Then heart and liver symptoms cropped up, for which she was given Carduus arianus, Chelidonium, Crataegus and Sulphur. Flushes came, which were treated with Lachesis, then she became anaemic and was given Ferrum phosphoricum.

In this way she has been going on for seven years and is infinitely better now than she was when she first came to me. Meanwhile, a sister of hers has died of cancer, her mother has died and I have helped her over these shocks with Ignatia and other indicated medicines.


ON March 20th, 1936, I was consulted by young Mr. A. E. W., who had suffered from lupus of the nose and face since the time when he was 15. He was 25 years old. The disease had been going on for ten years. It had begun in the nose, he had had a clear discharge, then blood appeared in the discharge, and the cartilages and nasal bone were gradually eaten away. When he came to me he was in a deplorable condition.

People did not wish to employ him because of his appearance. He was tall, thin, complained about icy feet with a wet stocking sensation, had always been constipated. He perspired heavily either from weakness or owing to a tuberculous tendency, had a sinking feeling at 11 in the morning, felt best in hot weather and was very tidy.

I started him, for clearing up purposes, with Sulphur 6x night and morning, gave him a combination of Nux vomica and Carbo vegetabilis, to improve his digestion, and, as he was fond of salt, and had many symptoms of salt poisoning, I gave him Natrum muriaticum 30 between meals. Further I gave him Bacillinum 200 to be taken every Sunday and Lueticum 200 to be taken every Wednesday.

After a week the young man reported: ” I sweat very little now, even after exercise, the discharge from the nostrils seems just a little less, but it has lost its nasty smell. I feel much cleaner inside.” He felt. “much cleaner” because he was given an abundance of bran with which to keep his bowels in order. I then gave him Phosphorus for a time because of his tubercular tendency. On April 12th (after not quite three weeks treatment) he wrote: “My nose is more comfortable now than I can ever remember it being.” A fortnight later, on April 20th (about a month after he had come to see me), he reported: “The past week has been my most progressive so far.

I have gained a further 2 lbs. and now weigh 9 stone 122. I feel splendid, the irritability has vanished and I am now feeling more cheerful and settled in mind. My hands are no longer damp and clammy, also they are less blue. My nose and face are now more comfortable than I can ever remember their being. I am very pleased with my progress and feel that we are getting along splendidly.”.

The weak after he wrote: “I eat plenty, I feel well and I look well. There is less discharge from the nose, my eyes appear to be much brighter, my tongue is much cleaner, I am getting stouter, I have made definite progress, I feel stronger, but I get very tired towards the end of the day. I sleep heavily, dream most nights, my skin is very clean and healthy-looking, especially in my face which has taken on more colour and fulness. I have not seen any blood since starting your treatment.”.

On May 3rd he wrote: ” I have gained some more weight and am now 9 stone 13 instead of 9 stone 8. I am looking and feeling extremely well, I feel I am making all the progress it is possible to make. I go longer periods before an accumulation appears in the nose which is very pleasing to me. I eat more now than I have ever eaten”.

On May 10th he reported: “I feel I can now say with justification and without exaggeration that I now feel better than I have ever felt in my life. I am much stronger, my weight has increased to 10 stone. This is the first time I have ever weighed 10 stone. I calculate that nasal discharge has decreased over fifty per cent.; this makes the breathing much easier. My body generally looks clearer and healthier than I have ever seen it. Perspiration has lost its unpleasant odour. I never experience any sinking feelings now, my food is most satisfying. I am very pleased with my progress and so are my folks at home”.

On May 17th the patient wrote: “I am indeed happy and enjoying my new-found health. Nasal discharge continues to decrease rapidly. I shall soon be able to report normality in this respect. I am doing marvellously well.”.

For ten years the young man had been treated “for lupus” by the doctors according to the textbooks. Not one of the doctors, had enquired into his diet or tried to regulate his way of living. None of his advisers had taken the necessary trouble. I was the first to treat him constitutionally on the broadest grounds, both by diet and by medicine, and a favourable reaction was instantaneous and splendid. Homoeopathy often succeeds when orthodox medicine has failed.

J. Ellis Barker
James Ellis Barker 1870 – 1948 was a Jewish German lay homeopath, born in Cologne in Germany. He settled in Britain to become the editor of The Homeopathic World in 1931 (which he later renamed as Heal Thyself) for sixteen years, and he wrote a great deal about homeopathy during this time.

James Ellis Barker wrote a very large number of books, both under the name James Ellis Barker and under his real German name Otto Julius Eltzbacher, The Truth about Homœopathy; Rough Notes on Remedies with William Murray; Chronic Constipation; The Story of My Eyes; Miracles Of Healing and How They are Done; Good Health and Happiness; New Lives for Old: How to Cure the Incurable; My Testament of Healing; Cancer, the Surgeon and the Researcher; Cancer, how it is Caused, how it Can be Prevented with a foreward by William Arbuthnot Lane; Cancer and the Black Man etc.