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AURUM METALLICUM symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Plain Talks on Materia Medica with Comparisons by W.I. Pierce. What AURUM METALLICUM can be used for? Indications and personality of AURUM METALLICUM…



      Pure metallic gold is triturated with sugar of milk at least up to the 3rd.

Our knowledge of the value of fold, as a medicine, is due to Hahnemann, who proved it in 1818. He says, “modern physicians have pronounced” gold “to be quite inactive; they have a length expunged it out of all their Materia Medicos, and thereby deprived us of all its mighty curative virtues” (Mat,. Medorrhinum Pura).

He also gives us the reasons advanced by the physicians of his day, and even earlier, for their disbelief in the use of gold as a remedy, and we quote the following: “It is incapable of solution in our gastric juice, hence it must be quite powerless and useless. What effect can the low temperature of our stomach have on gold leaf, seeing that it is unaltered by the most intense heat.

Patients may take my word four it, and space themselves the expense of employing gold as a medicine-they can never obtain any medicinal virtue from it for their maladies.

“Seeing that gold in its metallic state cannot be dissolved or altered by the vital power, it can consequently have no medicinal action, but what it exerts on the intestines by virtue of its weight, hardness and mechanical form.” (This last writer evidently thought that the remedy was to be used in the form of nuggets).

Hahnemann says: “At first I allowed myself to be deterred by these desires from hoping for medicinal properties in pure gold’ but I could not persuade myself to consider any metal whatsoever as destitute of curative powers” (Mat. Medorrhinum Pura).

Another reason that caused Hahnemann to wish to prove this metal was the accounts that he had access to, if its use by Arabian physicians, one of whom in the eighth century said: “gold is a substances, one of whom in the eighth century said: “gold is a substance that gladdens and preserves the body in youth” (Chr. Dis.); and another in the eleventh century wrote that “powdered gold is one of the medicines against melancholia, removes foetor of the breath is, even when given internal, a remedy for falling of the hair, strengthens the eyes, is useful in pain of the heart and palpitation, and is uncommonly serviceable in dyspnoea”(Mat. Medorrhinum Pura).

Hahnemann in commenting on these statements, says: “From these it will be perceived that the assertion of he Arabians are not without foundation, as even small doses of this metal caused even in healthy; adults, morbid states very similar to those cured (in unconscious homoeopathic manner) by these Orientals, who deserve credit for their discovery of remedies” (Mat. Medorrhinum Pura).


      Aurum causes general destructive action on tissues, especially on connective tissues in parenchymatous organs and bones, and is useful in interstitial changes and fatty degeneration of heart (109), liver (127) and kidneys.

It is a remedy that is frequently indicted in secondary syphilis (186), and for the bad effects of mercurial poisoning (139), in both conditions where the mental symptoms of the remedy and the nightly aggravation of the pains are prominent features, and “it is an admirable medicine for those constitutions broken down by the combined influence of syphilis and mercury” (Hughes).

Some of the characteristic of the remedy are, a settled melancholia, with the general impression that he is not fit to live, boring pains especially in the bones, and an aggravation of all conditions as the day processes, and worse at night.

This melancholia is prominent when the remedy is called for in syphilitic cases, when there is hopelessness and disgust for life, longing for death (so they say), and frequent talk of committing suicide (183), but it ends in talk (more the pity), what Allen, in his lecture, spoke of as a “suicidal hysteria.” It is to be thought of in melancholia, with weeping, in religious melancholia (131), “when constant prayer may be the most noticeable symptom” (Talcott), and in mental derangements, with constant rapid questioning without waiting for replies (55).

There is more or less vertigo in Aurum, noticeable especially when stooping (207), or when walking, with tendency of fall to the left (207).

We have rush of blood to the head and violent boring pains (106), pressing outward and worse at night, also exostoses of the skull, especially syphilitic, with boring pains and great sensitiveness to touch.

In the eye Aurum is useful for many acute inflammations, specially with tendency to ulceration of the cornea (77) and extreme photophobia, which is considered by some as being worse from gaslight than it is from day light. It is of value in syphilitic iritis (74), with intolerable pain in the bones around the eye, the pain extending in to the face and nose, with great soreness all pain extending into the face and nose, with great soreness all about the eye; the pains are burning or boring, and very much worse at night.

It is to be thought of in hemiopia (74), when objects above the median line are invisible and the patient can only see objects in the lower field of vision. It is a valuable remedy for trachoma (79) and for scrofulous ophthalmia (760), in both conditions with much photophobia. Hiring gives Aurum as one of the remedies where we have profuse, scalding tears on opening the eyes (76).

In the nose it is to be thought of in destructive processes, especially when due to syphilis. It is very valuable in caries of the nasal noses (142), with boring pains, worse at night and with great sensitiveness to tough, in ozaena (148) and in ulceration of the soft parts of the nose and of the septum (145). The nostrils are ulcerated and agglutinated and the discharge is thick, purulent and bloody, and of the most horrible odor (143).

Aurum is of value in diseases of the tantrum of Highmore (117) and abscesses of the mastoid (64). (It is a question whether we have many right to depend upon remedies in caries of the mastoid. It is a case for the operating etiologist) Aurum is a remedy that is especially suited to old people and particularly so when there is a tendency towards fatty degeneration and interstitial changes in the liver, kidneys and heat and for those of a gouty diathesis.

In the kidneys it is of value in chromic interstitial nephritis (124), especially when due to cardiac or hepatic diseases, with more or less ascites and very profound melancholia.

In the heart, we have a feeling of great oppression about the heart (110) and cardiac difficulty in breathing (25), in both of these conditions, with aggravation at night and weak pulse. In these conditions with aggravate at night and weak pulse. In heart troubles requiring Aurum we usually find in addition great depression of spirits. It is valuable for hypertrophy of the heart (110), with tendency to fatty degeneration (109), sometimes with palpitation and wandering pains, anguish or anxiety coming from the cardiac region, and a feeling as if the heart would cease beating (113). It is also to be though of in rheumatic endocarditis (162). Along with all these heart conditions we find dropsy of the lower limbs, aggravation of the pains at night and great depression of spirits.

In the male sexual organs we can think of Aurum in atrophy of the testicles (188), especially when found in boys, and associated with a pointing disposition, listlessness and melancholia. It is useful in enlargement of the testicle, when dependent upon a chronic inflammation, the testicle (r. especially) indurated (188), and with aching and severe pain, worse at night. It is also to be thought of in hydrocele (119), especially in the young.

In the female sexual organs Aurum is of value in amenorrhoea (134), “with great melancholia” ()Hering), for an enlarged and indurated uterus (202), with the resulting prolapsus (203), and for chronic metritis, with great sensitiveness, It is useful i n vaginismus (205), with hysterical spasms, and fir sterility (173), with lowered vitality of the parts especially when the longing for children has cured a decided melancholia with constant dwelling on the subject.

I use Aurum 30th.

Willard Ide Pierce
Willard Ide Pierce, author of Plain Talks on Materia Medica (1911) and Repertory of Cough, Better and Worse (1907). Dr. Willard Ide Pierce was a Director and Professor of Clinical Medicine at Kent's post-graduate school in Philadelphia.