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As surely as the eyes mirror the soul, so surely do they reflect bodily suffering, injury and ill-health.A man may look the picture of health and yet be suffering from some incurable trouble. Another man may have alarming symptoms which are of no particular significance. Iris diagnosis obviates serious diagnostic mistakes.


IRIS diagnosis, discovered some decades ago, has not been much used, except in America, Sweden and Germany – and there mostly by homoeopaths.

As surely as the eyes mirror the soul, so surely do they reflect bodily suffering, injury and ill-health. Every abnormality is written in the eyes for anyone to read who has the key. Iris diagnosis is far more reliable for discovering the hidden causes of ill-health than the diagnostic methods usually employed. An operation often proves that a mistaken diagnosis has been made. If iris diagnosis were used-in conjunction with the ordinary methods of diagnosis if preferred-serious surgical mistakes need not occur.

Those who earnestly study iris diagnosis will be surprised and delighted to find how easily and accurately they can read a persons state of health. They may thus avoid disease, and those who are ill may obtain with the help of iris diagnosis a cure for the real trouble that has been disclosed in the eye, not merely the alleviation of the outer symptoms.

Women suffer from many complaints about which they do not like to speak to medical men. They often object to a medical examination and put off the ordeal until it is too late. They would readily submit to an examination of their eyes through a magnifying glass which would disclose the hidden cause of their trouble, and they may thus escape life-long suffering. To the insurance companies iris diagnosis should prove invaluable, for it discloses not only actual disease, but the strength or weakness of organs and points out future dangers.

A man may look the picture of health and yet be suffering from some incurable trouble. Another man may have alarming symptoms which are of no particular significance. Iris diagnosis obviates serious diagnostic mistakes.

The art of iris diagnosis was discovered by a Hungarian, Ignaz Peczely. When a boy Peczely tried to catch an owl, but the bird fought and stuck its claws into his hand. When the boy tried to free his hand, the owl took a firmer grip. As nothing else could be done, Peczely broke the birds leg and drew the claws out of his hand. While doing this he was gazing into the owls eyes, and he noticed that at the moment when he broke the leg a black streak appeared in one of the owls eyes.

This was a sign of a broken nerve. Peczely took home the owl, bandaged its leg and looked after it until it was quite well. When he gave the bird its freedom, it had become so attached to its captor that it would not leave him. The owl followed him about and perched on the boys shoulder. In the autumn it flew away, but returned the following spring. This continued for a couple of years and then the bird disappeared. The boy had noticed that the mark on the owls eye had remained, but he little knew how important this discovery would prove in the future.

Peczely grew up. He became a homoeopathic lay healer, he made many wonderful cures, and people came to him for treatment from all parts. One night, when lying awake, Peczely began to ponder over the differences and peculiarities in the eyes of many of his patients. Why did some look so strange? Suddenly there flashed into his mind the picture of owl the black streak.

Peczely thought and worked, and worked and thought about this problem for three months and found the solution. He continued working a s a homoeopathic lay healer and one day he was visited by two clergymen and a doctor who scolded him and called him to his face a humbug and a quack. “I will study and become a doctor,” said Peczely. Then, gazing into the doctors eyes he told him that he was suffering from such-and-such a disease.

In 1867 Peczely became a fully qualified doctor of medicine. His studies had given him opportunities of discovering more and more about iris diagnosis. Examining the eyes of patients after operations, he discovered that an operation always left a mark in the iris, and that it remained permanently. He also found that allopathic medicines leave their marks in the eyes by altering the colour of iris.

At post mortem examinations he found that persons had really suffered from the very troubles which he had diagnosed from their eyes when they were alive. Peczely brought out a book on iris diagnosis in 1818, but as it was written by a homoeopath, it was treated with contempt by the orthodox medical profession and it was withdrawn from circulation. A copy of the book came into the possession of Nils Liljeqvist, a Swedish cleric, who made a life study of iris diagnosis, carrying on Peczelys work.

Many doctors in America, Sweden and Germany now employ iris diagnosis, having come to the conclusion that a great and wonderful discovery has been made and they are over-run with patients. It is not only the medical profession that should be familiar with the subject. Everyone who has to look after the welfare of others should study this wonderful subject.


It was by studying the eyes of many thousands of sick people that all the knowledge which appertains to iris diagnosis was discovered.

The iris consists of innumerable nerves in different layers and each of these nerves has a corresponding nerve somewhere in the body. If any organ or part of the body is suffering from any kind of disease or disorder, the corresponding nerve in the eye directly alters its appearance.

The right eye reflects the right side of the body and the left eye reflects the left side of the body.

Both Peczely and Liljeqvist agree that the colour of the ideal iris is blue, a “heavenly blue”, as they call it. That was probably the colour of their eyes of Adam and Eve-and are not the eyes of a little baby blue ? People are classed by the colour of their eyes as follows:.

First class: “Heavenly blue”, rarely seen in grown-up people.

Second class: Brown.

Third class: Intermingling of blue and brown, or grey.

According to Peczely, the blue-eyed people have the best constitutions. According to him all the peoples of the Indo- European race had originally blue eyes. Hence all children of this race are born with blue eyes, but the colour alters in ill- health. The lighter the colour, the better the health. Dark blue eyes will become lighter when health improves and the poisons in the system are thrown off.

Ailing parents will often have brown-eyed children, even if they themselves are blue-eyed; but should they again become healthy, the children born to them henceforth will be blue-eyed. This proves that blue is the natural colour of the iris.

Blue-eyed people are divided into three classes, for not all blue-eyed people have good constitutions:.

(A) Light Blue

(B) Medium Blue.

(C) Dark Blue.

Only a few belong to the (A) class. Peczely declared that there are some who can get into this class, the aristocrats of health, if they never take medicines and allow all eruptions of the skin to take their course, merely cleansing the skin with cold water, because then the body will throw off all impurities and ideal health will be obtained.

The brown-eyed are divided into three classes:

(A) Light Brown.

(B) Medium Brown.

(C) Dark Brown.

Here also the lighter the iris, the better the constitution.

Brown eyes do not necessarily indicate poor health. Their owners may be quite healthy, but they have not the staying power of the blue-eyed.

The third class consists of persons who are born of parents of mixed colours, namely, one blue-eyed, the other brown-eyed.

The weaker race shows itself by a brownish look in the middle of the iris of the child; the stronger race, by the outer half of the childs iris being blue, not a pure blue, but a greenish blue-caused by the brown radiating out from the centre into the blue. In this class we may also count people with a yellow centre to the iris-the outer half having a yellowish-green colour, and people with a reddish iris.

As stated in the foregoing, the iris darkens with illness, and when the iris assumes a black-grey, dirt-grey, or dirt-brown colour, the end is not far off.

Several learned men who have studied the colour of the iris say that the brown-eyed girl has the better chance of marriage- because she is lively and catches a mans fancy sooner than the proud blue-eyed maid; but perhaps the blue-eyed girl makes the best mother.

The brown-eyed race is growing in numbers, if not in strength. Of the brown-eyed girls seventy-nine out of every hundred marry; of the blue-eyed, only fifty-five; so that it is thought that in another seven hundred years the British will be as dark as the Spanish.

We know that the masters of the world are the blue-eyed-the strong race. When the Romans and Greeks were the masters, they were the masters, they were blue-eyed. Brown eyes seem to show a degeneration of strength.

E H Bredenberg