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Mercurius Vivus

Mercurius Vivus symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Homeopathic Drug Pictures by M.L. Tyler. What are the symptoms of Mercurius Vivus? Keynote indications and personality traits of Mercurius Vivus…


      Hahnemann; Allen’s Encyclopedia: Hering’s Guiding Symptoms,

Hurried and rapid talking.

Memory weak; forgets things,.

Itching on the hairy scalp.

The whole HEAD is painful to touch.

Tearing, drawing pains, in periosteum, head and face; rheumatic headaches.

Congestion to head: feels it will burst: fullness of brain.

As if contracted by a band: as if in a vice.

External head painful to touch.

Black insects seen to be always flying before the sight.

Mist before one or both EYES. Dimness of sight.

The light of the fire dazzles the eyes greatly.

The eyes cannot bear the light of the fire, or daylight.

A fog before one or both eyes.

If she attempts to look at anything she cannot distinctly recognize it, and then the eyes are involuntarily drawn together; the more she tries to restrain the contraction, the less able is she to prevent it: she is obliged to lie down and close the eyes.

Lachrymation profuse, burning, excoriating.

Muco-purulent discharges, thin and acrid.

Blepharitis: lids red, thick, swollen. Worse open air; arose cold applications.

Aching in the eyes: itching in the eyeballs.

Roaring in the Ears.

Ear inflamed internally and eternally, with cramp-like stitching pain, and a feeling as if stopped by swelling.’

Blood and offensive matter flows from right ear, with tearing pain.

Epistaxis. Nose-bleed during sleep.

Offensive odour from the NOSE as in violent coryza.

Acrid matter flows from nose. Green fetid., pus.

Nasal bone is painful when taken hold of.

Corners of MOUTH ulcerated and painfully sore.

Looseness of teeth, which are very painful when touched by tongue. A feeling as if all the teeth were loose.

Tongue white, as if covered with fur: great swelling of tongue.

A kind of aphthae in mouth.

Violent toothache at night, followed by great chilliness over the whole body.

Jerking toothache at night. Jerking from teeth of lower jaw into ear, and from upper jaw into head, with painfulness of gums.

Gums swollen; separate from the teeth.

Bleeding of gum from slightest touch.

Gum painful when touched and on chewing.

Tongue coated white, with whitish swollen gums that bleed when touched.

Tongue swollen and so soft on the margin that it showed the imprint of the teeth in scallops, which looked ulcerated.

Corners of mouth ulcerated and sore.

Pain and swelling of salivary glands.

Constant ecptysis.

Sweetish taste in the mouth.

THROAT constantly dry hurts as if too tight posteriorly: a pressure in it if he swallowed, yet constantly obligated to swallow because the mouth was always full of water.

Something hot rises to her throat.

When swallowing shooting pain in tonsils.

Suppuration of the tonsils, with sharp,. sticking pain in fauces when swallowing.

(Sensation of apple-core sticking in throat)

Very salt TASTE on the lips. Salt taste on tongue.

Salt expectoration.

Taste if rotten eggs when he moves the tongue, and then involuntary swallowing.

Slimy taste in the mouth.

At night (I a.m.) much water flows into the mouth, at the same time nausea, so that he wakes up from it and must vomit; something very bitter comes up.

Frequent HICCOUGH.

Extremely violent THIRST. Extraordinarily intense thirst.

Burning pain in scrobiculus cords.

Swelling of inguinal GLANDS, with circumscribe redness.

Inguinal gland becomes red and inflamed; is painful when touched and walking.

Ineffectual urging to STOOL every moment, with tenesmus in the rectum.

Blood tools with painful acrid sensation at anus.

Green slimy acrid stools., that excoriate the anus.

Along with soft stools, burning pain in anus.

Green diarrhoea; diarrhoea of green mucus,, with burning and protrusion of anus.

Greenish, painless gonorrhoea, especially at night.

Burning in URETHRA.

Constant desire to URINATE; indeed every ten minutes; but only a little passed.

Urine immediately after being passed every turbid and depositing a sediment.

He passes much more urine than the liquid he has drink.

Too frequent and too profuse urination.

Nocturnal seminal emission, mixed blood.

Catamenia too profuse.

Greenish biting leucorrhoea, with much scratching, especially evening and night, with violent burning after scratching.,

Frequent sneezing without coryza.

Stitches in chest with sneezing or coughing.

A stitch in anterior upper chest, extending through to back.

During the cough, inclination to vomit.

Sticking in small of back on breathing.

Weakness and weariness of all limbs,

Trembling of the hands.

Ankle joint as if sprained.

As if bruised in the limbs.

Profuse PERSPIRATION when walking.

Perspiration on every movement.

Complaints increase during sweat.

Constant cold hands and feet.

Perspires day and night, though more at night.

Profuse perspiration at night. Very profuse.

Fatty and oily perspiration at night.

Profuse, offensive perspiration, soaking the bedclothes.

Large ULCERS bleed, and when touched there is a pain affecting the whole body. Their margins everted like raw meat and their bases covered with caseous coat.

Bleeding of an ulcer that had previously existed. Dropsical patients (so-called) very rapidly lost the swelling, and got instead fetid, rapidly decomposing ulcers on the legs.

Frequent waking from sleep.

Great weariness.

Very much exhausted after a stool.

As soon as he went to bed in the evening, the pains recommenced and banished sleep.

Among its queer sensations are.

Head in a vice: growing larger.

Sparks from eyes.

A weight hanging from nose.

Feathers coming out of corners of eyes.

A wedge driven into ear.

Ice in ear: cold water running from ear.

Teeth loose, fixed in a mass of pap.

Worm rising in throat: apple core stuck in throat.

And among the mental symptoms, and dementia are:

Excessive fright at a small surprise: Cheek swells:” feels bruised all over;cannot compose herself.

Indescribable sensation of internal, intolerable ill.

Imagines he is enduring the torments of hell.

Torment at night, as if he had committed some crime.

Desire to flee, with nightly anxiety and apprehension. Extreme restlessness at night. Lies down, rises; nowhere rest.

Thinks, losing reason: about to die: illusions.

Cares for nothing. Extreme indifference.

Cross: irritable: suspicious: quarrelsome: disputatious.

Talks nonsense: acts the buffoon: does stupid, nonsensical things.

Mania: throws off clothes at night: tears and scolds. Leaps up high. Talks and scolds much to herself. Does not know her nearest relations. Frequently spits, spreads the saliva out with her feet; licks some of it up again. Often licks cow-dung and the mud of ponds (Comp Veratrum) Takes little stones in her mouth without swallowing them, yet complains they are cutting her bowels. Does no harm to anyone, but resists when touched does nothing she is told to do. When taking a walk he felt a strong inclination to catch passing strangers by the nose.


      Slow in answering questions. Memory weak.

Face earthy-coloured, puffy.

Teeth black, loose.

Carious teeth. Decay of teeth, they become loose in succession blackened, laid bare, loose and carious.

Teeth become denuded of the gum and turn black, with nightly pain in teeth, jaws and head.

Violent toothache, with swelling of gums and salivary glands.

Gums red and bleeding at slightest contact., spontaneously.

Gums have a bright red margin: small ulcers at intervals.

Gums spongy and bleeding. Sore.

Tongue black with red edges. Tongue red, swollen.

Coated tongue, showing impress of teeth upon the margin.

Tongue swollen and its movements difficult.,

Bad odour from the mouth: fetid odour; sweetish.

Violent stomatitis and salivation.

Speech difficult on account of the trembling of the mouth and tongue. Speech stammering.

Tremor of hands. Trembling.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.