Frequent nocturnal involuntary emissions.

Itching and burning of genitals of both sexes.

Menses will not appear; in plethora.

Menses; too early; last too long; too profuse.

The least excitement brings on a return of profuse catamenia.


LEUCORRHOEA; like milk, with itching and burning. Before or after menses; during micturition; profuse at times; in fits and starts; worse after exercise; with great debility; with stinging in os and aching in vagina; with burning in cervical canal; with accumulation of mucus between labia and thighs, with chlorosis; in scrofulous women.

Leucorrhoea with pruritus; white, milky, but not thick; heat of parts.

Leucorrhoea thick, yellow; (<) by day, when urinating.

Frequent leucorrhoea between menses, which are too early and profuse.

Vaginal polypi and fistula.

Clumsy, awkward, easily falls; tired from short walk, from a general feeling of lameness in pelvis. Cramp in toes, or soles of feet, during pregnancy.

False labour pains, running; upward.

Secretion of MILK too abundant; galactorrhoea.

Excessive lactation; also hectic and sweat; debility as a consequence.

Breasts distended, milk scanty; she is cold; feels cold air very readily; their is a want of vitality to secrete milk.

Deficient milk; mammae not swollen.

Breasts hard, but not red.

Milk disagrees with infant.

Crusts on head in nursing children.

Inflammation of eyes with newborn children.

Difficult teething of children.

Painless hoarseness; could scarcely speak; (<) in morning.

HOARSE, hardly audible voice.

Loud breathing through nose.

Shortness of breath after walking and on going up slightest ascent.

Mucus rattles in CHEST on expiration; (<) when lying and in evening.

Night cough.

Cough; (<) in morning on rising and in early evening.

Acts upon upper and middle portion of right lung.

Sore pains in chest, as if beaten; (<) during inspiration.

Tuberculous consumption.

Chest painfully sensitive to touch, and on inspiration.

Cervical glands swollen.

GLANDS of neck swollen, with eruption on head.

Easily overstrains himself from lifting, from which NECK becomes stiff and rigid, with headache.

Pressure between and under shoulder blades.

Weakness and trembling in legs, especially above and below knees.

Swelling of knees.

Cold, damp feet.

Sensation in feet and legs as if she had on cold damp stockings.

Child is very BACKWARD in learning to walk, or children seem to forget how to walk.

EPILEPSY: before the attack sense of something running in arms, or from pit of stomach down through abdomen into feet; sudden attacks of vertigo; loss of consciousness without convulsions; pharyngeal spasms, followed by desire to swallow. Causes : vexation, fright; onanism; protracted, intermittent;; suppression of chronic eruption. Worse at night, during solstice and full moon, with hallooing and shouting.

Great weakness.

Easy relapses, one doses not continue to convalesce.

Great loss of power on walking, especially in limbs, with exhausting sweat.

She was unable to go upstairs, and became very much exhausted from it.

The same disagreeable idea always rouses the sick as often as they fall into a light slumber.

When closing eyes, horrid visions.

Child chews and swallows in SLEEP.

Hectic FEVER; with alternate chills and heat; frequent attacks of flushes of heat, with anguish and palpitation of heart, or constant shuddering in evening, with red cheeks; skin dry, withered; sweats easily; great debility; after prolonged or profuse lactation, loss of fluids, tuberculosis, etc.

Partial sweats; nape of neck; chest; hands.

Intermittent fever after abuse of quinine; chronic forms with scrofula; chill commences in stomach, agonizing weight, increasing with chill and disappearing with it; with people who work much in cold water; cachectic constitutions; suppressed eruptions: desire for eggs.

Typhoid fever, during aggravation which precedes rash (14th day), palpitation, tremulous pulse, anxiety, red face, delirium, jerks; short, hacking cough; excessive diarrhoea.

Morning sweat.

Cold feet at night in bed.

Aversion to open air; the least cold goes right through.

Worse during full moon.


Varicose veins; burning in veins.

Inflammation, painful swelling and induration of glands.

Cystic swellings.

Tardy development of BONY TISSUES, with lymphatic enlargements.

Softening of bones; fontanelles remaining open too long, and skull very large; swelling of joints.

Curvature of bones, especially of spine and long bones.

Extremities deformed, crooked. (Rachitis.)

Hip disease; second stage; scratches head on awakening; craves boiled eggs; swollen glands; diarrhoea, etc.

MUSCLES soft and flabby.

Nutrition impaired, with tendency to glandular engorgements.

CHAPS, or rhagades, especially in those who work in water.

Eczema, thin, moist scabs upon head, with swollen cervical glands; eczema behind ears. (Graphites)

Diseases of children, especially during DENTITION.

Leuco-phlegmatic temperament in childhood.

Constitution. CHILDREN; self-willed; fair, plump; FAT, flabby, with red face, sweat easily, and readily take cold; large head and abdomens, open fontanelles and sutures, and crooked legs.

The young who grow too fat and heavy.

During dentition. Eclampsia.

Nervous, haemorrhoidal, plethoric and lymphatic constitution; disposed to grow fat.

Leuco-phlegmatic; light complexion, blue eyes, blonde hair, fair skin.

Compatible: before Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Platina, Silicea; after Chamomilla, Acid nitricum, Nux vomica, Pulsatilla, Sulphur (especially if pupils dilate).

Incompatible: before Nit. ac and Sulph., according to Hahnemann.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.