Homeopathy Remedy Zingiber

Zingiber homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Zingiber…

      A tincture is made of the dried root of the ginger, Amomum Zingiber, L.

Generalities and Mind

      Twitching over r. eye and in neck. Cold rheumatism. Feels very unwell all day. Inclination to lie down. Weakness; in afternoon; all day and evening, with sleepiness, felt better in afternoon and in the air; with feverishness; with fluttering of heart and empty sensation. Irritability in evening, with chilliness. Increased activity of brain. Memory strengthened.


      Aching in morning, with heat in head; A. from 7 till 9 P.M., (<) moving and stopping; (<) noise, (>) dinner; with soreness to touch; with heat in head; with stiffness of l. side of neck; externally, (>) touch; drawing, settling in r. temple; drawing, as if r. eye were pressing out, all day; encircling it, heavy pain as from a board pressing through the whole head, at noon; heavy, at noon, (<) forehead, with stiff neck. Feeling as if pressed. On stooping, sensation as if contents pressed into forehead and root of nose. Heavy pressure inward when walking in cold damp air, afterwards affecting the whole body. Confusion and empty feeling. Rush of blood in afternoon, (<) temples, with weak, full pulse. Dizziness.

Forehead. Stitches; over l. eye at 5 P.M., then frontal pain, and eyes sensitive to light. Pain in morning; P. over-eye; over l. side at 11 A.M., then changing about in head; over l. eye from 9 till 10 P.M.; (<) over eyes, (<) laughing, talking or stooping; over l. eye in afternoon and evening, (<) cold open air, with stitches now and then, next day heavy P. with stitches now and then. Drawing pain, (<) over root of nose; D. pain at noon, (<) l. side; over l. eye at 7 P.M.; over l. eye, extending towards r., when in church, settling in r. occiput, where she felt a heavy drawing pain, with frontal headache, nausea, faint sensation and chilliness, all symptoms (>) in a warm room; sharp, over brows, with aching of brows, then nausea in a warm room, later (at noon) more aching and heavier sensation extending around the head, heavier on l. vertex, afterwards heavier over r. eye and l. occiput, later pain over r. eye and heavy pain in l. occiput. Drawing pressure on bone when he exerts himself. Drawing, with heat.

Temples. Pain; in afternoon; in evening; in l. till sleep, 8 P.M.; at 11 P.M., with dull and sore feeling over l. eye; after bread; with numbness in them, pressure over eyes, heat in face and fainting weakness; beating, in l.; drawing, in l. and over l. brow at 5 P.M.

Pulsating pain in r. side of vertex, (<) rising. Heavy pain in l. side of vertex at 11 A.M. Sore feeling in l. side of vertex,(<) touch. Pain in l. side in evening, with heat in head and thirst; drawing, internally above temples when walking in open air, (>) standing still, disappearing on uncovering head in a warm room; in a circle through cerebellum, then heavy P. encircling the head above the eyes, extending to occiput. Beating pressure in l. side of occiput; in evening. Itching of scalp; during the morning, and of cheeks.


      Sensation of sand in l., (>) rubbing. Pressure; in l.; in and over l. Smarting burning pain. Sensitiveness to light; in evening; in afternoon and evening, with stinging in balls. Watery. Stitches inside lids. Cutting downward in margins of lids. Sharp drawing pain through and around balls and through superciliary ridges. Sudden glimmerings.


      Tearing in r. at 7 P.M.; drawing T. in r. Sensitive to noise during the day. Humming.


      Itching in nostrils, not (>) scratching. Dryness. Frequent sneezing at 6 P.M., with many ineffectual attempts to sneeze. Obstructed feeling, with thick discharge; O. feeling, with watery discharge. Discharge, watery, from r. then l. nostril, (<) open air; watery, streaked with blood, while her cough is worse; serous, then thicker, posterior nares obstructed.


      Looks exhausted in morning before menstruation, with blue rings below eyes. Drawing stinging in l. lower jaw to first incisor at 10 P.M. and in night. Drawing pain in l. upper jaw; l. lower at 9 P.M.; in l. lower from second molar to first incisor; from upper to temple. Drawing from l. upper jaw to temples. Soreness in r. lower jaw in morning, with swelling.


      Drawing pain in first two l. lower molars; in all l. lower teeth at 5 P.M.; in l. lower to first incisor (she has a decayed tooth on this side) at 7 P.M., later it returns after being in the air. Sensitiveness of all lower teeth, with pressing drawing in their roots. Dryness of roof, and of posterior nares, which are stopped. Burning. Salivation; with vesicles on tongue and gums, which feel sore. Breath smells foul to herself. Slimy taste in morning.


      Looseness of mucus, with soreness in T. and pit of stomach. Tickling from 3 P.M. till evening, (<) l. side; in evening, irritating to cough. Dryness on waking, with difficult swallowing as over an obstacle, afterwards the same at night, with raising of hard mucus; D. at 10 P.M., on going home, with feeling of swelling externally, constant desire to swallow, pressure and stinging; of posterior nares, with obstruction and also with thick discharge.


      Loss of desire to smoke. Thirst; at night, in morning dry lips and mouth; with headache; with heat in head. Eructations; in evening; empty; sickening; incomplete. Nausea; on rising at 7 A.M., with wind and rumbling in bowels, preceded by drawing pain in hypogastrium; from 7 till 8 P.M. and next day from 7 till 8 A.M.; at 7.30 P.M., with empty feeling in stomach; at night after a short unrefreshing sleep, then sleeplessness; rising into chest. Pain in S. and back, (>) going to bed; P. from bread; drawing, going from pit under sternum, where it feels like flatulence. Heaviness in evening with inability to sleep, nervous, fidgety feeling, cramps in soles and palms, and a hoarseness such as she had during cholera. Digestion weak, retarding the stool.

Clinical Vomiting of old drunkards, with heavy feeling like a stone in the stomach, slimy, bad taste in the morning, and bad breath.


      Distention. Rolling. Flatulence; in evening; before supper; on rising from bed. Stinging at 6.15 P.M., (<) l. iliac region. Contracting colic passing through it when standing, then desire for stool. Drawing pain all night, with weight and flatulency. Drawing downward; at 8 P.M.; towards evening, (<) sides, then nausea. Nausea in morning, two hours after the usual stool.

Rumbling in l. side at 10 P.M., sometimes pain through bowels. Stitches in l. hypochondrium; at night. Heavy pain in r. hypochondrium, towards back, at noon, (<) deep breathing. Cutting in l. umbilical region. Sore pain in a spot in the middle of a line from umbilicus to r. hip. Sudden drawing stinging pain in l. iliac region, going upward, at 3 P.M. Sharp pain in l. iliac region after supper and after breakfast next morning. Pain in iliac region from 5 P.M. till sleep, next day in l. in evening, on third day at 5 P.M., with soreness; in l. groin at 2 P.M., with superficial soreness in a spot, the same over Poupart’s ligament at 8 P.M. Drawing pain in hypogastrium; passing from r. to l. side, then it went higher up; at 10 P.M., and in back, then a stool, some days later drawing at 7 P.M., (<) l. side.

Anus and Stool

      Haemorrhoids hot and painful (after chewing ginger for asthma, which it did not relieve), (>) Nux v. Redness in and around anus, with inflammation, and with burning itching extending up back. Diarrhoea before breakfast; twice after breakfast; with acidity of stomach and slimy taste; mucous, frequently through the day; brown, mucous, with wind. Soft stool.

Clinical Anus sore and hot during pregnancy. Diarrhoea from drinking bad water, with much flatulence, cutting pain, relaxation of sphincter. Chronic intestinal catarrh.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Yellow discharge from urethra at night. Stinging burning pain in orifice of urethra, not while urinating, urine pale. Acute pain in orifice of urethra when urinating, (>) Nux v. Dribbling after micturition. Urine profuse; and bright-colored; and of strong smell. Urine dark brown. Urine thick, turbid, (>) Nux v. Prepuce cold and moist. Itching of prepuce. Painful erections, (>) Nux v. Sperma increased. Emission at night. Sexual desire. Menstruation too early, copious, dark, clotted, with sick and irritable feeling.

Clinical Complete suppression of urine after typhoid.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarseness. Soreness like a ridge in upper larynx. Scratching in larynx, which irritates to a dry cough; with rancid feeling, which makes her drink water. Smarting below larynx, then cough and expectoration of mucus. Cough at night; before midnight; from tickling and dryness in larynx; from contraction of skin in region of larynx; excited by burning and smarting; (<) morning, with expectoration, which she has to swallow; scraping; dry, from scratching in larynx, waking him often between 1 and 2 A.M. Short breath. Breathing difficult, from pain in r. lung; with necessity to sit up.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.