“Calcarea children long for eggs: and are better for eating eggs.

“They have sour, pungent stools with undigested milk.

“Tickling cough.*Here one recalls an old, fat woman, typically Calcarea, as described. She had a tickling cough at night for years which disturbed her neighbours, and got her people up to get her hot water to drink. A dose of Calcarea, high, stopped the cough for a whole year.

“Relaxation and tissues everywhere-muscles-veins-especially of lower limbs and anus, i.e. haemorrhoids or varicose veins of legs.

“Calcarea grows and cures polypi-in the Calcarea patient. And Calcarea babies are almost always more or less wormy.

“Indurations in ulcers-base of ulcers-round about ulcers, i.e. its wonderful use in palliating and restraining malignant ulcers, as these have always an indurated base. Old cancerous ulcers are greatly restricted in growth: patient improved: very much more endurance, and the ulcers will take on healing. In cancerous affections that would kill in sixteen months, the patient will live five years with Calcarea-if Calcarea is indicated.”

Kent says that infants fed with lime water in the milk soon become lime subjects: unable to take lime from their natural food, they grow fat and flabby. But the natural lime cases are born so, with inability to absorb lime from their natural food, and they grow fat and flabby, and produce deficient bone: deficient teeth, or no teeth. He says, “What a foolish notion to feed that infant lime, because he cannot digest lime. Now it is astonishing that one single dose of the potency will make that infant commence to digest its food, and appropriate there from all the lime it needs for its bones and elsewhere. All at once the teeth begin to grow, the bones begin to grow, the little fellow a legs get stiff enough for him to walk and they will hold him up.

“It is a peculiar feature of Calcarea, that the more marked the congestion of internal parts, the colder the surface becomes. With chest troubles, and stomach troubles, and bowel troubles, the feet and hands become like ice, and covered with sweat; and he lies in bed sometimes with a fever in the rest of the body, and the scalp covered with cold sweat. That is strange. You cannot account for that by any process of reasoning in pathology. and when a thing is so strange that it cannot be accounted for, it becomes very valuable as descriptive of the remedy, and is one that cannot be left out when prescribing for a patient.”

HAHNEMANN first proved Calcarea acet. His proving of Calcarea carb. appears in Vol. II of his Chronic Diseases. He says: “Take a clean oyster shell, somewhat thick; of the soft snow-white calcarean substance which is found between the internal and external hard shell, take one grain, which is then to be triturated and dynamized in the usual manner.”

He says, inter alia, “Calcarea generally is indispensable and curative when the catamenia appear a few days before the period, especially when the flow is considerable. But if the catamenia appear at the regular period or a little later, Calcarea is almost never useful, even if the catamenia should be rather profuse.”

“In affections of persons advanced in age, Calcarea, even after even intermediate remedies, can scarcely be repeated with advantage; a dose which is given after another without any previous intermediate remedy, is almost always prejudicial; in cases of children, however, several doses may be given in succession, provided the remedy continues to be indicated: the younger the children the more frequently may the remedy be repeated.”.


      Thinking is difficult.

Visions of faces and persons, when eyes are closed.

Fears that she will lose her reason, or that people will observe her confusion of mind.

Anxiety, shuddering and dread as soon as evening comes on, with fear of death.

Great anxiety, restlessness and palpitation.

Despairing, hopeless of ever getting well, with fear of death; tormenting all around, day and night.

Children self-willed, inclined to grow fat.

After exerting mind; hyperaemia of head; chorea; trembling spells.

Excitement brings on dysmenorrhoea; least excitement endangers return of catamenia, or causes.

Vertigo; when climbing into high places; on going upstairs; or up a hill; on suddenly raising or turning head, even when at rest; on walking in open air, as if he would tumble, especially on suddenly turning HEAD; with stupefaction and a sensation of falling (neurosis cordis) with inclination to fall backward or sideways; with headache; nausea and vomiting, incarcerated flatulence; accompanied by nausea and a feeling as though one would fall unconscious; with unsteadiness in thighs when walking rapidly; in Addison’s disease; during intervals of epileptic spasms.

Stupefying pressive pain in forehead, with confusion of senses and dullness of whole head, while reading; he was obliged to stop and did not know where he was.

Tearing headache above eyes down to nose, with nausea.

Headache begins in occiput and spreads to top of head, to severe that she thinks head will burst, and that she will go crazy.

Concussive, stitching, pulsating pains in head, as if it would split, with cough.

Internal and external sensation of coldness of various parts of head, as if a piece of ice was lying against it, with pale puffed face.

Congestion to head; with heat and stupefying headache; with red puffed face; with toothache; during night; (<) in morning when awakening, and from spirituous drinks.

Chronic hydrocephalus.

Burning in vertex; also after grief.

Internal and external sensation of coldness of one (r.) side of head, as if a piece of ice was lying there: (<) weather changing; in early morning; from motion in open air; (<) on lying down.

Sweating of head very profuse, rolling down face in large, beadlike drops; the pillow is wet for some distance around child’s head. Tinea. Chalk-like stools.

Nocturnal sweats of head.

Head too large, fontanelles not closing.


Open fontanelles, with large head and with sweating of same; Children leuco-phlegmatic, fat and of leaden weight; abdomen hard and distended, with sour-smelling diarrhoea.

Scratches head impatiently on getting awake or when disturbed in sleep.

Tinea favosa; thick scabs covered with thick pus.

Crusta serpiginosa; herpes circinatus.

Great photophobia; (<) in evening; agglutination of lids in morning.


Horrid visions when EYES are closed.

Dilated pupils; often indicated after Sulphur.

Fungus haematodes with opacity of cornea.

Dimness of cornea; opacity; maculae.

Pustules on cornea, much lachrymation and excessive photophobia; (<) by gaslight, or in morning, and in changes of weather.

Ophthalmia; from taking cold; entrance of foreign body; in the newborn; scrofulous; arthritic.

Inflammation and swelling of outer and inner EAR.

Otorrhoea muco-purulent, affecting principally right ear; enlarged glands.

Ulceration, then granulation, then polypus; great stench.

Nasal polypi, with loss of smell.

Swelling of NOSE and upper lip, in children.

Face looks old and wrinkled.

Face puffed up, in children.

Lips chapped and cracked; corners of mouth ulcerated.

Chewing motion of jaws during sleep.

Painful swelling of submaxillary GLANDS.

Hard, painful swelling of submaxillary glands; painful tension when chewing; sticking pain when touched.

TEETH cannot endure air or any coldness.

Difficult dentition. With Rachitis. Eclampsia. Cholera infantum. Hydrocephalus. Crusta lactea. infantile catarrh. Laryngo- tracheitis. Bronchitis. Bronchial catarrh. Marasmus. Urticaria. Chorea.

TONGUE dry, does not like to talk. (Compare Phosphorus ac. and Bellad.)

Sore THROAT marked: cellular tissue around cervical glands swollen, nose sore; obstructed.

Ravenous hunger, with weak STOMACH.

Appetite poor, with an aversion to meat and a craving for boiled eggs.

Complete loss of appetite.

Longing for boiled eggs.

Aversion to meat.

Sour vomiting, especially during dentition.

Vomiting and diarrhoea of teething children.

Pit of stomach swollen like a saucer turned bottom up; painful to pressure.

Bloating in region of stomach, compelling him to undo his clothing.

Tight clothes about hypochondria are unbearable.

Pains more on left side, especially under left hypochondrium; tearing stitching pains in left chest to hypochondrium.

Flatulency with gurgling in right side of ABDOMEN.

Abdomen much distended; hard.

Mesenteric glands hard and swollen in children; abdomen feels as if filed with stones or ovoid bodies.

Mesenteric atrophy.

Emaciated everywhere, except abdomen.

Soreness of navel; a moist excrescence like proud flesh from navel of infants. (Kali carb., Nat. mur.)

Diarrhoea of sour smell.

Watery stools.

Tapeworm and ascarides with stool.

Tapeworm; after Graphites

Polypi and varices of BLADDER.

Increases SEXUAL desire and provokes emissions, but unusual weakness follows, indulgence and ejaculation is tardy.


Consequences of onanism or of too frequent coitus; pressing pain in head and back; lassitude and weakness in lower limbs; knees seem to give way; sweats easily; debility; hands tremble.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.