:- 1. Purpose of learning from experience. 2. Converting a specific experience into a general guidance for the future when confronted with a similar experimental situation or for the systematic examination of an unknown new situation with a view to valid interpretation, understanding and action. 3. Classification of data into homogenous group out of heterogeneous group – with two sets. a. A general set: – Characteristic group b. Specific set: – Differential specific characteristic that not only help to identify but also to differentiate from similar group.

  1. All natural classification: – Descriptive\ Morphologic is based on this.
  2. Derivation of principles: Construction of tentative idea — Hypothesis

– Establishment of laws (based on causation) All rational thinking is therefore is based on generalization. All the thinking tends to be primitive unless the mind takes the jump from the “specific” to “general” level of organization from “facts” to “concept”.

Specific level of organization is always concrete and essentially descriptive. It thus entirely dependent on : A. Observation: –

  • Complete and Accurate i.e. error of mal-observation and non- observation are excluded. (b) Unprejudiced: i.e. not affected by preconception, pre-conceived notions and theories previously held related to concepts of Relevance-Irrelevance, which are of general level. B. Recording of observation: – Recording of observation with regards to its description, character, number etc. The general level of organization is depending on: – Adequate development of the specific level of organization to ensure adequacy of the data base. 2. A -Mind trained to classify the facts comprising the data base and to re-arrange them so. That the better inner-relationship between them becomes apparent. Facts can be grasped and stored readily for sub-sequent use. 3. A -Mind trained in successful operation that indicates the method of analysis and method of synthesis, which must be applied simultaneously to arrive at valid conclusion in conformity to the world of reality.

Examples: – At different levels symptoms can be general such as, a. Location: – When a particular symptom is found at two or more locations it becomes general eg. particular lesion at angle of mouth, inner canthi and outer canthi, then it will be general. b. Local sensation and pathology: when particular sensation/ pathology is found at two or more places it becomes general e.g. burning pain at vertex, burning pain at palms and soles, burning pain in abdomen; then burning becomes general symptom.

  1. A particular sensation or local pathology becomes a physical general sensation or a pathology general sensation when interpreted in the light of the underlying constitutional state predictive of a generalized disturbance in human economy, which are as follows: – 1) Psycho- physio-pathologic base: – — Pain in heel and or tendo achilies: – Uric acid diathesis. 2) Miasmatic background: – — A solitary mole or wart: – Sycotic. — A localised eczema: – Psoric miasm 3) Constitution\ Diathesis:

– — Recurrent Epistaxis: – Hemorrhagic — Recurrent cold: – Hydrogenoid constitution


The successful application of the concept of individualization develop in homeopathic philosophy, however, demands a mind equally at home in the rational as well as intuitive world. It demands high level of proficiency in the analytic as well as synthetic method. In the absence of this double check serious errors can creep in the construction of the conceptual image of disease, natural as well as drug and in the realization of the similarity between the two ―portrait. This process of generalization is applied in homeopathy for purpose of synthesis of case so that a concept or conceptual image is built. When a symptom is generalized, its value increases during the process of synthesis. This is essentially required to operate repertories and to erect a reportorial totality especially on Boenninghausen’s concept of.

Kavita Chandak
Dr. Kavita R. Chandak (BHMS, PGNIH, PG(HOM), MD [HOM]) is a Classical Homoeopath who has been practicing for 16 years. She runs two offices at Nagpurand and takes cases online from patients worldwide. She has published 127 Marathi articles, 42 Hindi articles and 61 English articles in various newspapers. She has a health column in G-Nine magazine and Ayurhomoeo magazine and presents a talk, “Diet in Different Diseases” in Nagpur Akashwani once a month. Dr. Chankak was interviewed on television regarding “The exact mechanism of Homoeopathy and its benefit to the Society”. She has been a Lecturer on Anatomy and Pathology in Anterbharti Homoeopathy Medical College. She was Guest of Honor at the 11th Cancer Cure Homoeopathic Conference at New Delhi in Dec 2014. Over the years she received various awards, including the International Status award in Health Excellence given by the Vice President of Nepal in 2009, and Outstanding Woman of the Year in 2011 by Dainik Bhaskar. Her book Health vs Disease is available on Amazon.