Eczema of ears, with thick crusts and fissures.

Violent catarrh, with swelling of NOSE.

Stopped catarrh, so that he cannot get breath at night.

Complete stoppage of nose: child’s breath stopped during sleep, frequently for fifteen seconds, even while the mouth is is open.

Fan-like motion of the aloe nasi.

FACE yellowish grey.

Spasmodic twitching of facial muscles.

TEETH painful when chewing and when touched.

Numerous blisters on the tongue. Ulcers on and under tongue.

Feeling as if a ball rose, from below, up in to the THROAT.

Throat feels too tight on swallowing:nothing goes down: food and drink regurgitate through the nose. (Gelsemium, Diphtherinum)

Excessive appetite, followed by distension of abdomen.

Hunger remains immediately after eating though the STOMACH and abdomen are full and tense.

She cannot eat at all; is constantly satiated and without appetite:whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting.

Sudden satiety and great thirst.

Immediately after a meal, is full, bloated, distended.

Loss of appetite at first mouthful; weight in stomach after eating.

A sour eructation, the taste does not remain in mouth; but acid gnaws in the stomach.

Incomplete burning eructations, which only rise to the pharynx, where they cause burning, for several hours.

Epigastrium extremely sensitive to touch and tight clothing.

Digestion seems to proceed very slowly.

Discomfort in the stomach after eating a little.

Cramp in the stomach which is much distended.

Pressure in stomach, as if she had eaten too much.

Pressure, heaviness in stomach, after eating a little in the afternoon.

Pain in epigastrium caused by coughing.

She dares not eat to satiety, because if she does, she has an unpleasant, distressed feeling in HEPATIC REGION.

Pressive pain, hepatic region, on breathing.

Sore pressive pain is from a blow in right hypochondriac region, aggravated by touch.

Liver is painful to touch.

Pain in left hypochondriac region, afternoon.

Violent gall-stone colic.

Ascites from liver affections, after abuse of alcohol.

Something heavy felt lying in left ABDOMEN, not affecting the breathing, but constantly felt while walking, sitting and lying.

Distention of the abdomen from gases. Relieved by emission of flatus.

Grunting and gurgling in abdomen.

Whole abdomen distended by flatulence after a stool.

Much flatus accumulates here and there in abdomen, in hypochondria, even in the black in region of ribs and chest, causing tension and bubbling, always, relieved by empty eructations.

Immediately after eating the abdomen is constantly full, distended and tense. Tension with incarceration of flatus.

Sensation of something moving up and done in stomach and bowels. (Comp. Crocus, Thuja, Sanicula.)

Hernia right side.

ANUS painfully closed.

The rectum so frequently contracted that it protrudes during a hard stool.

Haemorrhoids painful to touch.

Great tendency to excoriations about anus: bleed easily.’

Itching and moist, tender eruption.

First part of stool lumpy, the second soft.

Aching in KIDNEY before and after urination.

Some red sediment in urine.

Red, or reddish yellow sand in urine.,

Turbid, milky urine, with offensive purulent sediment. Disposition to calculi.

Renal colic,. particularly right ureter to bladder.

Urging to urinate: must wait long before it will pass, or inability with constant bearing down: supports abdomen with hands.

Night COUGH affecting stomach and diaphragm, mostly before sunset.

Cough overpowering evening before going to sleep, as if larynx tickled with a feather, with scanty expectoration.

Tickling cough as from sulphur fumes in larynx.

Difficult breathing, as if he had inhaled sulphur fumes.

Grey, salt-tasting expectoration.

Dyspnoea; during sleep; from every exertion

CHEST feels oppressed and raw internally.

Stitches left chest, and during inspiration.

Hering give “Hydropericardium:. (Ars)

BACK, burning as from glowing coals between the scapulae (PHOS., KALI BICH,. etc.)

Severe backache, better by passing urine.

One foot hot, the other cold.

Desire to go in to the open air. (Pulsatilla etc.

Here symptoms are aggravated at 4 p.m.:at 8 p.m. she feels better, but weak

Headache, cough, fever, chill, EVERYTHING WORSE 4-8 ).M.

Nervous excitement: prostration of mind and body. Nervous debility.

Hungry WHEN WAKING at night.

On waking, cross, kicks, scolds; or wakes terrified; unrefreshed.

Many years ago, one was asked to go to the “other end of nowhere” to prescribe for a small boy-very small, yet already a great cricketer at five years old. The trouble was recent:- tormenting “frequency”. One stood and watched him playing cricket on the sands with the other little boys, and every few minutes he had to rush away for relief. All this was very puzzling to his parents. A few Lycopodium symptoms emerged with his one also new to him-that he “woke up ugly” and the Americans express it, “crying and cross”. Lycopodium quickly cured; and, incidentally, hammered home a point which we will pass on. Lycopodium is, in almost everything. worse in the evening and better in the morning except, as one discovered over this case, that it is (mentally) “Ugly on waking”.

It is puzzle- cases that bite into the memory, and their triumphs that each one to know drugs.

Hughes quotes Dr. David Wilson in regard to the fan-like movement of the alae nasi noted in the pathogenesis of Lycopodium” When this symptom is clearly marked, no matter through what organ or tissue the symptoms of all attacks of illness may manifest themselves in children or young people, I venture to submit that the whole group of the phenomena in such attacks will be found under Lycopodium.”

Dr. David Wilson was a great prescriber and, note! he does not say” when the alae nasi work, give Lyc,” but” I submit that the whole group of the phenomena in such attacks will be found under Lycopodium”

It is in respiratory affections that this symptom is generally seen. This is the classical picture of a Lycopodium pneumonia, for instance.

Frowning forehead.

Working of the alae nasi.

Temperature rises each day at 4 p.m. till 8 p.m., and then declines. In a pneumonia that tends to hang fire, this last symptom puts one straight on to Lycopodium which finishes the case. Kent speaks of its use :”in the advanced stage of pneumonia, in the period of hepatization, with the wrinkled face and brow, the flapping wings of the nose and the scanty expectation. The right lung is most affected, or is affected first in double pneumonia”

In a Lycopodium diphtheria, as said, the trouble begins on the right side, and may spread to the left: we have seen such a case: but with none of the foulness of mouth and tongue that cries aloud for one of the Mercuries.

Lycopodium is one of the great polycrests-the Drugs of Many Uses. But the above black letter symptoms, the “caused and many times cured symptoms”, which are classical in our school, bring out its important points of attack for evil and for good.

The drug, as said, suits intellectuals, (Rather skinny and old looking intellectuals)_; with worse mental than bodily vigour. Hence it proves subversive, and especially curative of mentality; affecting MEMORY, and restoring those who, after sickness or strain, are afflicted with confusion and mental tiredness and incompetence.

Again, its subversive effects and therefore its curative powers come strongly into play in the digestive and urinary regions.

One remembers one” new” patient in particular who for days had been almost bursting with flatulence and distension, and had had to loosen all her clothing and how quickly Lycopodium put her right.

NASH says, “Lycopodium with Sulphur and Calcarea form the leading trio of Hahnemann’s anti-psoric remedies. They all act very deeply. Lycopodium acts favorably in the ages, but particularly upon old people and children on persons of keen intellect but feeble muscular development: lean people. The Lycopodium subject is sallow, sunken, with premature lies in the face; looks older than he is. Children are weak, with well-developed heads, put puny, sickly bodies. This is one of the trio of flatulent remedies, Carbo veg. and China being the other two remember, while China bloat the while abdomen, carbo veg. prefers the upper, and Lycopodium the lower parts. ‘Guernsey points out here, “China has fullness after a full, normal meal: Lycopodium after eating a little” “Constipation predominates; and like Nux there may be frequent and ineffectual desire for stool, but while that of Nux is caused by irregular peristaltic action, that of Lycopodium seems to be caused by a spasmodic contraction of the anus, which prevents the stool and causes great pain. Lycopodium has often saved neglected, mal-treated or imperfectly cured cases of pneumonia from running into consumption. ” We have given its characteristic indications elsewhere:-the frowning forehead, the flapping alae nasi, the 4-8 p.m. aggravation of fever, etc.

Lycopodium is down as a chilly remedy: yet it is one of the few remedies that appears in the Repertory in the rubric, Better when cold. (IOD., PULS., with Lachesis, nat. mur., Sulphur and a few others).But Lycopodium is generally better from warm or hot things, drinks, etc., and even better warm in bed.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.