Hpathy Needs Your Help!


PAIN MANAGEMENT. INTRODUCTION : Pain is a sensory, psychological, emotional subjective feeling with or without tissue damage.


INTRODUCTION : Pain is a sensory, psychological, emotional subjective feeling with or without tissue damage.

BACKGROUND: Homeopathy aims for ‘cure’, meaning disappearance of pain with treatment of underlining cause by considering the ‘person as a whole’ because just providing relief by any means of suppression is not ‘cure’.

Homeopathic medication for pain is based on:

  • Proper
  • Totality of
  • Pharmacological
  • Reports got in drug proving and clinical
  • Miasmatic
  • Materia medica
  • Repertory

In homeopathy the symptoms of mind are very important, if the prescription based on that i.e. on mental and when the remedy would be an anti-psoric then that may cure the case completely. Mental can be judged through observations and not that what patients would tell. Homeopathy can handle trauma and injury more effectively if we know how to tackle the situations in acute and sub-acute conditions which people refer them as emergency. Such as mental condition of a heart attack patient or his physical distress will guide you to a remedy like Aconite for his fear of death, anxiety and anxiousness. The homeopathic remedies are faster to act than of allopathy in acute conditions also.

We can select the perfect remedy from Repertory and Materia medica because they contain already proved and varified drugs.


In Homoeopathy, we have phenomenon of drug related to the

phenomenon of diseases by the law of mutual action under the principle of similarity, contrariety, proportionality and infinitesimality. Homeopathic infinitesimal potencies are ‘Energy Medicines’ and their mode of action is on ‘Energetic Level”. Such substances given in diluted form to avoid any toxicity.

The method of medication for pain is based on :

  • The law of
  • Law of
  • Law of
  • The symptom should be ‘complete’

As Homeopathy follows the concept of INDIVIDUALIZATION there is no specific medicine for a certain pathology and pain. It varies according to the situation and location and character of pain. Unlike allopathic medicines in homeopathy we do not have to follow single blind trial or double blind trial as our homeopathic science is based on PROVINGS. To  prove the efficacy of any particular drug in people of different sex and age or to do the comparative study of drugs we have to precisely start with an assumption positive or negative. but homeopathy does not stand on assumptions. It has a strong base of philosophy and principles.

Pain, whatever may be the character, is always a panic condition. Patient become Impatient.

The most important method while dealing pain in homeopathy is to make sure the patient about the relief from pain. Throughout his practice the physician must sell the idea of homeopathy with brief but helpful explanations to the patients in order to insure their co-operation.

To treat pain an understanding about Humours and their responses is necessary. In the History of medicine Greek physicians have described them in terms of Toxic Phlegm which homeopathy is identifying them as Psora, Syphilis and Sycosis. while prescribing for pain the causes behind it whether it may be exciting, maintaining or miasmatic should not be neglected.


When homoeopathic medication done for pain its healing properties retained in the body. Same substance prepared from any kingdom can both ‘create‘ and ‘treat‘ the pain. Homeopathy has a wide range of drugs for pain management.

Trio of pain                         –        Aco, cham, Coffea.

Muscular pain                     –        Rhus tox, Rhodo.

Bony pain                           –        Acid phos, Calc.Phos.

Pain after injury                  –        Arnica, Calendula.

Sciatica pain                       –        Coffea, Elapse.

Neuralgia                            –        Hypericum.

Spasmodic pain                –        Colocynthis.

Throbbing pain                   –        Belladonna

Arthritis                              –         Silicea, Rhus tox

Maddening pain in head  –           Glonine, Gelse.

Pain in testis                      –        Rhodo, staphysagria

Labour pain                        –        Caulophylum

Homeopathy is much effective in decreasing or eliminating pain and restoring function.


The beauty of Homeopathy is that it considers pain from multi dimensions ex. Pain according to its appearance, direction, location, character [ex. Burning, shifting], modalities [ex. Aggravation in cloudy weather, after exertion] and amelioration from warmth, pressure and with concomitant.

To treat pain painlessly according to the Ideal cure AND Hering’s law of

Cure the perfect method of treatment is only Homeopathy, but the symptom must be ‘complete’ according to concept of Boenninghausen, and prescription must based on all homeopathic principles.

There is no specific remedy for specific pain in Homeopathy, but we have specific medication for a specific individual according to his totality of symptoms. There is no relationship between pain and gender. Pain differ from condition to condition and work related factors.

Homeopathy is an art and science, and much able to cure and prevent pain, as it is a curative as well as preventive science. Hence Homeopathy in pain management has safer methods in pain management than modern pain killers.

Kavita Chandak
Dr. Kavita R. Chandak (BHMS, PGNIH, PG(HOM), MD [HOM]) is a Classical Homoeopath who has been practicing for 16 years. She runs two offices at Nagpurand and takes cases online from patients worldwide. She has published 127 Marathi articles, 42 Hindi articles and 61 English articles in various newspapers. She has a health column in G-Nine magazine and Ayurhomoeo magazine and presents a talk, “Diet in Different Diseases” in Nagpur Akashwani once a month. Dr. Chankak was interviewed on television regarding “The exact mechanism of Homoeopathy and its benefit to the Society”. She has been a Lecturer on Anatomy and Pathology in Anterbharti Homoeopathy Medical College. She was Guest of Honor at the 11th Cancer Cure Homoeopathic Conference at New Delhi in Dec 2014. Over the years she received various awards, including the International Status award in Health Excellence given by the Vice President of Nepal in 2009, and Outstanding Woman of the Year in 2011 by Dainik Bhaskar. Her book Health vs Disease is available on Amazon. www.reeshabh.com