
Zingiber homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe…


Zingiber officinale, Roscoe. (Amomum zingiber, Linn.) Natural order: Zingiberaceae. Common names: Ginger; (G.) Ingwer; (Fr.) Gingembre. Preparation: Tincture of dried rhizome.


If epileptics smell it, it brings no spasms. Cold rheumatism. Very weak and general feeling of faintness. Feels tired all over, in the afternoon (seventh day); feel tired on standing (ninth day). Felt somewhat relaxed all over (second day). Inclination to lie down (sixth day). Prostrated and feverish (second day). Fainting weakness (seventh day). Feeling as if she were going to faint, with the headache, (twelfth day). Feels very unwell all day.


Mind cheerful (third day). Mind cheerful, with a pleasing sensation in his system, at 10 A.M. (first and second days). Was in a good humor all the days of the proving, enjoyed company, was lively in conversation, not so silent as usual (eleventh day); again (thirtieth day). Very irritable and sick during menstruation. Irritable and chilly, in evening (third day). Increased activity of the brain. Strengthens the memory. His memory is better since he began the proving (eleventh day).


Feels confused and empty in his head (one hour and a half). Dizziness and heaviness in all her limbs (third day). Rush of blood to the head, especially the temples; pulse from 72 and weak to 84, full, in the afternoon (four hundred and sixteenth day). Head feels sore to the touch; dull headache. Head feels as if pressed (ninth day). Pressing headache, externally, disappears on touch. Pressing pain, with heat all over the head, in the morning (sixth day). Pressing- drawing headache, as if the right eye were pressing out, all day. By walking in the cold damp air experienced heavy pressure in the head, from external to internal, affecting afterwards the whole body (third day). When stooping, sensation as if the contents of the head pressed into the forehead and root of the nose (tenth day). Headache, with heat in the head. Headache, worse on moving; worse by stooping (ninth day). Headache, with stiffness of the neck on the left side (eleventh day). Headache, worse by noise, less after dinner (fifteenth day). Heavy pressure throughout the whole head, as if from external to internal (after fifteen minutes, second day). The circle of the pain extended in a line above and behind the head through the cerebellum; it was shifting, 12 0 30′; dull, heavy pain encircling th the head above the eyes extending to the occiput (second day). Pain encircling the head; dull, heavy pain, like a board pressing through the whole head, continuing for one and a half hours, at 11 A.M. (thirty minutes after 30th). Forehead. Headache when he exerts himself, a drawing pressure on the frontal bone. Slight dull pain over the left eye, with stitches now and then, was a little worse by going into cold open air, afternoon and evening (second day); dull, heavy, with stitches now and then through the day (third day). Over the left eye a dull headache, from 9 till 10 P.M. (third day). Frontal headache, in the morning (twelfth day). Headache, at first over the left forehead, then changing about, at 11 A.M. (sixth day). Frontal headache, especially over the eyes, worse when laughing or talking (third day), 6; worse by stooping (second day). Sharp, aching, drawing pain over the eyebrows; aching of the eyebrows, followed by nausea, lasting but a few moments, in a warm room; later, more aching and heavier sensation than in the morning, extending all around the head, more heavy on the left vertex, 12 0 15′; afterwards, heavier over the right eye and left occiput; this diagonal direction it took after the circular pain passed off; later a pain over the right eye, and heavy pressing pain in the left occiput, all in the warm room, continued in the cold damp air, and in motion and by sitting at rest (second day), 8. Drawing, frontal headache, especially over the root of the nose (at 6 A.M., fifth day, and on the ninth day). Headache, a dull pressing, more in the forehead and temples (eighth day), with the same pain in the left eye (ninth day). Drawing pressing pain over the left eye, at 7 P.M., lasting ten minutes (twelfth day). Pressing-drawing frontal headache, more on the left side, at noon (fifteenth day); dull drawing with oppressive heat (thirteenth day); afterwards pain over the eye; dull, pressive, heavy all over, but more on the forehead, with stiff neck; 12 A.M. to 1 P.M., at noon (sixteenth day), 11. When in church, pain over the left eye, drawing extended a little to the right, and settled then in the right occiput, where she felt a heavy, drawing pain for about two hours, with the headache in front, with nausea, and as if she were going to faint; at the same time very chilly. All these symptoms disappeared when she came home, in a warm room (twelfth day). Twitching over the right eye and in the muscles of the neck (eighth day). Stinging pain over the left eye, at 5 P.M., when it passed off she had a pressing frontal headache, the eyes were somewhat sensitive to the light (sixth day). Very fine but violent stitches in the forehead. Temples. After eating bread, immediately a pressing headache in the temples. Slight headache, pressing in the temples (second day). Slight headache in both temples, dull and sore feeling over the left eye, at 11 P.M.

(second day); dull, pressing drawing headache, which at last settled in the right temple (third day). Headache, mostly in the temples, and stiff neck (ninth day). Dull, aching pressing pain in the left temple till she went to sleep, 8 P.M.

(third day); pressing headache in temples, in the afternoon (fourth day); dull pressing pain in both temples, in the evening (fifth day); dull, pressing headache, especially in the temples (twelfth day). Pressing pain and numbness in both temples, pressure over the eyes, heat the face, fainting weakness (seventh day). Headache internally above the temples, like a pressing drawing, while walking in the open air, with the head covered; it lessens when standing still, and when uncovering the head in a warm room it disappears. Drawing pain in the left temple and over the left eyebrow, at 5 P.M. (eight day). A beating pain in the left temple (ninth day). Vertex and Parietals. Pulsating pain in the vertex, right side (ninth day); worse by rising (tenth day). Left vertex feels sore, more on touching (third week). Dull heavy pain in the left vertex and in the arms and legs, at 11 A.M. (third day). Dull pressing headache on the left side, with heat in the head and much thirst, in the evening (eighth day). Occiput and External Head. Beating pressure in the left occiput. Itching on the head and cheeks during the morning (second day). Itching on the scalp (fifth day).


Pressure on the eyes (seventh day). Pressure in the left eye (first day, after 3 drops of the tincture twice; also after chewing the root several times, fifth day). Dull pressing in the left eye with the headache (ninth day). Pressure in and over the left eye; beating pressure in the left occiput, in the evening (thirtieth day). In the left eye, a sensation as from a grain of sand, which ceases from rubbing (after thirty minutes). Smarting-burning pain in both eyes (second day); smarting burning in the eyes all day (third day), 6; the same (second day). The eyes are sensitive to the light (sixth day); very sensitive, with stringing pain in the eyeballs, in the afternoon and evening (seventh day). The eyes are sensitive to the light f affected by it, in the evening (sixteenth day). Painful sensitiveness of the eyes by looking in the light (second day). Eyes somewhat sensitive to the light, with the headache (sixth day). Lids. Transient sensation on the margins of the eyelids like a cutting from above downward. Fine stitches inside the eyelids. Lachrymal Apparatus. Watery eyes (second day). Ball. Sharp drawing pain through and around the eyeballs and through the superciliary ridges. Vision. Sudden glimmerings before the eyes (sixteenth day).


Drawing tearing in the right ear (third day); tearing at 7 P.M.

(ninth day). During the day more sensitive to noise (fourth day); very sensitive to noise (fifteenth day). Humming in the ears.


Much sneezing, nine times in succession, and many times attempts to sneeze without success, at 6 P.M. (ninth day). Discharge of pure water from the right nostril (fifth day); later, all the symptoms of a cold in the head; running from the right nostril seems worse (sixth day); the left nostril is becoming affected like the right (eight day); and the watery discharge from both nostrils is especially in the open air (ninth day). Dryness of nose, it feels obstructed (seventh day); with discharge of thick mucus (eleventh and previous days). While her cough is worse, streaks of blood in the watery discharge from her nose (third day). Has a cold in the head (third day); the same considerable discharge from the nose, first serous, then thicker; posterior nares completely obstructed (next day after 30th ). Nose feels obstructed (second day); since proving much thirst, dry in the mouth, obstruction in the nose, cannot breathe through the nose (sixth day); when the obstruction passed off she had more watery discharge from the nose (ninth day). Sense of painful dryness in the nose (ninth day). Intolerable itching in the nose, even not relieved by scratching.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.