Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Who wishes to control his prolongation of life, ought to have intimate information of the finest machinery the world knows, namely of the human organism which everyone owns himself. The way for a successful treatment is open, when a connoisseur of his constitution carefully considers and describes the early stages of his troubles and their courses of beginning up to the present stage.

Prevention of the general contamination is far more important than local treatment.

The main and most frequently the life-danger in nearly all so- called cancer cases originates not from the first tumour or any other local new formation on the skin or mucous membranes. These outbreaks of the malady or other troubles are to be considered as serious warnings uttered by the total humoral system. Their local removal by surgeons or ray specialists does mostly not regenerate the total organism.

The latters general or partial contamination must be stopped in the first place. Most surgeons and radiologists do not try to regenerate the humoral system and, therefore, are unable to prevent metastases or recurrences.

Sixty-five per cent. of the cancer patients die at present (in average of all varied cancer cases) within five years in spite of the best local surgical or radiological treatment, when they have not been subjected in time to a general humoral regeneration. The statistical publications of J. E. Forber, Professor Gask, A.P. Luff, the Marie Curie Hospital, the Mayo Clinic and others show heart-breaking figures and contain the complaint that the patients generally ask for help when it is too late, i.e. when their blood is already too contaminated.

Such complaint admits that cancer is a general blood-contaminating disease with a local manifestation. The Director and Surgeon to the Radium Institute in London declared in a lecture under the auspices of the British Empire Cancer Campaign (B.M.J., May 19th, 1934) frankly:.

“One often hears it said that those methods are obviously wrong, mainly because they are local weapons against a general disease.”.

After thousands of cancer operations Professor Dr. Frank T. Paul from the Liverpool Royal Infirmary came on basis of his surgical life-experience to the conclusion (B.M.J., February 24th, 1934):.

“Every now and then I would have a patient (in breast cancer), who continued well for from seven to ten years, and then would get a recurrence (generally in the lymphatic system). These growths must have been there in minute size ever since the operation.

This admission of an experienced surgeon on a general contamination is more strongly underlined by the surgeon Sir A. James Walton (Lancet, 1935, p. 1051), who has already arrived at the conclusion:.

“In days to come surgeons will look back with astonishment at the modern operations for carcinoma”.

Avoiding recurrences and metastases (i.e. outbreaks of cancer in other spots or organs frequently remote from the first tumour) must be therefore the biological aim of true cancer prevention and treatment.

Professor Dr. J.M. Woodburn Morison candidly declared in the Lancet (January 26th, 1935):.

“Metastases are the real problem of cancer”.

S. Gilbert Scott. J. E. Lyndham, F. Hernaman-Johnson, L. Rowden and others expressed similar opinions and Geoffrey Keynes practically pleaded for general, humoral treatment, when he wrote in the Lancet (January 26th, 1935):.

“Like Surgery, Radium is a local remedy and cannot be expected to touch the metastases from which patients usually die”.

The precaution of the general contamination,

of recurrences and of metastases

has been clinically proven in reasonable patients.

Entirely independent of any maker of remedies, the selection of which I make dependent on each individual case with individuality afflicted organs, I can take myself full responsibility on basis of clinically proven successful treatments, that the terrifying cancer statistics a consequence of purely local therapeutical treatments can be enormously improved by a vitharmonical general regeneration on an enzymatic-hormonal and nutritional basis. I am, of course, fully aware of the obstacles to such treatment.

Omitting the sceptical professional opposition by surgeons and radiologists as fully explained in the books of J. Ellis Barker, it is sufficient to remind the reader of the frequent opposition by unreasonable diabetics against their following dietetic prescriptions and rules. Now in this nutritional and enzymatic- hormonal regeneration of precancerous and cancerous cases lay two very great advantages for reasonably not too badly contaminated patients.

Firstly, no permanent organo-therapeutic food, no injections nor any substitution-treatment for a life-time (such as insulin treatment for diabetics) is required. And secondly a very severe dietetic treatment for a lifetime is equally unnecessary, for reasonable common sense patients can control themselves after a previous constitutional, humoral regeneration on the basis of the various careful clinical results.

I feel myself justified without any undue optimism to assert that in partly contaminated patients in not too advanced cases death from cancer, pure and simple, is avoidable and needless, if the patient follows in time rules for nutrition and humoral regeneration, dependent on an individual anamnesis. Where negligence, carelessness, despair and loss of vitality prevail, success can hardly be predicted. for human resistance powers are individual and to a large degree psychical.

But where self- control, courage, earnest desire for life-prolongation prevail, and cheerfulness and thankfulness, there well-founded hopes for a regeneration are justified by clinical experiences, which will lead the patient into a stage of new life, bare of hopelessness.

The clinical experiences justify me to declare as erroneous the standpoint of L. Rowden at the Congress of the British Institute of Radiology in December, 1933, and nowadays antiquated in most cancer cases, provided they are not too badly contaminated:.

“In conclusion, I may remark that there is one certain remedy for cancer and I do not suppose that anybody in this congress has seen more cases of cancer than I have, so that I speak from experience. This remedy, which personally I would prefer if the disease afflicted me, is death!”.

In my eyes a diabetic, getting tired of rigid diet-prescriptions and insulin injections, commits voluntarily suicide, when ceasing to employ these proven therapeutical means. The same is the case with sufferers from stomach-, intestinal-, breasts-, uterine- cancer, etc! If they do not change their mode of life and nutrition and do not try to put biologically their digestive system in good order without employment of chemicals and irritants, they destroy themselves their own resistance powers against precancerous or cancerous developments.

The reader may distinguish the stages of cancer: only too badly contaminated cases and unreasonable patients without self-control are generally quite hopeless. In hospitals new therapies are tested and controlled in the most severe cases, where other therapies failed or are hopeless.

Though a variety of such contaminated hospital cases in generally very advanced cases have shown surprising improvements in health and the retrogression of the tumours, such formerly grave state of cancer patients under permanent hospital control cannot be considered by me (responsible to the non-professional reader) as a basis for promises or predictions to careless patients without hospital control in a much or too badly contaminated state.

Careful, reasonable patients, however, can expect a considerable prolongation of life and a diminution of troubles even without hospital control also in rather advanced cases. A limitation of hopes is to my regret required firstly in undernourished cancer cases, where deficiencies of blood components during decades undermined the whole system of nerves and tissues in poor patients, and secondly in poisoned industrial cancer cases (aniline, arsenic, etc.), which have been amply cited by J. Ellis Barker.

But also there a certain consolation is justified. For cancer of the lungs, which is rather frequent nowadays and is traced to the air-poisoning gases produced by the motor traffic, may soon be rubricated as industrial cancer for people in towns with bad ventilation of the streets. In an increasing number of such lung-cancer cases it has been already clinically proven, that a regeneration of the digestive tract leads to a retrogression of the tumours of the lungs; therefore the disadvantages of modern traffic with its frequently detrimental effects on the lungs may be partly counterbalanced by a vitharmonical regeneration of the humoral system.

The non-professional and even many professional readers will not deny that the good results of all natural therapeutic means demand a favourable soil, i.e. the constitution, the former and present life. The composition of the blood and of the tissues of a patient is the basis for a successful treatment. Following G. W. Nicholson in his thesis: “Cancer is an upset of metabolism a strictly and entirely biological phenomenon,” patients must at first consider their families biological life and their own past.

Who wishes to control his prolongation of life, ought to have intimate information of the finest machinery the world knows, namely of the human organism which everyone owns himself. The way for a successful treatment is open, when a connoisseur of his constitution carefully considers and describes the early stages of his troubles and their courses of beginning up to the present stage.

Will Dyes