In regard to the diarrhoea (from cold damp) of Nat. sulph. BOGER in his Synoptic Key gives in capitals, “RUMBLING, GURGLING IN BOWELS, THEN SUDDEN GUSHING, NOISY, SPLUTTERING STOOL; after rising, in a.m.” and says Nat.sulph. is complementary to Arsenicum and Thuja. And, by the way, Kent, speaking of Nat. sulph. for asthmatic conditions in children, at puberty, etc., emphasizes that “sometimes the wheezing, the frequency of the attack, and the prostration would lead to Arsenicum, but Arsenicum will only palliate, and the case will come back more frequently for palliation; whereas the curative remedy will postpone the attacks until they are ultimately cured.”

Observe that the in Repertory Glauber’s Sal mirabile (Nat. sulph.) is one of the small group of remedies especially indicated for the asthma of children, viz. Aconite, CHAM., IPEC., Mosch., NAT.SULPH., PULS., SAMB., with a few more in lowest type. Curious that Old School should know practically nothing of Nat.sulph., save as a purgative!

NATRUM SULPH. would seem to need further provings in the potencies. But we will subjoin italicized symptoms from Allen and Hering.

Depressed. Irritable. Worse mornings: hates to speak or be spoken to.

Satiety of life; must use all self-control to prevent shooting himself.

Pressure in forehead, worse p.e.; as if forehead would burst.

Better pressure of hand: quiet: lying; worse thinking.

Hot feeling on top of HEAD.

Brain feels loose when stooping; falls towards left “temple”.

Jerk in head: throwing it towards right side.

Violent pains in head, especially base of brain and back of neck: after injuries to head.

Chronic effects from injuries to head; simple concussions, and injuries without organic affections.

EYES, large blister like granulations, with burning tears.

Crawling in eyes.

Chronic conjunctivitis with granular lids, green pus, terrible photophobia. Lids heavy as if leaden.

Stuffing of NOSE, with dryness and burning. Nose bleed before menses, after menses. Catarrhal discharge, green-yellow; green.

Dirty, greenish grey, or greenish brown coating on root of TONGUE.

Tongue burns as if covered with blisters. Tip burns.

Blisters on tongue and palate. Palate so sensitive, could hardly eat. Anything cold taken into mouth relieved it.

Thirst for something very cold: desire for ice, or ice-cold water.

Disgust for bread, of which she was fond.

Diarrhoea from vegetables, fruit, pastry, cold food and drinks and farinaceous food.

Vomiting of bile; of sour, then bitter fluid. Acidity.

Tension and sticking pains LIVER region when walking.

When taking a deep breath, a sharp, violent stitch right ABDOMEN, as if in liver, as if it would burst open there: worse sitting. Unchanged by pressure, at 4 p.m.

Great sensitiveness in liver; very painful when touched.

Tearing pain round umbilicus, with flatulence.

Collection of flatus in abdomen, with pain, without evacuation of it. Grumbling and rolling around in whole abdomen, with sudden pinches; then diarrhoea.

Loud grumbling in abdomen, with emission of very fetid flatus.

Flatulent colic: flatus passed with difficulty; caused belly- ache, and bruised pain in small of back. Wakes her at 2 a.m.

Cannot bear tight clothing about waist.

Liver: swollen and tender. Engorged, worst lying on left side.

Bilious colic. Excruciating pains. Vomiting of bile. Bitter taste. Jaundice from vexation.

Diarrhoea in wet weather; in a.m.: after farinaceous food: in cold, evening air: from vegetables, pastry, cold food or drink. Alternating with constipation. Comes on regularly every morning and return quite regularly each day.

Chronic DIARRHOEA. Tuberculosis abdominalis.

URINE burns, is less in quantity. Polyuria, esp. if diabetic.

Short breath, with piercing pain in l. side of CHEST.

Great dyspnoea, desire to take a deep breath during damp, cloudy weather.

Pressure on chest, as of a heavy load. Oppression in chest.

Stitches l. chest when sitting, yawning, during inspiration, running up from abdomen into l. chest.

Excruciating pain in rt. Hip joint, worse stooping and from some motions. When stretching or walking feels nothing. Most felt when rising from a seat, or moving in bed.

Plenty of pain in limbs, hand, fingers.

Panaritium, pain more bearable out of doors.

After striking head, FITS driving him to destruction, never knew when they were coming on: epileptiform. Very irritable; wanted to die. Constant pain in head: photophobia.

TIME: Violent colic at 2 a.m. 2 to 3 a.m. flatulent colic. 4 to 5 a.m. asthma. 9 a.m. diarrhoea.

MALARIAL SYMPTOMS: alternate creeps and fever.

HYDROGENOID CONSTITUTION: feels every change from dry to wet; cannot tolerate sea-air, or eat plants that thrive near water. Feels best on a dry day.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.