Homeopathy Remedy Veratrum Album

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in r. axilla extending to elbow. Pain in r. axilla.

Shoulder. Sticking in l. joint; in r., with tensive pain, the S. extends to back, impending movement, the pain, (>) pressure, (<) hawking and coughing, even respiration is painful, after removal of pressure there is burning in skin. A single cutting on it. Pain; in r. joint; during rainy weather, and in arms, all symptoms (>) warm weather and a dose of Rhus; extending to head like lightning, then loss of vision.

Arm. Trembling on taking hold of anything. (Twitching.) Pain as if beaten in r. after a little effort; paralytic, with difficulty in raising them. Sensation as if too full and swollen. Weakness, and of hands. Stiffness in muscles of l., with drawing; S. of muscles of l., with numbness and pain. Numbness of r.; with heaviness. Paralytic feeling in r.

Upper Arm. Smarting on inner side as from sore flesh. Pain in muscles of r.; in muscles of l., then r.; paralytic bruised, in l. on stretching it; drawing downward, in middle of l. humerus, as if sore from lying on it.

Drawing pain in bend of elbow on flexing it, it seems swollen so that it cannot be completely flexed, with paralytic feeling in arm. Pain in middle of l. forearm as if bones were pressed together. Jerking in r. wrist and towards elbow. Hands fall asleep. Crawling in hands as if falling asleep.

Fingers. Pain in bones of second phalanges on grasping anything; P. in thumb-joint as if dislocated; tensive, in middle on motion; burning; itching, in first phalanx of little, as if it had been frozen. Rigid, insensible. Falling asleep.

Lower Extremities

      Tottering gait. Heaviness. Lameness in r. hip, then also in l., so that walking was difficult.

Thigh. Rhythmical twitching in large external muscle when sitting and standing, recurred after walking. Cramplike pain in T. or calf if he supports himself less upon that foot when standing. Pain as if broken when sitting; rheumatic drawing P. in muscles when standing. Cramplike drawing in upper gluteals when standing. Weakness, and in knees; and in hips, with aching as if lame.

Knee. Cracking. Painful jerking in r. Raise high up every quarter or half hour in afternoon, (>) evening on lying down. (Sticking, and in ankle.) Single cutting. Bruised pain on descending stairs. Spasmodic drawing pain from hollow of r. into thigh when standing. Drawing at times when standing, walking or sitting. Tension in hollow when standing and walking. Cold sore sensation externally. Heaviness of K. and feet when walking, with clumsiness.

Leg. Cramp in calves (Cuprum, Rhus-t.); in outer part of calves in evening after walking and jumping. Tearing in muscles of l.; extending downward in tibia. Pain, and in ankles; in bone below knee as if broken when stepping upon it; in calves and tibia as if they would break down. Crawling, a painful surging. Heaviness; in morning, as if paralysis impended. Stiffness in calf, with drawing; S. in r. calf, with pain.

Ankle. Sprained pain in evening when walking, when previously while sitting the soles had been stretched backward, so that they rested upon backs of toes. Pressure in r.; P. as if bones were pressed.

Foot. Sudden swelling. Jerking in the weak foot when standing. Cramp. Stitching in a corn on l. when sitting. Cramplike pain on stretching it. Pain in corns; sore, in corn on raising foot, so that he stood only on the toes, in evening; in r. as if a plug were pushed upward on tarsal and metatarsal bone of little toe; as from fatigue, as if stones were tied upon them, (<) knees, (>) motion. Painful drawing transversely through joints when sitting. Burning itching deep internally under l. heel.

Toes. Stinging in r. when standing; in great; in r. great, with burning. Tensive pain in external tendons on walking.


      Whole body pale. Desquamation. Red eruption about mouth and on chin; copper red, about mouth and chin. Red spots on nose, next day vesicles close together on nose. Rash on cheeks, with pain in face; rash (only about joints?) itching when warm, after scratching burning and hives as from stinging nettles. Painful tetter in various places; (dry T. between thumb and index). Red pimples on back of fingers, between second and third joints; painful P. on lower jaw, and on touch constricting pain changing to a pustule, with inflamed areola. Eruption like the itch. Burning blisters like anthrax on l. thing, elevated pustules with depressed tips, with dark red swollen areola, with tensive pain when walking, next day burning sticking when walking.

Stinging on throat and chest, (>) stroking (with redness and elevations like urticaria, which is noticed only on touch). Tension on forehead, with feeling as if it were difficult to move and a pressure. Sensitiveness, pain in every part on which he lies. Crawling on hands and fingers.

Itching on forehead; hollows of knees; great toe (face); (here and there); shoulders, back, face, arms and fingers with burning and shivering; palmar surface of l. middle finger and ball of thumb, with biting and stinging; legs, on rubbing painful pimples in skin; arms and legs, as if eruption would appear; as if pimples would appear here and there on face and behind ears, with sore sensation behind ears. Corroding itching; on inner side of wrist. Biting itching, with crawling, beneath lobule of r. ear; in calves when standing. Crawling itching on various parts of face rather biting than stinging, then red pimples with hard, red, elevated margins, then brown tips, filled with yellow pus, when fully developed sore to touch.


      Yawning; in morning; in morning, with stretching, with weakness and bruised feeling in joints as if he had not slept enough; after midday nap, with stretching; in evening; in evening, with stretching, weariness and sleepiness; with lachrymation; causing roaring in ears. Sleepiness at noon, so that the head nods, and when making an effort to talk the lids close and thoughts vanish; S. (<) afternoon; with starting up preventing sleep, then febrile attack. Falls asleep in afternoon when, reading; when sitting, with partial consciousness. Sleeps with arms over head. Sleep heavy, dreamy; S. long, interrupted; stupefied; stupefying, a waking sopor; (too sound).

Sleeplessness; till midnight from mental activity with heat and tossing about; with constant moving, after a while knees began to be cold, at 10 O’clock drawing in legs, then cold creeping as from snow-water, from knees to feet, with restlessness till 3 O’clock, only two hours of restless sleep in morning. Late falling asleep; on account of cold feet. Restless sleep; from 12 till 3 O’clock, then pain in shoulder. Whining in sleep. Sleep interrupted by anxiety and emotional disturbances, with complaints that the blood burns in the veins, (<) head, and of a spasm rising from chest to throat, with special heat of head and hands, the heat and anxiety (>) open air, then yawning. Frequent waking, with pain in forehead and temples and heaviness of head; (waking at night, with chilly trembling of r. arm).

Dreams; confused; indistinct, and waking early; of hunting; quarrelsome; frightful, then vomiting of tenacious green mucus; vivid, of robbers, he woke in fright and then believed that the dream was a reality; that he was violently pursued; anxious, for instance, that a dog was biting him and he could not get away; fatiguing, of climbing, jumping, fear of being pursued by armed men, then weakness in morning of waking, with heaviness of head and limbs; heavy (of difficult pushing through a narrow, low, dark cleft in a rock), with anxiety and sweat.


      Chilliness; in morning when dressing; in morning, with thirst, and weakness of limbs, (<) thighs; with rigidity; creeping; running from head to toes, with thirst; alternating with heat and sweat; alternations of C. and heat, with vertigo, anxiety, and nausea. Shivering; all day, with smarting in skin; all day, with drawing pain in neck and back; in morning; afternoon; evening; before vomiting; after drinking, with gooseflesh; from every draught of air, with painful drawing through back, shoulders and arms; with redness and heat of face; with horripilation, for example, in face; waking from sleep, with cold feet and drawing up of legs; in back and arms; in back and arms, with warmth of lower limbs; over back, shoulders and arms all day; in limbs, (<) shoulders and arms, as if cold air streamed through the bones.

Cold skin (Camph., Sec-c.). Coldness of head; then heat; (<) sinciput; in vertex and feet; creeping, (<) vertex; with heat of it and with sensitiveness of hair; as from a cold wind through it. Face cold, distorted, deathlike (camph.). Coldness over back (Sec-c.); then heat in it; alternating with heat in it; extending into arms several times; creeping. Cold limbs; upper; with drawing pain in them; arms on raising them. Cold hands (China, Ipecac., etc.); before vomiting, after vomiting hot hands with orgasm of blood. Cold hands and feet after breakfast; in evening; preventing sleep till 3 A.M. Cold feet, with hot red cheeks and contracted pupils; (cold feet in afternoon when walking in melting snow, with moist feeling in them, in evening cramplike pain in them when walking); as if cold water ran about in them, with trembling; soles in evening in bed, forcing him to rise and walk about; to knees, as from a cold wind, waking him after midnight, (>) rubbing long.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.