Hpathy Needs Your Help!


In a recent American publication the author points out the importance of sleep to those threatened or already suffering from nervous exhaustion. Sleep give rest both mentally and physically. He suggests that the patient should take a foot-bath before retiring for the night and that someone should give him a good percussion with the head over the lower part of the neck and lower part of the spine.

WE live in a scientific age. Perhaps, there never was a time when men were so anxious to solve the problems of life. We are haunted with the sense of the inexplicable. We are ever questioning the sphinx of mystery and dreaming that one day every mystery will be dissipated.

Speed also characterizes our time. And the more rapidly we travel the more danger we meet. Yet we deem it admirable to secure a greater speed in motorcars and monoplanes than other people. Risks do not deter us from what appears a laudable ambition.

Surely, however, health and life are of more value than the tawdry gains of such victories. Indeed, a popular writer stated recently that he believed nerve-power to be of greater importance than the best-designed aeroplanes and while they are necessary the pilots with nerve-Power in any future war would be the most successful. He maintained that men in feeble health ought not to undertake aircraft conflicts.

Now the lack of nerve is the foundation of many prevalent ailments. Practitioners are struck with the number of different names given to nervous troubles although having the same basis and practically needing the same remedies.

The manageress of a local institution sought our help. During the summer months numerous visitors to the seaside claimed her attention. She had to provide varied meals for their gustatory wants and to soothe or entertain their restless spirits. Naturally, when the season was over her nerves were in a state of exhaustion. Not believing drugs or poisons she appealed to biochemistry.

We prescribed Phosphatina (three phosphates), but as she complained also of constipation Graphites was given in alternation with her chief remedy.

It might be said that such exhausting work should not be undertaken by the delicate. In this case it was absolutely necessary. It was useless to advise reducing responsibility. Either the work must go on or someone else would be needed for this important position. The only way of meeting the difficulty was to build up during the previous months the ladys strength anticipation of the season.

Office workers who suffer from nervous exhaustion have more opportunities. At lest they can make convenient breaks in their official duties. Open-air exercise can be taken early in the morning–the best part of the day–before works is begun and other time may be available for invigorating and strengthening the nervous fibres.

My married ladies suffer from neuritis. In some cases this is almost inexcusable. A part of the day ought to be given for sustaining or improving the health. Numerous opportunities are neglected. The daily round is regarded as imperative. A deaf ear is turned to inducement. Open-air allurements are ineffective. And only when the nerves are exhausted with all their miserable concomitants is the help of a medical practitioner thought necessary.

A lady some months ago came with neuritis. She had tried allopathy and various preparations. These had given only partial relief. She freely confessed that she seldom ” went out” as she had many domestic suites. Her right arm gave her intense pain on movement.

Although not having much flatulence had much pain after each medal and at night her sleep was disturbed. We advised her to give up bacon, salt, white sugar and hot tea, and to take Ferrum phos. after each meal and Kali Phos. before meals. In a fortnight there was manifest improvement.

Another lady from the neighbourhood of Leeds, staying for a short time at the seaside, complained also or neuritis, She was a reader of “HEAL THYSELF” and the biochemic articles had awakened a desire to try a system of treatment with which she was quite unacquainted. The phosphates were sadly lacking in her system and in two or three weeks she convalescent.

A business man in the woollen trade who had been cured of an indolent ulcer, found one of his friends was a ” nervous wreck”. Knowing something of the benefits of biochemistry the wool- merchant advises his friend to take Phosphatina, and after a few doses the improvement was so manifest that another enthusiast was made for the safe and drugless method of medication.

Farmers to-day are said to be having a hard time. This may be true. But it is not often they suffer from nerves. A young farmer however, came for consultation suffering well. His tongue was coated behind, indicative of acidity, and occasionally he had pain from flatulence.

In this case we gave the well-known homoeopathic Nux vomica with Sulphur, and judging from his comments we do not think he is likely in the future, whatever be the ailment, to turn to drastic medicines still so popular.

In a recent American publication the author points out the importance of sleep to those threatened or already suffering from nervous exhaustion. Sleep give rest both mentally and physically. He suggests that the patient should take a foot-bath before retiring for the night and that someone should give him a good percussion with the head over the lower part of the neck and lower part of the spine. This done correctly would bring the blood from the head and then very soothing and good sleep. The sleepless might try what appears to be a possible help for this distressing malady.

J T Heselton