Homeopathy Remedy Zingiber

Clinical Asthma, necessity to sit up in order to breathe, without anxiety, (<) towards morning.


      Stitches in r. side; in l. lower lung; through chest; intermittent, in lungs, after motion; in lower part of r. lung, waking her at 2 A.M., with difficult breathing, necessity to sit up, (<) dry, hacking cough, in the morning expectoration, all day pain in r. lung, with external soreness. Pain under sternum all day; under sternum at 4 P.M.; in r. lung from second to sixth rib in in front, at 7 P.M., worse at intervals, then difficult breathing; in lungs at 9 P.M.; through middle lobe of l. lung at 9 P.M.; drawing, from r. axilla to sternum, from third to sixth rib, in intercostal muscles, at 9 A.M. after working. Broken feeling around it in evening. Pressure when walking, the time when he does not cough; outward under upper part of sternum, afterwards (<) r. side.

Heart and Pulse

      Stinging in region of heart at 5 P.M. Fluttering of H. Pulse rapid; slow, full and hard in evening.


      Cracking sound in region of first cervical vertebra in evening on looking upward; on rising from a seat, with stiffness in l. side of neck. Stiffness; (<) l. side; (<) motion.


      Lameness after much walking. Aching in afternoon; in sacral region; r. loin; loins, (<) l., during menstruation; loins, (<) r., (>) leaning against something; first low down, but passing off she feels it higher up, at 8 P.M., several times, with nausea; as from weakness, (>) sitting and leaning against something; as from weakness, in sacral region, in evening after lying down, (>) Nux v.; as if beaten in small of B. when walking and standing. Drawing pain between scapulae at 6 P.M.; in l. sacral region in evening, the first day of menstruation; lower part in evening; drawing, sometimes stitching pain in small of B. and lower down in abdomen at 7 P.M., (<) deep breathing, with inability to sit erect, this pain went with stitches through the chest and settled as a stinging under l. scapula. Stitches in small of B. In loin, a shock-like moving downward, as from a dropping fluid. Stiffness of lower part, (>) going to bed, with heaviness in it and pain in abdomen.


      Twitching in muscles of back part of r. humerus and in r. thigh at 5.30 P.M. Cramp in soles and palms. Heavy pain in arms and legs at 11 A.M. Heaviness. Weakness; in joints after walking.

Upper Extremities

      Drawing pain in l. shoulder-joint at 11 P.M.; in l. joint, with weakness. Shoulder-joint felt paralyzed after a fall which strained it, with pain on raising it. Arm, twitching extending downward in l. at 4 and 6 P.M.; pain in r., going to wrist; drawing pain in l.; drawing pain in l. in afternoon and evening, (<) entering a warm room, (<) upper arm; drawing in l., next day in r., then l.; heaviness of l. at 10 A.M., with numbness, (<) forearm. Upper arm, twitching in muscles of r.; drawing pain in r. in evening; heavy feeling, a kind of lameness. Pain along l. deltoid, as from overwork, a lame sensation at 8 P.M., (<) motion. Pulling tearing along r. triceps at 7 P.M. Drawing pain from lower part of inner side of humerus to middle of forearm at 4 P.M. Felt a loud crack in l. elbow on motion. Forearm, twitching in muscles of l. at 4 P.M.; internal trembling of muscles when holding something tight; drawing pain in r. towards wrist at 9 P.M. Rheumatic drawing over back of hand. Drawing, cramplike pain in l. palm at 5 P.M.

Lower Extremities

      Thigh, drawing; drawing pain in outer side of l. at 5 P.M. Hip, broken feeling, also tired when standing, feels best when sitting; soreness in l. returned long after a fall; two drawing pains, then a rest, then the pain again, at 10 A.M., (<) l., then lameness; stiffness at 5 P.M., a lame feeling. Pain as from a strain in bend of knee. Drawing pain in l. knee, then in both knees, extending to feet; along inner side of r. patella; below l. patella in afternoon; acute (digging), on top of foot when outstretched. Aching in heels after long standing. Prickling, crawling pains in sole when walking or standing; almost like a sore pain when sitting; as if asleep in soles and balls of feet in evening when sitting. Burning pricking crawling in soles, heels and toes when sitting, especially burning in corns and soles.


      Redness; with heat and stinging. Red pimples on l. cheek; face, neck and forepart of head; wings of nose. Feels relaxed, soft and pliable. Itching in beard; on pubic parts; pricking, in calves when sitting.


      Sleepiness; in morning after good sleep at night, with yawning; in afternoon; towards evening; and laziness; sleep from 6 till 9 P.M., with lively dreams. Sleepless the latter part of the night; till towards morning, falls from one dream into another, dreams of fire, fright, etc.; from 3 A.M. till late in morning, (>) Nux v.; and nervous, fidgety feeling; half awake, dreamed all night. Waking early. Sleep unrefreshing; irritable, lazy; restless, after 2 A.M., with many dreams (of the church). Dreams many; many (dancing, throwing of somersets by an old man), incomplete emissions; pleasant; unpleasant; anxious; wandering, varied, cheerful, vivid and aspiring.


      Chilliness, with faintness and sick headache; creeping C. in evening, (<) about trunk; extending upward; four or five times in evening, beginning in lower limbs and creeping to back. Cold shivering. Cold hands and feet alternately; feet towards noon, then hands. Temperature increased. Heat at 11 A.M., with hard, full pulse, redness of the face and humming in ears; H. in head all day; in head, (<) ears, with headache; ears; face; face, with redness; face and r. cheek at 5 P.M., with pain in temples; palms. Sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.