And here, a tip! Don’t go walking on a foot whose jig-saw puzzle of instep joints may be slightly disturbed. They will pinch nerves, and you will get pain and swelling and inflammation, and be laid up more or less, for weeks. Shake the jig-saw bits home. Bend your knee; hold on to something; and with your toes on the ground, roll your foot backwards and forwards and round and round, while the parts slip home. Arnica will took after the rest.

Arnica is a short-acting remedy: but PROMPT. INSECT STINGS We forgot to mention the role of Arnica in insect stings. The strong tincture applied to a wasp sting, prevents the pain and swelling, and in a couple of hours the sting is forgotten.

Urtica is said to do like worse for bee stings.

And Cantharis 200, given internally, quickly cures the inflamed and horrible swellings that may follow gnat bites-ED.


      Stupor, with involuntary discharge of faces.

Forgetful; what he reads quickly escapes his memory, even the word he is about the speak.

Says there is nothing the matter with him.

Delirium tremens.

Hopelessness; indifference. (After concussion).

Fears being struck by those coming towards him;fears even the possibility of being touched (in gout)

Violent attacks of anguish. (Angina pectoris).

Vertigo when shutting eyes.

Pressive headache as if head was being distended from within outward; pain seems to arise from something soft in vertex, with drawing in vertex and occiput, and tearing towards temples.

Mechanical injuries; especially with stupor from concussion; fractures of skull, or even compression(apply externally warm cloths saturated with dilute tincture from the root; give also internally).

Meningitis after mechanical or traumatic injuries, such as concussions, bruises, falling, concussion of brain, etc., when suspecting exudation of blood, fibrine or pus. In such cases we find great sopor and partial paralysis of tongue., Oculomotors, iris or limbs.

Meningitis after lesion or concussion, provided there is no complete want of reaction.

Apoplexia sanguinea.

Head feels too large.

Inflammation of eyes, with suggillations after mechanical injuries.

Retinal haemorrhage; expedites absorption of clots.

A variety of eye troubles resulting from blows and various injuries;sometimes applied locally (tincture diluted with water) and sometimes given internally.

Hard hearing from concussions.


Nosebleed; preceded by tingling;from mechanical causes; whooping cough; typhus.

Toothache after operation, plugging, etc.

Putrid smell from mouth.

Eructations;frequent; empty; bitter.

Vomiting of dark red coagula, mouth bitter; generally soreness.

After injuries.

Foul belching.

Dyspepsia; Prolapsus ani.

Offensive flatus;smelling like rotten eggs.

Stool involuntary during sleep (also urine) Fevers. Apoplexy. etc.

Dysentery with ischuria, or tenesmus of neck of bladder with fruitless urging.

Most marked indication is long intervals between stools, namely from four to six hours.

Bladder affections after mechanical injuries.

Tenesmus from spasms of neck of bladder.

Constant urging while urine passes involuntarily in drops.

Frequent attempts to urinate.

Has to wait a long time for urine to pass.

Retention of urine from exertion.

Ischuria with dysentery.

Involuntary urination at night during sleep. Apoplexy. Typhus,.etc.

Urine brown with lateritious sediment.

Haematuria from mechanical causes.

Urine thick, when much pus and some blood globules, but no tubes. Nephritis.

Urine very acid, with increase of specific gravity.

Penis and testes swollen purple red; after injuries.

Phymosis from friction; parts bruised and much swollen.

Threatened abortion from falls, shocks, etc.; nervous, excited; feel bruised.

Soreness of parts after labor; prevents haemorrhage.

Sore nipples.

Asthma from fatty degeneration of heart.

Whooping cough; child cries before paroxysm as though in fear of soreness it will cause, cough cause bloodshot eYes, nosebleed, expectoration of foaming blood, or clots of blood.

Haemorrhage after mechanical injuries; slight spitting of black, thick, viscid blood, or bright red, frothy blood, mixed with mucus and coagula.


Pleurisy after mechanical injuries; must continually change position, bed feels so hard.

Pneumothorax from external injuries.

“Strain of the heart” from violent running.

Fatty degeneration of heart.

Pulse, in rest, below 60, after moving, above 120/. Nephritis.

Articulations and cartilaginous connections of chest feel as if beaten, when moving, breathing, or coughing.

Hygroma patella.

A splinter ran deep into sole a month ago producing a great deal of proud flesh, came out after inner and outer use.

Paralytic pains in all joints during motion, as if bruised.

Complaints from exertion; hoarse, overusing voice; palpitation; formication, lame; paralysis bruised feeling; sciatica; weary faint; retained urine; nosebleed.

Head feels too hot for him, body feels chilly and cold, between frequent attacks of violent convulsions. After acon.

General sinking of strength;he can scarcely move a limb. Typhus.

While answering, falls into a deep sleep before finishing. Typhus.

Frequent violent attacks of chill. Nephritis.

Chilly, with heat and redness of one cheek.

Head feels too hot to him body chilly and cold: (<) between frequent attacks of convulsions.

Malaria intermittents.,

Traumatic fevers.

Typhoid conditions.

Putrid fevers.

Heat in oft-repeated short attacks.

Concussions and contusions.

Burrowing pus, not painful.

Prevents suppuration.

Hyperinosis is rather a contra-indication for Arnica.

Septicemia; tendency to typhoid forms.

Myalgia; particularly after rover-exertion.

Gout and rheumatism.

Inflammation of skin and cellular tissue; tender on pressure.

Everything on which he lies seems too hard.

Sprains with much swelling, bluish redness, intense soreness.

After bruises with blunt instruments. Iritis.

Concussions; falls; mechanical injuries.

Contusions with lacerations.

Stings of bees or wasps; splinters.

Compound fractures, and their profuse suppuration.

Pressure; aching in epigastrium (<); liver, sensitive; spleen sore stitches in chest(>).

Mechanical injuries; concussion of brain while there are unconsciousness, pallor or drowsiness; weak, intermitting pulse. cold surface, and other indications of depressed vitality from shock; threatened abortion; ovarian troubles; orchitis; mastitis, etc.

Many small boils painful, one after another; extremely sore.

Aconite, Ipecac., Verat; after Apis in hydrocephalus.

Complementary to Aconite

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.