Hpathy Needs Your Help!


This cure supplies an invaluable lesson. Good homeopaths do not treat diseases because of their names, but are guided exclusively by symptoms irrespective of the name of the name of the disease. Cistus canadensis has produced in provers icy coldness in the throat.

 DEAR MR. BARKER, – Some five years ago my eldest granddaughter came to us to be nursed for whooping cough. She made a splendid quick recovery under Coqueluchin and Drosera. Unfortunately I had never had it and took it from her, and became so bad that the local orthodox doctor was sent for. He laughed and said, “I told you you would have it before you died !” and of course gave me the usual- Ipecacuanha syrup. Like a silly, I took it, thinking it would do me harm, but I became so sick and bad constantly that I couldnt keep my mouth closed for the continual retching and could take no food whatever. Then, although I tried our usual remedies, nothing helped!.

After five days and night like this, I felt ready and willing to die as soon as possible ? I sent a message to Dr. Clarke, just a pencilled scribble : “Am at my wits end with whooping cough, no rest, day or night from retching and dreadfully cold feeling in throat.” He sent me Cistus canadensis. The first dose eased the trouble and I slept twelve hours and had no need for any other medicine !! I thought I would see what another dose of the local doctors medicine would do.

So tool one more sickness, etc., and when he called, I said : “The medicine makes me worse.” He said, “Of course !” “Oh,” I said “then no more please and if I want you Ill send for you.” However the one dose of Cistus did last, for as long as I took no Ipecacuanha I kept all right, and I tried a dose three times to make sure.

I had, two or three years previously, undergone an operation for excision of gall bladder and appendix. The gall bladder was packed with stones. Perhaps that operation made me much worse than I should have been ordinarily with whooping cough, though probably it saved my life, for the terrible retching would most likely have ruptured the gall stones, for I had a terribly bad fall from a high wall when I was a child of 10, and afterwards suffered from a painful kind of indigestion. Previously my health was perfect.


39 Elmdene Road, Plumstead, S.E.18.

[This cure supplies an invaluable lesson. Good homoeopaths do not treat diseases because of their names, but are guided exclusively by symptoms irrespective of the name of the name of the disease. Cistus canadensis is not described in the textbooks as a cure for whooping cough or for vomiting and nausea, nor does it antidote Ipecacuanha. But Cistus canadensis has produced in provers icy coldness in the throat, and therefore it will cure in small doses icy coldness of the throat and underlying condition which causes it. Therefore the single dose of Cistus cured promptly Mrs. Pinkneys whooping cough, vomiting, nausea, and general wretchedness. – EDITOR, HEAL THYSELF.].

Mabel Pinkney