impossible, scarcely able to stoop or to rise after sitting, especially across HIPS AND SACRUM; darting and shooting pains in upper and lower extremities, most on left side; paralytic feeling in arms, legs and spine; (<) by exercise, (>) by rest.
AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]
DISTRESSING PAIN IN OCCIPUT AND NAPE OF NECK, extending down spine, relieved by friction with hot whisky; sensation as if small of back were in a vise,(>) by straightening out and bending stiffly backward.
Agaricus [Agar]
Great sensitiveness of SINGLE VERTEBRAE TO THE HOT SPONGE; pain and sensitiveness in lumbar region and sacrum, especially during exertion in daytime and while sitting; violent, electric like shocks, shooting from lumbar region to lower part of body; extremities go to sleep easily; feeling as if her limbs do not belong to her; formication of all extremities; COLDNESS OF GLUTEI; sensation as if a cold air were passing from spine over whole body; painful stitches in cardiac region; palpitation of heart in old people, due to spinal irritation; pulse full, slow, intermittent; twitching of eyes and eyelids; frequent erections, great sexual desire, after coitus great weariness and relaxation and night-sweats; (<) mornings and before a thunderstorm and very sensitive to cold air.
Alumina [Alum]
Pain in back as if a HOT IRON WERE THRUST THROUGH THE LOWER VERTEBRAE; violent stitch in middle of back; throbbing in small of back during stool; nates go to sleep while sitting; heaviness in feet with great lassitude of legs; great exhaustion, especially after walking in open air; skin harsh and dry with absence of perspiration; costive from inert rectum.
Ambra [Ambr]
Pain in back of head and neck as from a sprain, cannot bear to be touched; painful tension in lumbar region; UNCOMMON TWITCHING
AND COLDNESS OF THE BODY, at night; weariness with painful soreness of all limbs.
Ammonium-mur [Am-m]
BRUISED AND SPRAINED SENSATION BETWEEN SCAPULAE, with feeling as if the skin were stretched tight; INTERNAL ICY COLDNESS BETWEEN SHOULDERS, followed by itching; frightful backache as if shattered, or as if compressed in a vise, often awakening her from sleep, at ease in no position,(<) by motion; neuralgic pains in extremities, cannot walk erect, on account of pain, as from a sprain in the groins; tension in joints as from shortening of the muscles; cracking in all the joints; aversion to meat and great desire for coffee.
Angustura [Ang]
Sensation of tremulousness in muscles of neck; pain in cervical vertebrae, as if dislocated, when lifting the arm; drawing stiff feeling in the morning in bed and in afternoon, with stitches extending deep into chest, during motion.
Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]
Violent pain in sacro-lumbar region, the slightest effort to move causes retching and cold, clammy sweat; rheumatic pains with sweat, which does not relieve; prostration and sluggishness of body, with bad humor.
Argentum-nit [Arg-n]
Pain in small of black, (>) when standing or walking, but severe when rising from a seat; stiffness, heaviness, paralytic pain from sacrum down along pelvis and hips; shaky legs and trembling hands.
Arnica [Arn]
Lumbago from overexertion and straining; weakness of cervical muscles with great sensitiveness to pressure; crawling in vertebral column; pressive pain between scapulae seeming to extend from the posterior wall of the stomach, and cutting thrusts extending into chest while walking; every part of body feel sore; (<) from excitement, (>) by rest.
Arsenicum [Ars]
Stiffness in spinal column beginning IN REGION OF OS COCCYGIS AND GOING UP TO NAPE OF NECK, causing trunk to bend backward; loss of strength in small of back; spasmodic constriction in stomach, extending through to back; great prostration with anguish.
Asafoetida [Asaf]
Exaggerated sensitiveness of spine, with heat along back; severe pressure in some of costal vertebrae.
Baryta-carb [Bar-c]
Tension in neck and scapula, and stiffness; pains in loins in cold air; rheumatic irritation of the spine; pain and stiffness in small of back, can hardly rise from chair; tearing in limbs with chilliness, glandular swellings.
Belladonna [Bell]
Violent pressive pain in neck when coughing; sensation of weight with violent pressing in occiput; sensation as if nape of neck were struck with a hammer; back aches as if it would break; bearing down on the sacrum; stiffness of muscles of back and lower extremities prevents him from sitting up in bed or raising himself upright, (>) by standing or walking.
Berberis [Berb]
PAIN FROM BACK TO STOMACH, OR VICE VERSA, going around abdomen towards the bladder; tenderness of back aggravated by acrid, sour vomiting; pain and numbness in back during menses; (<) when sitting or lying, in the morning when awaking; tearing, stitching or throbbing and tearing in limbs; increased urination.
Bryonia [Bry]
Drawing and stiffness of cervical muscles, especially right side; shooting stitches in back through to chest; violent pain in first dorsal vertebra, extending through thorax to lower portion of sternum and impeding respiration; small of back pains as if bruised when lying upon it, (<) by even a light touch on spine and from slightest motion; every spot on body painful to pressure, (<) mornings.
Calcarea-carb [Calc]
Drawing pains between scapulae and pressure which impedes respiration, and painfulness in bones of spine to touch; pain in small of back so that he can hardly rise from sitting; muscular debility and soreness; stiffness when beginning to move; PARTS FEEL SUBJECTIVELY COLD AND ICY COLDNESS IN AND ON HEAD; trembling of inner and outer parts; weak feeling in back, (<) from mental annoyance, can hardly rise; softening of spine, with contraction of limbs; (<) from cold, damp air, from washing; lumbago from overlifting; SPINAL IRRITATION FROM SEXUAL EXCESSES OR MASTURBATION.
Calcarea-fluor [Calc-f]
Lumbago from strains; pains (<) after rest, (>) from moving a little or from warmth (after failure of Rhus).
Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]
Rheumatic pain and stiffness of neck, with dulness of head, from slight draught of air; violent pain in small of back from slightest bodily effort; scoliosis sinistra, lumbar vertebrae bent forward; (<) in autumn and cold weather, (>) in spring.
Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]
Pain with drawing through lumbar vertebrae, on standing, forcing him to stoop, with SENSATION OF DROPS FALLING FROM AND UPON DIFFERENT SPOTS; warmth in spine extending to head.
Cantharides [Canth]
Pain in loins, kidneys and abdomen, with incessant desire to urinate, and can only pass a few drops with moaning, weakness and trembling of limbs; general coldness, collapse.
Capsicum [Caps]
Sensation as if COLD WATER WAS DROPPING DOWN BACK; drawing, tearing pain in spine and back; coldness beginning in back; drawing downward in back, while standing and moving, with bruised sensation.
Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]
Great sense of weight on neck, with tenderness even to touch over seventh cervical vertebra; soreness in muscles of back and limbs, can hardly straighten himself out, (<) by riding; great languor and prostration; tired out from the least exertion.
Causticum [Caust]
Feeling as of a COLD WIND BLOWING BETWEEN THE SHOULDERS; aching at inner margin of right scapula on moving arm or turning head to that side; pain in back during menses; pressing, cramplike pain in small of back and renal region while sitting, better after rising; lameness in small of back; weakness and trembling of limbs.
Cereus-bonplandii [Cere-b]
Tenderness on pressure along the spines of all the cervical and upper dorsal vertebrae; pain in cardiac region, with tenderness over left ribs just below the heart (Cact.)
Chelidonium [Chel]
STIFF NECK WITH CRACKING OF THE VERTEBRAE when moving the neck or breath in deeply; pain in all vertebrae, as if sore,(<) by motion and from pressure on spinous process; pain in and beneath right scapula, extending through thorax to sternum; tearing pressure in lowest lumbar vertebrae; when bending forward or backward, feeling as if vertebrae would be separated from each other and torn apart.
Chininum-sulph [Chin-s]
Sensitiveness of last cervical and first dorsal vertebrae to pressure; third dorsal vertebra very painful to touch, with oppression of chest; great weakness, especially of feet, making walking difficult; periodical pain in back, returning about midnight and extending into head; twitching or clonic spasms in limbs.