Two years afterwards I met her, a healthy bonny looking woman on the eve of getting married. Never any trouble since. Lately I have lost sight of her, but she promised to come back if there should be a return. In homoeopathy one does not depend on grand sounding names, and one falls back on the materia medica, on the symptoms laboriously collected by generations of conscientious provers, doctors and lay people, who put down in common everyday language what their reaction was after taking a remedy.

We meet certain symptoms in a sick person, and we try to find the simillimum, the most like medicine; and after having found it, we confidently predict and expect a cure. We should give the poor young narcoleptic woman who is afraid of laughing for fear of bringing on an attack, the indicated remedy, basing our selection on the remedies found in the Repertory under the different headings; it would probably be Phos., but it might be something else, and the result would be a happy normal individual, once more able to enjoy a joke to the full: no longer cut off from all fun and enjoyment.

Dorothy Shepherd
Dorothy Shepherd 1885 – 1952 - British orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy. Graduated from Hering College in Chicago. She was a pupil of J.T.Kent. Author of Magic of the Minimum Dose, More Magic of the Minimum Dose, A Physician's Posy, Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases.