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Pseudo Psora

Signs and Symptoms of Pseudo Psora (Tubercular) Miasm given in the book A Comparison of Chronic Miasms by Tyler, ML…

THE MIND Child of the union of the syphilitic and psoric dyscrasias presents a picture of ‘the problem child”- slow in comprehension, dull, unable to keep a line of thought. Unsocial-keeps to himself and becomes sullen and morose. (R)

*See note under “Syphilis.”

Temporary amelioration by offensive foot or axillary sweat- which when suppressed often induces lung trouble or some other severe disease.

Patient is better of mental symptoms by an outbreak of an ulcer.

The epilepsy of PSORA or the true insanity of PSORA is usually of a TUBERCULAR nature, that is latent SYPHILIS and PSORA.

Malignant cases have all the miasms present.

The mental symptoms arising from moral insanity usually arise from a mixed miasm and sycosis combined with PSORA figures largely in the criminality of our country.


Vertigo in the base of the brain are apt to the be of a SYCOTIC or SYPHILITIC nature or many be of TUBERCULAR origin.

Headaches occurring every Sunday or on rest days, worse riding in carriage, or are due to the least unusual ordeal, as preparing for examinations; meeting with strangers and entertaining them. Headaches with deathly coldness of hands and feet, with prostration, sadness and general despondency.

Headaches with red face and rush of blood to head, or at certain hours of the day, usually in the forenoon; headaches better rest, quiet, sleep, eating.

Headache better nose-bleed -in fact, anything better nose bleed is tubercular.

Prosopalgia or persistent headache not easily ameliorated by treatment.

A TUBERCULAR or SYPHILITIC headache will often last for days and is very sever, often unendurable, sometimes with sensation of bands about the head. Many are due to effusion. Patient often has a weak feeling about the head- cannot hold it up, and sometimes they are so severe as to produce unconsciousness, rolling or boring of the head into the pillow, ocular paralysis, moaning with feverishness and restlessness or patient is stupid, dull or listless, even semi-conscious. Rush of blood to head, or face with roaring in ears, with determination of blood to chest, hot hands and feet, have to bathe them in cold water. See Phos and Opium. Sometimes headaches are worse heat. This shows the amelioration to be found in the SYPHILITIC miasm by cold.

In the SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR headaches of children, they strike, knock or pound their heads with their hands or against some object.


Hair dry like tow. Hair dry, dead, like hemp from old rope.

Hair moist, glues together.

Offensive odour, from head.

Hair very oily and greasy.

Hair falls out after abdominal and chest diseases or after parturition.

Moist eruption in hair.

Sever itching of scalp with moist, offensive, matted hair.

Musty odour from hair like old hay.

Fetid, sour, oily (child).

Hair mats together. Hair a mass of thick crusts of dried pus & excrement.

Crooked, bent, curved or broken eyelashes imperfect lashes.

Pustular eruptions.

Thick yellowish bland pus.

Offensive discharges from behind and about the ears. Cracks about the ears.

Moist eczematous eruptions about scalp.

Scalp is moist, perspiring copiously.

Head large, bulging, often open.

Scalp eruptions moist with copious.

A thick yellow heavy crust is apt to be TUBERCULAR or SYPHILITIC in origin.

Heat of head worse at night.

Aversion to having head uncovered.


Astigmatism and other marked refractory changes due to malformation. Changes in the lens as in sclera, choroid, ciliary body & iris Process that change organs and give us perversions of form or shape and size.

Aversion to light. Photophobia but much more marked in TUBERCULOSIS and SYPHILIS.

Dreads artificial light more than sunlight.

Disturbances in the glandular structures or in the lachrymal apparatus.

Pustular diseases as found in many cases of granular lids.

Ulcerations and specific inflammation; ciliary blepharitis, acute or chronic; scaly red lids, angry looking.

Thick copious pus formation or discharges, especially if greenish or yellowish-green, are distinctly TUBERCULAR or SYCOTIC.

Ciliary neuralgia.

Arthritic or rheumatic eye troubles are worse light or after sunset and generally better hot applications.

Styes on eyes.

A chronic dilation of the pupil in children or women. When these patients are affected with exanthematous fevers of any form there is a strong tendency to inflammatory stasis of the eye, and serious eye troubles are apt to follow.


All organic ear troubles.

Suppurative processes and destruction of the ossicles of the ears.

Ear often a safety valve in tubercular children. Abscesses relieve quite severe meningeal difficulties. They show up so frequently in measles, scarlet fever, etc. Here the tubercular element comes readily to the surface in the form of suppuration of the middle ear. More frequently aroused by fever.

All blood vessels are abnormal from capillaries to arteries, their walls are all defective and usually unduly dilated.

Peculiar carrion-like odour from these aural abscesses very characteristic.

Often discharges cheesy or curdled. If free from ear troubles these children invariably suffer from throat affections, especially tonsils, They appear well in the daytime and free from pain but at night their sufferings begin, and they often scream with ear-ache. They may begin as early as the first year and go on until puberty. The least exposure to cold or slightest draught brings on an attack. Occasionally we have prolonged febrile attacks with great suffering, suddenly better for the breaking of an abscess. Quite often their general health is better even when the ear is discharging copiously of this tubercular foul smelling pus.

Ears look pale, white, often cold, and in the blood vessels enlarged bluish in colour traceable in the tissues.

Eczematous eruptions about the ears and especially the humid eruptions, pustules, fissures and incrustations behind the ear.


Nose haemorrhages are profuse, bright red, difficult to arrest and are better cold applications. Over heating, over exercise will often bring them on.

The tubercular child will have a haemorrhage from the nose on the slightest provocation-blowing the nose, a slight blow, or washing the face even will produce it in some people.

Headaches, vertigo and congestions to the brain and head are often ameliorated by nose-bleeds.

In worst form of hay fever where there is much sneezing and with much local trouble it often depends on the tubercular taint with an acquired latent SYCOSIS ingrafted. Discharge soon becomes thick, purulent and sometimes bloody.

Hay fever is an expression of SYPHILIS and LATENT SYCOSIS very often with a PSORIC taint (R)

Rush of blood to surface inducing great heat.

Acne Rosacea.

Catarrhal discharge is thick, usually yellow and of the odour of old cheese or sulphate of hydrogen, and is constantly dropping down the throat.

In lupus of the nose the three miasms are usually present.


Eyes sunken with blue rings.

Circumscribed red spots on cheeks, usually appearing afternoon or evening.

Flashes of heat to face, head and chest.

Red lips where blood is almost ready to ooze out.

Reddish millet-sized papules on nose, cheeks, chin and ulcers in corners of mouth.

Deep fissures in lips.

In tubercular fever face is pale or with circumscribed red spots on cheeks.

Paleness of face on rising and even after eating. One cheek red, the other pale; one cheek hot, the other cold.

Tubercular face is round, skin fair, smooth and clear, with that waxy smoothness and complexion; eyes bright and sparkling, eyebrows and eye-lashes soft, glossy, long and silken, thin lips.


We have the high cheek-bones, thick lips, almost like a African, in some cases the skin of the face is rough, voice coarse, deep, often hollow, eyelids red, in flamed, scaly crusty lashes, broken, in stubby, irregularly curved & imperfect In these cases the SYPHILITIC or Tubercular element predominates in latent from.

The face and head is often seen to be in the shape of a pyramid, with apex at the chin. The nose may be well shaped, the features sharp, eyes unusually bright and sparkling, nostrils small, opening narrow and the least obstruction in the nose induces them to breathe through the mouth, which causes an imperfect expansion and filling of the lungs.

We may not see the flashes of heat or circulatory expressions we see in the other expressions of the tubercular face; indeed the face looks fairly well, even in the last stages of disease, when other parts of the body become emaciated and show marked signs of the disease.


Tree ulcers.

Swelling and induration of glands and such pathological changes as we see taking place in the teeth or dental arches are if a SYPHILITIC or TUBERCULAR diathesis.

Haemorrhage of mouth, excessive bleeding of gums (unless Syphilis is actually present) — often they will bleed at slightest touch.

Gums recede from teeth or they are soft and spongy. The dental arch is imperfect, irregular, or teeth are imperfect in form, club shaped, or they come in an imperfect or irregular order, often decaying or becoming carious before they are entirely through the gums. They appear often with much pain and suffering, accompanied with constitutional disturbances, often, a marked degree, such as diarrhoea, dysentery, spasms, convulsions, febrile states, abscesses of the middle ear, disturbance of digestion, meningeal congestion, and meningeal inflammation. These children cannot endure EXTREMES or heat or cold.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.