Baryta-mur [Bar-m]
Complaints of elderly people, arising from chronic endoarteritis atheromatous condition of arteries; pulse rapid and full, beating of heart irregular, pulse scarcely perceptible.
Carbo-veg [Carb-v]
Aneurisms; blue varicosities; fine capillary network, having a marbled appearance; pulse irregular, intermittent, frequent.
Digitalis [Dig]
Passive congestion of lungs, depending on a weakened, dilated heart; great weakness in chest, cannot bear to talk; pulse small irregular; slow when at rest, but accelerated, full and hard from every motion.
Ferrum-phos [Ferr-p]
Small aneurism, with a great deal of throbbing.
Iodum [Iod]
Aneurism on a syphilitic basis.
Kali-iod [Kali-i]
Aneurism on a syphilitic basis.
Lachesis [Lach]
Palpitation, can bear no pressure on throat or chest; must sit up or lie on right side; numbness of left arm., fainting, anxiety; pulse small, weak accelerated.
Lycopodium [Lyc]
Sensation as if circulation stood still; burning as from hot coals between scapulae; acceleration of the pulse, with cold face and feet.
Plumbum [Plb]
Chronic endoarteritis, the cause of most aneurism; pulse 70-80, feeble, depressed, irregular, can hardly be counted, or may sink to 40; paralytic weakness in extremities, hands and feet cold; total want of sweat.
Spongia [Spong]
Aneurisma aortae, dry, paroxysmal cough, (<) lying down pressure across chest, as from a heavy weight, especially at aortic arch.