These cases illustrate graphically the necessity of dealing with the development of the young, and to promote normality when and where ever possible in order to avert a lifetime of misery.

Now I come to the “pubertial stage,” which is beset with many perplexing states, both mentally and physically. States such as anaemia, chlorosis, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, mental disorganization, glandular dysfunction and abnormalities, leucorrhoea, dyspepsia, sweats (night and odorous), acne, worms.

Anaemia and chlorosis can be dealt with successfully homoeopathically; both the quality of the blood and the circulation of it; but the patient must be individually considered, this will bring to light the true cause of the morbid states, often a worn condition is at the bottom of it, or thyro- pituitary dysfunction, which brings about circulatory asthenia and therefore sluggish circulation and stagnation, as is seen by cyanosis (blueness), coldness, chilliness and chilblains.

Menstrual difficulties -non-appearance, scanty, painful, or profuse, have their various indications to the underlying habitual state of the individual. These states should be, and can be, pleasantly, gently and safely treated, and without injury of any kind. Each case should be carefully considered, not merely the fact of, say the “non-appearance,” or “too profuse” or “frequent”; but the whole of the disturbed dysfunctioning organism, with the individual herself, her peculiarities, morbid dyscretinisms, mental and physical.

Catarrh and leucorrhoea so prevalent amongst young girls likewise is important, for are not these discharges, discharges of the vital fluids of the body which the working organism has produced at great expense of nervous energy. All these fluids are natures products for natures upkeep, therefore to constantly throw them away – casting them out of the body as though they were foreign to it – cannot but end in a depraved condition of body and mind; thus debility (nervous and physical), neurasthenia, and thermal irregularity obtains in most, if not in all cases.

My opinion of the why and wherefore of the existence of all catarrhal conditions is that the membranes from which these discharges take place are at fault; this can be brought about by inflammation, cauterizing agents, very hot and cold drinks, and the use of local douches, gargles, snuff, tobacco smoke; injuring thus the tender, sensitive membranes and rendering absorbence impossible.

The douches used so prolifically for vaginal catarrh, uterine discharges, and leucorrhoea only makes matters worse by rendering the membranes more and more insensitive, inactive, and non-absorbent of those vital fluids which are so necessary to their maintenance in normal texture, until a chronic state exists.

A lady, aged about 62 was suffering from congested bronchial tubes; she had been in this condition for eight weeks, sometimes in bed for relief, sometimes up and about; doctor coming every other day, but could get no relief – even emetics would not move it – the texture of the phlegm was thick, like the white of an egg (boiled), tough and tenacious.

She got Kali mur. 6x tablets every hour until relieved on the Thursday; she was again seen on the following Tuesday – result, quite clear, able to breathe normally, yet she had no discharge either upward through the mouth, or downwards. What had happened then? it must have been absorbed, for in no way was there any indication of elimination; the urine was quite clear, stool formed and normal in every way, I will leave this to your judgment for further thought and investigation.

G. D. Pettitt