Medorrhinum affects the mammae: as “Breasts cold as ice to touch, especially nipples, the rest of the body warm” and again, “nipples sore, sensitive and inflamed.”: “Peculiar tenderness of breasts”: even. “large. but not painful, swelling of left breast.”

It is a remedy found useful in incipient consumption.

Hering gives cured cases : “Child of 15 months, brought on a pillow apparently dead: eyes glassy, set; could not find pulse but felt heart beat; running from anus greenish-yellow, thin, horribly offensive stool.: “A baby of seven months, great emaciation diarrhoea green, watery, slimy, yellow, curdled, smelling like rotten eggs,; stools involuntary; apparently lifeless, except that it rotates head on pillow.” “:Cholera infantum with opisthotonos,. vomiting and watery diarrhoea; profuse discharge of blood and pus.”

It has many urinary symptoms; pain in suprarenals: bubbling in kidneys: strong smelling urine; colorless urine: urine with greasy pellicle: is curative in some cases of nocturnal enuresis: even diabetes.

Among the symptoms of respiration we note, difficulty and oppression of breathing: has to fill lungs, but no power to eject air. Spasm, of glottis, air expelled with difficulty, but inhaled with ease (Chlorum,). In asthma, and for relief of cough, Medorrhinum lies on face. Burning heat in chest, is one of its lung symptoms: and it has a reputation for incipient phthisis. Pain in chest, in heart, in limbs. One has found it useful where joints are tense with fluid; that form of rheumatoid arthritis. One remembers a case where a woman, a cook, had had to give up work : all her small joints were so painful and puffed and full of fluid. A dose of “gonorrhinum” 30-and when next seen she had put on her shoes and walked Hampstead Heath, as a test: then she returned to work.

The burning of soles, we have noticed. Hering gives a case where, after suppressed gonorrhoea, the feet were so tender that the man had to walk on his knees.

In nerve diseases, judging by the provings, it were well to remember Medorrhinum:-tremblings : tongue trembling: numbness: loss of power.

The cardinal symptoms, therefore, of Medorrhinum are-

Better at the sea-side.

Better in wet weather.

Better lying on abdomen; bending backwards.

Worse daylight to sunset (rev. of Syphilinum), though some of its symptoms are worse at night.

It is a remedy of great power, of wide use-but on its very definite indications.

H.C. ALLEN, who, in his Materia Medica of the Nosodes, has made many of these drugs accessible to us, has a long article on Medorrhinum. He says there are two preparations: the acute and the chronic. He says, “Like every other nosode, it should be prescribed according to strict indications, just as we would prescribe ARsenic, Opium and Sulphur, irrespective of its origin or the diagnosis.”

He gives a case of “:obstinate acute articular rheumatism in a man of 60, from June to September”. He suffered excruciating agony from neuralgia. After a desperate battle for life in the fist week of September, he was relieved and rose from his bed a wreck. It was expected that time and out-door life and the best hygienic measures would restore him. But weeks and months passed without a change; he walked the streets leaning on a cane, bent over, muffled in wraps to his ears, and looking like an old man about to fall into the grave, Three months after my attendance I saw him pass my office, and considering this previous good health and robust frame the question arouse: Why does he remain in this condition? Is there any incurred miasm, hereditary or acquired, to explain the obstinacy of the case? Could it be a gonorrhoeal taint? For reasons unnecessary to mention I could not ask him.

Dr. Swan’s suggestion now occurred to me:

An obstinate case of rheumatism might be due to latent gonorrhoea, and Medorrhinum high will cure it: in many cases where improvement reaches a certain stage, and them stops, Medorrhinum has removed the obstruction and the case progressed to a cure: and this, too, in cases where gonorrhoea appeared to be a most unlikely cause :w teaching us, if anything, the universality of latent gonorrhoea an the curative power of the dynamic virtue.

His wife consulted me on other matters, and said:her husband was as well as could be expected considering his age: she believed he could not do anything more, as he regarded his feeble state due to his age.” However, he came next day, and I gave him three doses of Medorrhinum, to be taken every morning. Within ten days he returned feeling well, and looking well. I then gave him one dose to be taken after more time: this was the last prescription he has required. Within a month, after the Medorrhinum, he dropped his cane and muffler, walked the street with a firm step. a perfectly well man, having increased in weighty from 140 to 212 pounds.

NASH says that”gonorrhoeal virus is undoubtedly a great remedy. Anyone who has had to do with gonorrhoea well knows the severe form of rheumatism, which is often the consequence of the introduction of this disease product into the system. I have seen some remarkable results from the use of this remedy in chronic forms of rheumatism.:”

He gives telling cases.

He says he has never found any history of gonorrhoea in the cases he has been able to benefit with this remedy. “The question arises, is Swan’s nosode theory true, or are disease products homoeopathically curative only in those cases resembling them, not having a disease-product history?.

“Since writing the above I have experimented more with the so- called nosodes and have had seemingly very good results from this remedy, as well as Syphilinum in intractable cases of chronic rheumatism. The most characteristic difference is that with Medorrhinum the pains are worse in the day-time, and with Syphilinum in the night.

“There are, no doubt curative powers residing in these two disease poisons, and they should not be discarded simply because they are the products of disease.

In regard to the other nosodes, I have, within two years past, seen some remarkable effects from them.”


      Times moves too slowly.

Dullness of memory desire to procrastinate, because business seemed so lasting, or as if it could never be accomplished.

In conversation would stop, and remarks he could not think what word he wanted to used.

Fears he is going to die.

Is in a great hurry: in such a hurry that he feels fatigued.


Continuous watering of eyes : sensation of sand under lids.


Incipient consumption.,

Great pallor; yellowness of face, particularly around eyes, as if from a bruise. Yellow band across forehead close to hair.

Neuralgia right upper and lower jaws, extending to temple.

Hard swelling right upper jaws, as if in socket of a tooth gone years ago.

Pale gums.

Very sore mouth; ulcers on tongue and in mouth, like blisters.

Blisters inner surface cheeks and lips: skin peeling in patches.

Violent retching and vomiting for forty-eight hours, first glairy mucus, lastly coffee grounds, with intense headache, great despondency and sensation of impending death: during paroxysm was constantly praying.

Cramps in stomach, as from wind.

Sensation in pit of stomach as of a paper of pins, that seemed to force themselves through the flesh, causing her to rise and double up and scream: pins seem to come from each side.

Intense pain in stomach and upper abdomen, with sensation of tightness.

Congestion of liver.

Burning heat round back like a coal of fire.

Throbbing and thumping in region of suprarenal capsule, as if from abscesses or sore spot just below fifth rib, right side, Creeping chills in region of right kidney, throbbing, contracting drawing and relaxing as if caused by cold insects with claws.

Ascites: abdomen greatly distended, urine scanty and high coloured.

Black stool.

White diarrhoea.

Can only pass stool by leaning far back; very painful, as if a lump on posterior surface of sphincter; so painful as to cause tears.

Cholera infantum with opisthotonos, vomiting and watery diarrhoea; profuse discourage of blood and pus;

Painful attacks of piles, not bleeding hot swelling left anus.

Pin worms.

GLINICUM “GLINICUM is none other than Medorrhinum; then why multiply names” Only because I obtained the matrix of this myself from a typical case, and macerated it myself in spirit of wine, so I know what it is, and how prepared, and anyone else can do the same at any time and anywhere in the whole word.

“My indications for Glinicum are: roused in the small hours of the morning by pain, acidity, coated tongue filthy taste and breath, uncleanably dirty tongue, weakness, pallor, chilliness, worse from cold wet; and moreover Glin. is largely a left-sided remedy. Glin wipes out half the cases of sciatica that pass my way. What a record!”-BURNETT.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.