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It frequently happens that an X-ray or radium worker had the first outbreak of skin cancer on a finger ten, fifteen or twenty years after he had burned it with the deadly rays. It also happens that X-ray and radium workers have the first outbreak of ray cancer, on their fingers, ten or more years after they have left off using the rays.

Artificially fed cattle and pigs are apt to become victims of tuberculosis. In many countries up to one-third of the cattle and pigs are tuberculosis. These tuberculous animals are kept part of the year in the open. The saliva which drops from their excretions contain countless tubercle bacilli. Often sheep graze among the tuberculous cattle and pigs. Often sharp graze among the tuberculous cattle and pigs. Nevertheless tuberculosis in sheep is of the greatest rarity, although they may eat grass swarming with tubercle bacilli from the cows and pigs around them. The natural food obviously protects them against the disease.

Every stock breeder knows that the health of his animals depends mainly on their nutrition exactly as the health of plants depends on the character of the soil. These elementary verities are disregarded by the laboratory specialists who unfortunately monopolize cancer research and who are listened to as if they were authorities on the subject, notwithstanding their utter ignorance.

The fact that cancer is a disease of civilization must be obvious to everyone who has given the matter a little thought. The question now arises: “Which are the factors in civilization which cause cancer?” The development of cancer is favoured by an artificial diet and by many other artificialities which cause disease. Cancer is a disease of chronic poisoning, not a local disease. It is a blood disease which develops with extreme slowness and it is due to chronic poisoning in some form or other.

The fact that cancer is a blood disease can easily be proved. People who have been frequently slightly burned with radium or X-rays are apt to develop cancer on the fingers, which appears often only ten or twenty years after the burnings. The routine treatment consists of cutting off the fingers. With incredible blindness the disease is considered a local one.

However, operation of the fingers is followed by outbreaks which lead to operation of the hands, operation of the lower arm, operation of the upper arm and eventually death. That is the story of even ray-cancer case which I have investigated. Before the local lesion on the fingers was produced, the blood as a whole was made cancerous and it seems as idle to cut off a cancerous growth as to cut off a gouty toe.

Workers in aniline works are apt to develop aniline cancer of the bladder which frequently develops ten or twenty years after they have left the aniline works. There are many other forms which show that cancer is a slow developing blood disease which as a rule requires ten to twenty years of development until the well-known local growth is produced.

Cancer can be created not only by X-rays and radium rays which are poisons to the system, but by excessive heat. The natives in northern India who, during the cold weather, carry on their abdomen a basket containing a basinful of hot coals, are apt to die of cancer of the outer abdomen.

One of the most frequent forms of cancer is cancer of the stomach, and in about 95 per cent. of the cases the sufferers have brought on the trouble themselves by taking habitually boiling hot food, and especially drink, or large quantities of pepper, mustard, etc., injuring the stomach walls. To our misfortune the stomach has no pain nerves. We can therefore easily take food and drink at a temperature which the tough skin of our hands cannot stand. People who are given coffee or tea at a temperature identical to a very hot bath, frequently complain that it is ice cold.

Constipation is a disease of civilization. Constipation is apt to lead to chronic poisoning from the bowel. Nearly every cancer patient is chronically constipated. Bowel cancer is particularly frequent among the constipated, and it occurs as a rule at the flexures of the bowel where strain and injury are most likely to occur.

Everyone is aware that heating food is apt to create or at least to favour the development of skin disease, abscesses, ulcers, etc. If a dog suffers from a boil, abscess, or skin disease, the veterinary surgeon will recommended that the animal should be put on a meatless diet because meat is too heating. If a human being suffers from the worse form of skin disease, abscess, etc., called cancer, he is told to eat and drink what he likes and that surgery is the only remedy.

It is becoming more and more difficult to live on a natural diet. The bread which we eat is a highly artificial food. The wheat is raised on soil which has been soaked with chemicals and further chemicals are used by the millers and bakers for their own end, as has recently been shown in this journal. The white bread usually eaten may be pleasing to the eye and to the taste, but it is poisonous.

I know it because I have tried to live on white bread and water for a time. Rats and other laboratory animals, fed on white bread and water, develop the diseases of civilization and die miserably in a few weeks. Rats fed on whole grain and water flourish from one generation to the other.

Not only our bread but all our food is de-naturalized. The millers deprive the grain of the precious outer skin and germ which contain the vitamins and the indispensable mineral elements which are given to cattle and pigs. Our vegetables are raised with the help of chemical fertilizers and fruit is frequently sprayed with Arsenic and other poisons. Arsenic is a well known cancer-creating poison.

The wool which we wear comes from sheep who have been bathed in Arsenic to destroy vermin and then the wool is dyed with aniline dyes although we know that aniline is a dangerous cancer-creating poison. Milk is sold to us deprived of essential elements by boiling. The meat which we eat comes largely from diseased animals which have become diseased because they were raised on artificial foodstuffs, have grown quickly, but are anaemic and tuberculous in consequence of their upbringing.

A healthy egg has a dark yolk and will hatch into a chicken. A hen fed on de-vitaminized and de-mineralized artificialities will produce eggs with anaemic yolks which are sterile. We cook our food in aluminium which causes constipation and disease and we breathe in the fumes of motor cars which apparently cause lung cancer. Formerly primary lung cancer was practically unknown.

It has increased with startling rapidity since the advent of the motor car and in many case one hears that the sufferer lived near or over a garage and that his house always smelt of petrol. Now lead has been added to petrol and we breathe in not only petrol fumes but lead fumes as well. With criminal recklessness we are destroying the foundation of our health.

The modern housewife does not want to cook. She would rather go to the picture theatre or read novels or amuse herself in some other way. In England, American and many other countries millions of housewives provide meals with a tin opener. Millions are fed almost exclusively on tinned and packeted soups, tinned meat and fish, preserved vegetables, puddings which come out of parcels, which contain de-vitaminized and de-mineralized flour, chemical egg substitutes, etc., tinned fruit, tinned milk and so forth. The constant absorption of tin may be useful to tin producers and merchants, but it is probably disastrous to men.

Dr. M. Hindhede was shown that over-consumption of meat is apt to lead to diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, etc. He has been a vegetarian during more than 30 years. He has published important articles showing that diseases of the kidneys, apoplexy, and many other diseases are infinitely more frequent among the American farmer who are large consumers of meat, than among the Danish farmers who are small consumers of meat. Meat consumption and cancer seem to go hand in hand.

Meat putrefies in the stagnant bowel of the civilized and poisons them. Over-consumption of protein in every form is a danger. After ten years of vegetarianism, preceded by high meat consumption I am able to say that flesh, fish and fowl are absolutely unnecessary.

Although I believe that cancer is a disease of civilization and is preventable, I think I ought to say something about the treatment of cancer. I have found that the over-whelming majority of cancer patients are greatly benefited if they are put on a meatless and fishless diet, and if their bowels are regulated. Furthermore, I have seen a large number of cures of cancer declared incurable under homoeopathic treatment.

Unfortunately the homoeopathic physician receives cancer patients as a rule only when it is too late. The cancerous are as a rule rushed to the surgeon and in innumerable cases the disease is terribly aggravated by surgery in every form. I have not seen a single case in which radium has produced a cure, but I have seen a large number in which radium has driven the previously local disease all over the body.

By dietetic regulation and homoeopathic treatment combined cancer sufferers can be greatly benefited. If a cancer patient recovers then the doctor or surgeon who made the diagnosis usually proclaims: “Probably the diagnosis was mistaken.” Orthodox medicine does not admit that homoeopathy has cured hundreds. If a cancer patient dies under homoeopathic treatment, then the argument of a mistaken diagnosis cannot be raised. Homoeopathy can do for the cancerous what allopathy cannot do.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.