
Cimicifuga [Cimic]

Upper and lower cervical vertebrae sore to touch, when bending head forward, feeling as if spinal cord would be drawn out; weight and pain in lumbar and sacral region, extending around abdomen or downward into lower limbs; nausea and retching on pressure upon the spine between the fourth and fifth vertebrae, with fainting; excessive nervousness from interior disorders.

Cicuta [Cic]

PAINFUL TENSION ON INNER SURFACE OF SCAPULA; sensation of a vesicle or ulcer on right scapula, painful to touch; spasmodic symptoms after mechanical injuries.

Cobaltum [Cob]

Pain in back, (<) while sitting (Zincum met.), (>) on walking or lying down, especially when caused by sexual excesses.

Cocculus [Cocc]

Cervical muscles nearly unable to support the head, (>) by bending backward; trembling in back; paralytic pain in small of back, with spasmodic drawing across the hips; preventing walking and anxious, fearful mood; sensation of cracking or stiffness in vertebrae, which are sensitive to touch; feeling of hollowness in some of the cavities of the body; palpitations from mental excitement; great lassitude, it is exertion to talk or to walk; irritable, hysterical weakness.

Colchicum [Colch]

Pressing pain or tension in cervical muscles; felt even when swallowing rheumatic pains in neck and back, (<) on motion; drawing, tension and stitches in back; sudden tearing and shooting in loins; sensation of lameness through limbs, with great weakness.

Colocynthis [Coloc]

Great tenderness on pressure over spinous processes of all cervical and first four dorsal vertebrae; weakness and pains in back, with pressing headache mornings; painful lassitude in small of back and lower limbs; sharp, cutting, lancinating pain running up back;, lumbago, coxalgia; icy coldness of hands and feet.

Conium [Con]

Hysterical backache; weakness and lameness in small of back and general lassitude, (<) on bending backward or after a short walk, with nausea and weakness; ILL EFFECTS OF BRUISES AND SHOCKS TO THE SPINE, (<) when laughing, sneezing or taking a quick breath; staggering gait; coldness of limbs.

Crocus [Croc]

SUDDEN FEELING OF COLDNESS IN BACK, as if cold water were thrown over him; limbs go to sleep a night; icy cold extremities.

Dioscorea [Dios]

WEAK BACK AND WEAK KNEES FOLLOW SEMINAL LOSSES (Calc next); violent spasmodic neuralgia of abdominal organs; dull pain in lumbar region, (<) bending spine, or sharp and extending to the testicles; sharp, darting pains in various parts of body and limbs.

Gelsemium [Gels]

SPINAL CONGESTION; prostration, languor, muscles feel bruised and will not obey the will; pains from spine to shoulders and head; myalgic pains, excessive irritability of mind and body, dull aching in lumbar and sacral region; fatigue of lower limbs after slight exercise; nervous chills.

Glonoinum [Glon]

Headache from spinal irritation: lancinating pain from heart to between the shoulders, and hot sensation the whole length of back.

Guaco [Gua]

Burning and aching in upper part of spine, with difficulty of swallowing and constriction of larynx, and extreme sensitiveness to touch; PAINFUL PARESIS AFTER APOPLEXY.

Guaiacum [Guai]

Rheumatic stiffness of whole left side of back, with intolerable pain on slightest motion or turning the part, not noticed on touch or during rest, drawing limbs out of shape; gouty nodes on joints.

Hamamelis [Ham]

Small of back feels as if it would break; tearing pains across small of back, with fulness of joints of legs; dull backache, weakness of limbs, with going to sleep of various parts of the body; great languor.

Helleborus [Hell]

Stiffness of cervical muscles; rigidity of neck; shooting, piercing, contracting pains in limbs (spotted fever); convulsions with extreme coldness.

Helonias [Helon]

Burning and heat in the dorsal region, mostly between the lower half of the scapulae; backache across lumbar region; pain about the upper part of sacrum and pelvis, (<) at night; piercing pain in lower part of the back, through to uterus; all tired out without apparent cause.

Hepar-sulph [Hep]

OVERSENSITIVENESS TO PAIN OR TO COLD; rheumatic pain in back, with sensation as if bruised, while walking, standing or lying with sharp pressure in lumbar vertebrae extending to lower limbs and compelling to limp.

Hydrastis [Hydr]

Lumbar backache with stiffness while bending over cannot straighten out; dull heavy, dragging pain and stiffness in back, necessitating the use of the arms to rise from a seat; must walk about in order to be able to straighten out; shifting rheumatic pains in extremities.

Hypericum [Hyper]

After a fall, slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries; cervical vertebrae very sensitive to touch; violent pains and inability to walk or stoop after a fall on coccyx.

Ignatia [Ign]

Stiffness of nape of neck, with tendency to spasmodic closure of the jaws; pain as if beaten, at night, when lying on back; pain in sacrum, even while lying upon the back, in the morning in bed. Spinal irritation from depressing emotions with hysterical symptoms.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Rheumatic sharp shooting pains in back and down left side into the hip; pain in coccyx., (<) from walking, touch, or on rising from long sitting.

Kali-carb [Kali-c]

Backache, while walking she feels as if she must give up and lie down, after confinement, miscarriage; uterine, rheumatic or neuralgic backache, which feels as if back were broken or bruised during rest, not during movement; weakness in back and legs; stitching pain in back at 3 A.M., has to get up and walk about to get relief; gnawing in coccyx; limbs tired, cold.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Small of back feels as if it were in a vise, very painful not allowing to lie still at night or in daytime; bruised pain in lumbar region; has to sit mostly in bent position, with difficulty in walking; pain in coccyx as from a fall.

Kalmia-lat [Kalm]

VIOLENT PAIN IN UPPER THREE DORSAL VERTEBRAE, extending through shoulders; constant pain in spine, (<) in lumbar region, with great heat and burning; shifting rheumatic pains from upper to lower parts; (<) by motion.

Kreosotum [Kreos]

Coldness extending up back, between shoulders, during menses; pain as if small of back would break, (<) rest,. motion; continuous burning in small of back.

Lachesis [Lach]

HYPERSENSITIVENESS WITHOUT SORENESS, yet often relieved by rubbing; back-pain, with great restlessness, gaping and stretching of extremities; stiff neck, with tearing pains form nape up either side to top of head; pain in coccyx when sitting down, as if sitting on something sharp.

Lachnanthes [Lachn]

SENSATION AS IF A PIECE OF ICE WERE; LYING ON BACK BETWEEN SHOULDERS, followed by chill, with gooseflesh all over; sensation between scapulae as if wet with cold sweat, but skin is cold and dry; when turning neck or bending head backward, pain in nape as from dislocation; burning in os sacrum; burning in palms and soles; great weakness, as from loss of fluids.

Ledum [Led]

Painful stiffness of back and loins when rising from a seat; sticking in shoulders when lifting arm; RHEUMATISM ASCENDS; tearing from small of back to occiput, left side of the head and maxillae, mostly evenings.

Lilium-tigr [Lil-t]

Dull pain in nape with feeling of constriction; pain in lower dorsal vertebrae, as if the back would break, cold feeling in back as if cold water was poured on it; pain in sacrum, with a sensation of weight and downward pressure in hypogastrium, (<) when standing; aching, drawing or pressive pain in lumbo-sacral region from ovarian and uterine troubles.

Lobelia-infl [Lob]

Burning pain in back as if in posterior wall of stomach; extreme tenderness over sacrum, cannot bear slightest touch, sits up in bed, bending forward; difficult breathing from a strong constriction in middle of chest; nearly all symptoms disappear in the evening. (Lobelia coer: rigidity of spine, (<) by motion.)

Lycopodium [Lyc]

Stiffness and tensive pain in neck and occiput; pain as from sprain in nape, with sensitiveness to touch; burning, pressing and drawing in back, (<) by fanning back; sensation as if flesh were loose on lower part of back; pains and aches across the small of back, (<) by passing urine; sticking stitches in back on breathing; BURNING AS FROM GLOWING COALS BETWEEN SCAPULAE; limbs and extremities cold, with feeble circulation; NEURASTHENIA AND BRAIN-FAG, hence (<) in the afternoon from 4 to 8; spinal anaemia; impotence.

Magnesia-carb [Mag-c]

Sudden piercing in coccyx, a violent pain as if spine were bent back; stiff neck; pain in back and small of back as if broken, (<) from pressure.

Magnesia-mur [Mag-m]

Contractive spasmodic pain in small of back; gnawing pain in back, evenings, in bed, as if in the spinal cord, up to neck preventing sleep, with constant tossing about, and sore to touch, (<) from rest, (>) from exercise.

Manganum-acet [Mang]

Tearing in whole spinal column, from above downward; stiff neck; pain in small of back on bending backward, CROSSWISE SHIFTING RHEUMATISM; (<) from touch, motion and night.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.