With this headache, Farrington says, the face is apt to get blotched and bloated and covered with pimples or acne. It is also sallow and yellowish, as if the patient were bilious. The stomach seems to swell up after a full meal, like Lycopodium….

Gastritis: the vomited matter sour, mixed with clear mucus, or bitter, from admixture with bile. Renewed with every attempt at eating or drinking, with distress and burning rawness about the stomach. With this kind of vomit you may give Kali bich. in the vomiting of drunkards, and in the round, perforating ulcer of the stomach.

He notices the rash like measles, for which it has been used. May follow Pulsatilla, useful in the milder cases. “Kali bich. is one of the best remedies we have for measles” with the catarrhal symptoms of Pulsatilla, eyes, ears, mouth, with watery, yellowish-green secretions, only worse, and advancing to ulceration.

It produces papules, hard; tend to develop into pustules, and even into ulcers.

Pulsatilla is indicated in measles. I think that it is often given in the wrong place. It is indicated when the catarrhal symptoms are prominent and we have coryza and profuse lachrymation.

Kali bich. is to be used when, instead of simple catarrh of the eyes, you have pustules developed on the cornea. The throat is swollen and pains go from the throat into the ears, the salivary glands are swollen, and there is catarrhal deafness.


      NOSE. Septum narium completely ulcerated away.

Entire cartilaginous septum destroyed, and the whole nasal mucus membrane in a state of purulent inflammation: the disease had been mistaken for syphilis.

Nose very dry with a feeling of pressure in the nasal bones.

Dryness of nose.

Formation of plug in nostrils.

Pressive pain in root of nose.

Expired air feels very hot in nose.

Nose stuffed up, especially upper part; difficulty in detaching thick mucus, which more readily passes by posterior nares.

Clinkers in nose; if allowed to remain a few days can be easily detached; if pulled away too soon, leave soreness at root of nose and intolerance to light.

Discharge of tough green masses, or hard plugs.

Mucus tough, ropy, green, bloody; in clear masses; violent pain from occiput to forehead if discharge ceases.

Fetid smell from nose.

Chronic suppuration of EAR; membrana tympani perforated; secretion is often more mucus than pus; discharge yellow, thick, tenacious, so that it may be drawn through perforation in strings; lancinations, sticking sensations.

Tongue smooth, red and cracked.

Dryness of MOUTH.

Syphilitic affections of mouth and fauces.

Hawking of thick gelatinous mucus in the morning.

Hawking of a considerable quantity of tenacious mucus in a.m.

On root of uvula, right side, an excavated sore, half the size of a split pea, with a reddish areola, containing a yellow tenacious matter.

Deep-eating ulcers of fauces, often syphilitic.

Diphtheria: pseudo-membranous deposit firm, pearly, fibrinous; apt to extend downwards to larynx and trachea: bladder-like appearance of uvula, much swelling, little redness.

STOMACH. Complete loss of appetite.


Nausea and vomiting of drunkards.

Diarrhoea-like stool consisting of brown frothy water (with excessively painful pressure), urging and tenesmus.

Bad effects of over-indulgence in beer; great weight in pit of stomach; flatulence;…

Prolapsus uteri, seemingly from hot weather.

Rough, hoarse voice.

COUGH (especially in a.m.) with expectoration of white mucus “as tough as pitch”, which could be drawn out into strings.

Expectoration of very tough mucus, so viscid that it drew in strings down to the feet.

Cough with pain, from mid-sternum through to back; severe stitching, or weight and soreness in chest.

Cough in a.m. on waking, with dyspnoea; better by lying down.

Cough hoarse, metallic, in croup (membranous) or diphtheria; expectoration of tough mucus or fibro-elastic casts.

Expectoration is very glutinous and sticky; adhering to fauces, teeth, tongue and lips, finally leaving mouth in long, stringy and very tenacious mass.

Sharp, stinging pain in region of kidneys.

Pain in coccyx while sitting.

Neuralgia every day at the same hour. PAINS appear rapidly and disappear suddenly. (Comp. Belladonna)

Pains in small spots which can be covered with the point of finger.

Pains attack first one part, then reappear in another.

Affections of any mucous membranes, with discharges of tough, stringy, adherent mucus, or can be drawn out into long strings.

Ulcers; deep yellow, dry, oval, edges overhanging, bright red areola; base hard, corroding; becoming deeper; blackish spot in centre; cicatrix remaining depressed; deep as if cut out with a punch, edges regular.

Complaints worse in hot weather.


      Milk, as it flows from breasts, has appearance of being composed of stringy masses and water.

As if head would burst: as if nose would burst.

Nose feels too heavy.

As if loose bones rubbed against each other in nose.

As of a hair high up in left nostril.

Insular large patches on tongue.

A hair on back of tongue.

Pains in spots, can be covered with finger tip.

Or, pains mostly stitching and shooting.

Burning headache with vertigo, during which all objects appeared to be enveloped in a yellow mist.

Pain in head at a point. Periodic attacks of semilateral headaches on small spots that could be covered with point of finger.

Blindness followed by violent headache, must lie down; aversion to light and noise. Sight returns with increasing head-ache.

Various colours and bright spots before eyes.

Objects seem to be covered with a yellow veil.

Corneal ulcers; tend to bore in without spreading laterally.

Twanging like wires in left face and neck.

Tongue coated, as with thick yellow felt.

Plug in throat, not relieved by swallowing.

Ulcers in fauces–in pharynx: discharging cheesy lumps, often offensive.

Dislike to meat.

Longing for beer : for acid drinks.

Secondary bad effects from malt liquors; especially lager beer.

Feeling of coldness, stomach and bowels.

Food lies in stomach like a load. Digestion suspended.

Pains and uneasiness in stomach alternate with pains in limbs.

Choking, as if something hard all down oesophagus : then jumping and shaking, as if stomach jumped up.

Round ulcer of stomach.

Nausea with burning pain in anus.

Nausea and vomiting of drunkards.

Gastric pains relieved by eating and rheumatic pains reappear; when gastric pains reach to any height, rheumatic pains subside.

Curious sensation as if something eating in bowels.

Gulping up of food unchanged, not sour, with pain across middle of back.

Vomiting of greenish, watery mucus in morning.

Dull pain or stitches in right hypochondrium, especially when limited to a small spot.

Spasmodic attacks resembling those accompanying gall stones.

During emission of wind, sweat all over body, especially face, from which it runs in streams.

Urine alkaline and ropy.

Sensation of a drop of urine remaining behind in urethra.

Leucorrhoea yellow, ropy.

Tough mucus nearly strangles him.

Sensation of lump, upper part of trachea and hairs across base of tongue, which neither hawking, swallowing nor eating relieves.

Profuse yellow, stringy expectoration and much sweating.

Violent paroxysms of cough with scanty expectoration of stringy mucus: or much viscid expectoration in grey lumps.

Wakes with heaviness on chest, as from a weight.

Sensation of choking, on lying down.

Whooping-cough; mucus so viscid that it stretched in long strings from mouth to ground.

Itching behind sternum, causing violent, racking paroxysmal cough.

Cold sensation about heart; tightness chest; dyspnoea.

When stooping, sensation as if something cracked across sacrum.

Cannot stoop or move from pain.

Violent aching; pain in a small spot in sacrum. Worse at night.

Pain in coccyx.

Pustules on arms; swelling on arm, turned into large ulcer with overhanging edges.

Dry eruption like measles.

Small pustules over body like small-pox disappear without bursting.

Pustules as large as a pea, with a small black scab in centre on inflamed parts of skin.

Suppurating, solitary skin tubercles, forming deep holes.

Itching, forearms and hands, then intolerable pain and formation of numerous ulcers, from which above a dozen nearly solid masses of matter fell on striking the arm firmly, leaving ulcers clean dry cavities.

Ulcer on wrist, oozed for several months, left a cicatrix depressed as if scooped out.

Hands completely covered with depressed cicatrices which look as if they had been punched out with a wadding cutter.

Small pustules on roots of nails. Fluid became thickened to a yellow tough mass.

Pains in shin bones (syphilitic periostitis).

Rheumatism alternating with gastric symptoms; one appearing in the Fall, the other in the Spring.

Could hardly sit down: sensation of plug in anus. (Anacardium)

Worse 2 a.m.: 2 to 3 a.m.

Pains fly rapidly from one place to another, not continuing long in any place, and intermittent.


      Diphtheritic formations in nose, mouth, fauces, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, uterus, vagina.

Affections of any mucous membranes with discharges of tough, stringy, adherent mucus, or can be drawn out into long strings.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.

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