Kent sums up Aurum thus: “We see this entire perversion of all the loves of mankind, and finally their entire destruction.”

It is at least curious that Gold supplied in potency should be homoeopathic to the loss of Gold in bulk. It alone can restore sanity with the realization, that “the life is more than meat, and the body than raiment”.

Dr. H. A. Roberts, in his Rheumatic Remedies, sums up the heart symptoms and the sphere of Aurum in acute rheumatism, thus:

“Severe pain in heart. Must sit up. Sensation as if the heart stopped, then gave one sudden hard thump. Heart flounders. Loud endocardial bruits. Pulse irregular. In inflammatory rheumatism Aurum met. is of value when there is high fever, extreme tenderness to touch, profuse sweat and involvement of the endocardium with the peculiar heart symptoms.”.


      (Hahnemann, Allen and some from Hering)

Disgust of life, suicidal tendency.

Despondent melancholy. Hopelessness.

Great anguish increasing into self-destruction.

Anxious palpitation and desire to commit suicide.

Peevish and vehement: least contradiction excites wrath.

Moroseness; indisposed to talk.

All day long good humour; talkative and contented with him-self (alternating action).

Heat and anger, quite forgets himself with quarrelling. Sulky.

Rush of blood to HEAD.

Tearing pressure–left forehead, left crown, right side of crown.

Pressure from within outwards in EYES: worse when touched.

Tension in eyes interferes with vision.

Can distinguish nothing distinctly, because he sees every-thing double and one object seems to run into another; tensive pain worse when he fixes his eyes on something less severe when he closes them.

Half-sight; as if the upper half of the vision were covered with a dark body : upper objects remain invisible.

He cannot get air through the NOSE, for ulcerated, agglutinated, painful nostrils. Soreness both nostrils.

Right nasal bone and adjoining part of upper jaw painful to touch.

Tickling internally in alae nasi.

Syphilitic ulcers palate and throat.

Tensive pain in hypogastrium just below navel and on both sides lumbar regions, with feeling of fullness, and with call to stool.

Pinching pain in hypogastrium, now here, now there.

Grumbling and rumbling in ABDOMEN.

Discharge of much foetid flatus.

Discomfort in hypogastrium, as if wanted to go to stool, esp. after a meal.

(Affections of genitalia): Uterus prolapsed and indurated.

Extreme tightness (chest): difficulty of breathing at night.

Tightness of CHEST, also when sitting and not moving: always takes a deep breath and cannot get enough air.

Great weight on chest: esp. heavy weight on sternum.

Violent beating of the heart.

Awakened by BONE pains: suffering so great he despairs: does not want to live.

(Many pains in bones and limbs are detailed.)

Pain in knees as if they were tightly bound.

Remarkable ebullition in the BLOOD (as if it boiled in the blood vessels).

Frightful dreams at night.

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.