Arnica montana

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Arnica Montana, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Arnica montana, L. Leopard’s bane. Nat. Ord., Compositae.


1. HAHNEMANN, Fragmenta de Viribus medicamentorum positivis. Contains 117 symptoms from self and 33 from authors.

2. IBID., Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, vol. i of original and translation. Contains 591 symptoms from self and 9 others, and 47 from authors.

3 a. [ Throughout Jorg’s provings of the plant (a) will denote preparations of flowers, (b) of root. Hahnemann’s provings were mostly made with the tincture of the dry root.-EDS] ASSMANN, on Feb. 26th, 1823, at 5 p.m., drank 2 oz. of infusion (7 grs.). In spite of careful filtration it caused considerable scraping sensation in mouth and gullet. Constrictive pains in stomach then came on, lasting 1 hours, and then decreasing gradually in severity. When these had somewhat abated, head became confused and there was dull pressing headache under parietals and in neighbourhood of lachrymal fossa. This ceased during n. after increased perspiration. On following day there remained general lassitude, heaviness of head, and inability to work long or hard. March 3rd, 1823, 5 p.m., after 4 oz. of infusion (22 grs.) experienced all above symptoms but less markedly. A new effect of larger dose was that at 9:30 p.m. diarrheic evacuations took place with slight cutting pains in bowels; this was repeated thrice at short intervals next m.

3 b. On March 8th, 1823, at 6 p.m., took 6 drops of tincture mixed with 1/2 oz. water. Repeated belchings followed immediately; 15 m. later tympanitic distension of abdomen followed by severe cutting pains in belly which increased until 9 p.m. and only ceased during n. During evening had repeated foul- smelling eructations but without relief to other symptoms. Same effects followed doses of 12 drops on 10th and 24 drops on 14th. After 62 drops on 17th felt very soon pressure at stomach with feeling as if xiphoid process was being pressed in, stabbing under sternum, vertigo, pressing headache in parietal bones and in orbits, palpitation, and quickened pulse. These symptoms lasted all evening, disturbed sleep considerably, and lasted with varying severity till a.m. on 19th (? 18th); bowels meanwhile sluggish, hunger increased, although appetite was considerably diminished. Same results followed dose of 84 drops on 19th. (JORG’s Mater. zu ein. Kunst Heilmittellehre, 1825.)

4 a. ENGLER, on Feb. 17th at 5 p.m., took 4 oz. of infusion (7 grs.) and felt after 1 h. pulse somewhat slower and irregular; during following n. was restless and often disturbed by dreams. 24th. -After 4 oz. (15 grs.) noticed immediately burning scraping in oral cavity and gullet, repeated belchings, and during evening irregular pulse. Following n. was restless. Next m. on rising noticed peculiar painful feeling down back similar to that caused by continued stooping over hard work, but lasting only 1/2 h. Half h. after similar dose next day superficial pressive pain between shoulders set in and lasted nearly 3 h. Same pain was experienced next day after similar dose, but affecting more r. subscapular region and lasting nearly 4 h. March 5th, 6 p.m., took 4 oz. (30 grs.). Scraping in gullet more marked, and in 10 m. pressive pain between shoulder-blades, proceeding apparently from posterior wall of stomach, made itself felt, and disappeared only next m. During n. was restless and had lively dreams. (Ibid.)

4 b. Took from 6 to 36 drops of tinct. of root without result.

5 a. HEISTERBERGK (Feb. 17th, 5 p.m.) took 8 oz. infusion (15 grs.); after 10 m. noticed pain in region of stomach; this increased by degrees and lasted nearly 1 hours; judged by feeling it seemed as if walls of stomach were drawn spasmodically together. Pulse 75 to 80. On 24th after similar dose noticed nothing but considerable distension of abdomen, which came on a few m. after dose, and lasted nearly an h. On following day (25th) after similar dose same symptom was present and lasted nearly 1 h. When this had disappeared heaviness and confusion of head came on to moderate extent, lasting about 2 h. On 26th, 15 m. after taking 4 oz. (22 grs) noticed moderate sensation of cramp in stomach lasting about 8 m., 1 h. after dose confusion of head also came on but only lasted 1 h. (Ibid.)

5 b. Took from 6 to 65 drops of tinct. without any but local effects.

6 a. KNESCHKE on Feb. 22nd took 4 oz. of infusion (15 grs.), and whilst swallowing dose noticed peculiar scraping burning sensation in mouth and gullet followed in few m. by heavy pressure in region of stomach; former lasted 30 m., latter 1 h. On Mar. 3rd after dose made from 22 grs. experienced same effects. After quiet n. awoke next m. with severe stabbing pains in forehead and occiput, lasting all d. In addition, appetite was poor, bowels sluggish, and mental faculties impaired. Next day after good n. rest felt quite well. Repeated same dose on 7th and noticed immediately above-mentioned scraping in throat, soon accompanied by considerable pressure in region of stomach; former lasted only 1/2 h., latter continued nearly 2 h., and during last h. stabbing pain in forehead and region of temples came on and did not leave him all e.

6 b. June 29th, 8 a.m., took 1/2 oz. of infusion (5 grs.) (experiments with tinct. having proved as fruitless as Heisterbergk’s); after 15 m. fullness of stomach came on accompanied by slight pressure in upper and anterior part of stomach, lasting till 11; from 11 till 3 felt strong pressure in l. side of esophagus, pointing upwards, and accompanied at times with rather severe stabbing. At mid-day had no appetite. From 1 till 4 head became confused, had frequent inclination to sleep and felt disinclined for continuous exertion. Effects of drug seemed to have disappeared by e. June 30th, 8 a.m., repeated dose, shortly after taking which stomach felt full and remained in same condition until after 10; pressure in esophagus in same spot returned shortly before 12 and lasted about 2 h. Confusion of head coupled with inclination to sleep and disinclination for all active exertion lasted whole afternoon; these attacks passed off at 5 p.m. (Ibid.)

6 a. SEYFFERT, after dessertspoonful of infusion taken at 5, 8, and 11 a.m. and at 2, 5, 8, and 11 p.m., noticed each time frequent belching, scraping in throat, drawing in region of stomach, and lasting confusion of head; also frequent micturition, colour of urine being normal. Repetition of experiment produced same symptoms, and in addition an indescribable malaise and disinclination for work.

6 b. After doses of tinct. varying from 20 to 60 drops taken in an oz. of water suffered from scraping in the throat, repeated belchings, confusion of head and frequent evacuation of flatus during the evening (Ibid.)

6 a. STROFER on Feb. 17th at 4 p.m. took 4 oz. of infusion (7 grs.). Burning scraping in throat came on at once, accompanied 1/2 h. later by nausea; vomiting could, however, be avoided. On 21st repeated dose and besides above effects noticed increased secretion of saliva, troublesome unpleasant pains in region of stomach, frontal headache lasting about 2 h. and only vanishing finally after supper. March 3rd, 6 p.m., took 4 oz. of infusion (= 22 grs.), and experienced symptoms of former doses, but much more acutely, especially secretion of saliva, nausea terminating in vomiting, rush of blood to head, and frontal headache; from this as from previous doses found arterial pulse stronger than usual. (Ibid.)

6 b. STROFFER’s trial of tinct. of root was fruitless as that of others.

7 a. WINKLER on Feb. 25th, at 6 p.m., took 4 oz. inf. and immediately after swallowing noticed severe burning in throat, gradually descending through esophagus to stomach, lasting in mouth and gullet 3/4 h. In stomach this burning changed into pinching and pressing, and continued through small intestines as constrictive pain, accompanied with much movement. Abdomen became distended, almost tympanitic; this was relieved by walk in open air. Towards 8 p.m. a notable change took place in the abdominal symptoms; there remained at this time sensation of gnawing hunger, although all desire for food was wanting and W- had dined at 5 p.m. This hunger lasted whole evening and was still troublesome when W- fell asleep towards midnight. On awaking in m. was suffering from severe headache, which increased to such an extent that he nearly fell down from giddiness on going out into open air at 8 a.m. Headache ceased at 10 a.m., but nausea and lassitude lasted till mid-day. (Ibid.)

8 a. GUNTZ. June 24th, 1824, 8 a.m., after 1/2 oz. felt immediately in throat and esophagus (especially in anterior walls) a scraping lasting 5 m.; plentiful secretion of thin saliva, and nausea, but without going on to vomiting; 10 m. after dose pressure in stomach came on, increasing gradually to cramp- like pains and lasting nearly 2 h.; these pains diminished after a meal of bread and milk at 10 a.m. On 25th, 8 a.m., took 2 oz. (=20 grs.); scraping in throat and increased secretion of saliva followed, but to a smaller extent; 15 m. after dose cramp in stomach came on, and continued for 2 h.; after this frontal pain set in, lasting about an hours; during afternoon colicky pains in abdomen occurred from time to time but without any evacuation of bowels; during n. slept very little because of a violent attack of bleeding from the nose. 3 oz. of infusion (=30 grs.) 26th, and 3j on 27th, produced same effects.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.