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KALI SULPHURICUM symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Homeopathic Drug Pictures by M.L. Tyler. What are the symptoms of KALI SULPHURICUM? Keynote indications and personality traits of KALI SULPHURICUM…

      Potassium Sulphate.


      We have been asked for a Drug Picture of Kali sulphuricum, and we are getting to work on it with all the more alacrity, since it is a valuable remedy about which we, and probably many of us, know very little. It has always seemed to be almost a synonym for Pulsatilla, so identical are most of their interesting and more salient symptoms; but this is explained by the fact that “a chemical analysis of Pulsatilla shows that one of its constituents is Kali sulph., another is Kali phos., and yet another is Calcarea phos. Its mucous symptoms are probably due to the presence of Kali sulph., and its mental and nervous symptoms to Kali phos. But this is, of course, pure hypothesis, and only suggested for further study and observation”. (Boericke and Dewey’s Schuessler’s Twelve Tissue Remedies.)

More than this, its modalities are mostly those of Pulsatilla. We read, “The grand characteristics of Kali sulph. are




Kali sulph. has also the bright yellow (or greenish) discharges from nose, etc., and the erratic pains characteristic of Pulsatilla when it comes to prescribing for “rheumatism”.

To again quote from the above edition of “Schuessler”, we find:

“The nearest analogue to Kali sulph. appears to be Pulsatilla. It is interesting to compare these two remedies, as they have many symptoms in common. Thus both have :

“Aggravation of symptoms in a warm room.

“Amelioration in the cool open air.

“Discharges from mucous membranes are yellow, purulent in character; sometimes yellowish-green.

“Coating of tongue yellow and slimy.

“Pressure and feeling of fullness in stomach.

“Gonorrhoea with yellow or yellowish-green, bland discharge.

“Yellow expectoration from the lungs on coughing.

“Hoarseness from a simple cold.

“Pains in the limbs, worse at night and from warmth: better in cool, open air.

“Palpitation of the heart.

“Migratory or shifting and wandering rheumatic pains.”

Having shown the correspondences, it may be well to show the considerations that differentiate between the two drugs. They are vital.


Kali sulph. “None of importance.”

Pulsatilla is often prescribed on its mental symptoms alone. Mild, yielding, good-humoured; yet apt to burst into tears when spoken to, or when they attempt to speak; as when giving symptoms.

Very easily excited to tears.

Uneasiness and tears regarding their affairs and health.

Involuntary laughter and tears.

Changeable disposition; caprice.

Desires and rejects things in the Chamomilla style.

Discouragement : indecision.

One of the drugs of suspicion and jealousy (Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Nux vomica, Stramonium).

EYES. Both the drugs affects the eyes, and have a reputation for cataract.

EARS. Both affect the ears, with pains, deafness. In Pulsatilla the pain may be almost insupportable, and accompanied by high fever. Kali sulph. is useful for polypi of meatus.

NOSE. In both, any distress and stoppage is worse in a warm room. Pulsatilla has also epistaxis, and imaginary smells.

A characteristic of Pulsatilla is no two stools alike.

Great rattling in chest is suggestive of Kali sulph. Rattling of mucus with cough.

Skin and nails are especially affected by Kali sulph.

Chilblains that turn blue suggest especially Pulsatilla, and where they are unbearable when hot. (Agaricus when cold.)

Kali sulph. is even suggested for epithelial cancer. “Soft polypi, epithelioma.”

Again, thirstlessness, in fever, and in its preceding chill, are characteristic of Pulsatilla. Also one-sided chilliness, heat, or sweat–the last we have seen alarmingly produced in a young man who had been indulging too freely in Pulsatilla. People are apt to look on Pulsatilla as a short of mild, innocuous nursery drug. But it is always useful, when symptoms arise during the exhibition of a remedy, to ascertain whether they are due to it–or in other words, are a partial proving. It is by spotting such provings that knowledge grows and is remembered.

CLARKE tells us that Kali sulph. is Schuessler’s Pulsatilla. He says, “Therapeutically it answers to the process of desquamation which takes place after scarlatina, measles, erysipelas of the face, etc., to catarrh of the larynx, bronchi, nostrils, etc., where the secretion has the above-named characteristics” (the secretion of yellow mucus), “to catarrh of stomach, where the tongue has a yellowish mucous coating; to catarrh of the middle ear and of the kidneys it facilitates the formation of new epithelium.” He says, “it has had no proper proving”. He quotes a cured case of asthma, with thick yellow expectoration, much rattling in chest, laboured breathing, talking almost impossible. Also a case of psoriasis eruption oval and annular with paler centres, covered with whitish scales, skin beneath red and smooth. The guiding symptom was “great desquamation of the epidermis.”.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.