Homeopathy Remedy Veratrum Album

Sticking in region of spleen when walking after a moderate meal. Pain in hypochondria and chest from non-emission of flatus; tensive P. as from flatulence in hypochondria. Warmth in upper abdomen; extending over chest to throat. Urging to stool in upper A., but stool follows with difficulty or not at all from inactivity of rectum.

Umbilical Region. Cutting, with thirst and increased urine. Griping at times above, at times below navel, in afternoon soon after eating, which while standing changes to another place than when walking, and the reverse. Pain; before pains in back; as from flatus.

Hypogastrium. Indications of protrusion of inguinal hernia. Symptoms as if a hernia would protrude. Cutting sticking soon after eating. Deep drawing tearing, mostly above pubis. Pain in groin; in caecal region as from spasmodic incarcerated flatus; bruised, in pubic region in morning, with sensation in l. groin as if a hernia would form, (<) sitting. Sensation of impending faintness before stool.

Clinical The whole abdomen is usually swollen and very sensitive. It is adapted to the most terrible attacks of colic, the pain begins in the stomach, radiated upward to the shoulders and then involves the whole abdomen, associated with retching, vomiting, purging, coldness, cold sweat, etc.

Rectum and Anus

      Blind haemorrhoids; with pressure towards anus. Tenesmus. Burning in anus during stool. (Sore pain in anus.).


      Diarrhoea; in evening; with profuse sweat; with desire for eating and drinking; with pain during and after stool; frequent and painful (Arsenicum); passed unnoticed with emission of flatus (Aloe); watery, involuntary. Soft, sudden; S., scanty, brownish- yellow. Constipation; on account of hardness and large size of stool (compare Iris-v.); with heat and pain in head. Dry. Copious. Frequent, with shivering. Acrid. Bloody. First part large, the latter consisting of thin strings of faces of normal consistence. Indolent. Evacuations suppressed.

Clinical Diarrhoea, (<) night, by drinking, after fruit (China), associated with terrible colic, cold sweat on the forehead, feeble pulse; stools very profuse, watery, with flakes, sometimes blackish, followed by great emptiness and weakness in the abdomen; the evacuations are often accompanied by violent vomiting. Frequent called for in worst cases of cholera morbus and true cholera. Chronic constipation, evacuations black, hard, large, with faintness, cold sweat, etc.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in bladder and on urinating burning. Tenesmus. Frequent desire, urine retained at first, then watery urine with smarting in forepart of meatus. Dysuria. Involuntary micturition. Difficult micturition of pale watery urine in a weak stream. Stitching in orifice of urethra after urinating. Pinching in urethra when not urinating. Pain as if contracted behind glands, with ineffectual desire since bladder was empty. Burning in forepart of urethra when urinating. Diuresis; with constipation; with coryza. Urine colorless like water; scanty, yellow, turbid, even when passed; burning; acrid.

Clinical Dysuria, with burning. Suppression of urine (Stramonium). Green urine.

Sexual Organs

      Sensitiveness. Stiffness of penis. Excoriation of prepuce. Drawing pain in testicles. Pimples on r. labia before menses. Abortion. Irrestrainable flooding. Menses too early; M. profuse; M. that had been suppressed for many years reappeared; that had been suppressed a long time returned at the full moon.

Clinical Dysmenorrhoea, with vomiting, abdominal weakness; sexual mania precedes the menses. Puerperal mania. Suppressed menses, with cold sweat, vomiting and diarrhoea. Uterus enlarged and inflamed, very sensitive, could not tolerate the least touch, with diarrhoea and coldness. Endometritis, with great agony.

Respiratory Organs

      Constriction of larynx: spasmodic, with contracted pupils; spasmodic, with attacks of suffocation and protruding eyes; suffocative. Tickling low down in air-tubes, provoking cough, with slight expectoration; without expectoration. Loss of voice.

Cough. Hollow, in long shocks, with cutting in abdomen; deep H., always in three or four shocks, which seem to come from abdomen, in evening. Violent, in evening, with salivation. Dry; with tickling in pharynx; then expectoration; violent, at night and in morning; biting, (<) evening, with shivering; hacking, from tickling in lowest part of sternum; hoarse, at night; almost D., with pain in side and head. With much expectoration, blueness of face and involuntary micturition.

Respiration. Suffocative. Difficult. Short on slightest motion, a kind of oppression of chest (Ferrum, Phosphorus). Weak, interrupted. Stopped; for several minutes at times, was spasmodic and rattling.

Clinical Bronchitis, especially of old people, rattling of mucus, with inability to expectorate, great prostration, cold sweat (Ant- tart.). Violent fits of coughing, followed by eructations of gas, the cough seems to start from the abdomen, which has to be held when coughing, (<) in a warm room. Suffocative spasm, with cough from constriction of the larynx or chest. Whooping cough. Cough (<) in a warm room, eating or drinking and cold water, from crying. Every attack of whooping cough is followed by great exhaustion and cold sweat; attacks sometimes accompanied by vomiting and diarrhoea.


      Catarrh without involuntary cough, tenacious mucus must be raised by hawking. Spasmodic contraction of l. intercostal muscles, impeding respiration. Stitches in r. side; near nipples, which at last itch; paroxysmal, in r. side, taking away the breath, during the day. Cutting. Pinching in region of sternum, more after drinking than after eating. Griping in r. side. Pain; in ribs; in region of sternum; in region of sternum after eating and drinking; beneath ribs, (<) expirations; with dry cough; in l. side, with cough, weakness and difficult respiration; in l. side then in back; beneath last r. ribs; ending with a stitch, (<) inspiration; stinging-throbbing, in a spot in l.

Tightness even when sitting (Phosphorus, Ferrum, Arsenicum), with difficult respiration and headache; T. when standing; when walking, with fulness, so that breath fails; he cannot inspire sufficient air on account of contraction of air-passages by tenacious, firm mucous. Constriction; periodical cramplike, in l. side. Oppression when coughing; O. after burning in throat and gnawing in stomach; frequent, (<) morning on rising, with pain side on breathing. Pressure; painful rhythmical, on upper part of sternum, pulselike, as with a dull point in region of l. rib, and on touch pain as if suppurating. Fulness forcing him to eructate. Cold drawing at times, with sensitiveness to cold air. Tickling in middle of sternum as if it would provoke cough.


      Cutting burning in praecordial region at night. Paroxysmal anxiety, then violent beating and warmth. Violent beating. Palpitation, with anxiety and rapid, audible respiration(Aconite).

Clinical Cardiac debility, with very weak pulse; any exertion brings on irregular action of the heart and thready pulse; the face is flushed when lying, and on rising suddenly it becomes very pale, with cold sweat, faintness, etc. (Compare other plants of same family, Convallaria, Strophanthus, etc.).


      Rapid. Slow; and almost lost; and small, tense. Small, irregular, at times intermittent. Imperceptible.


      Bent, with pain on motion, less on pressure, with tension and tearing in r. side. Sticking in vertebrae; in neck and r. shoulder, with stiffness of nape. Pain in nape and shoulders in morning on waking; in nape in morning, with stiffness of shoulder; in l. side, with drawing; rheumatic, in nape, extending to sacrum, (<) going to stool; as if skin were excoriated. Tension in nape; and shoulders and between scapulae, (<) motion, with sticking. Stiffness in nape; painful, in nape during the headache rheumatic, in nape, causing vertigo, (<) moving. Heaviness in nape, cervical muscles no longer support the head. Muscles of nape seem paralyzed.


      Sticking and burning; burning S., with tension in small of back. Pain in B. and shoulder, with sticking and tension; P. in spine when walking, then drawing pressure as if bruised, (>) pressure; as if broken, in morning on stooping and on rising up. Painful stiffness. Scapulae, pain extending over back, with diuresis, thirst and constipation; pain between S. even when sitting, on turning it becomes a tugging; bruised pain. Stitches in sacrum on stooping; intermittent, in coccyx when standing, rather itching then sticking. Pain in loins; in sacrum when standing; in sacrum when walking upon a level; in loins, with arthritic tearing in lower limbs; tensive and pinching, in loins and above hips at noon when walking and standing; tensive, in small of back; bruised, in l. side of sacrum on stooping and on rising bruised, and paralytic, in joints of sacrum and knee on moving after rising from a seat.


      Nails blue on account of coldness (Nux-v.). Stretching. Painful lameness. Trembling, with anxiety at heart and inclination to faint. (Twitching, with sweat, then vertigo and much drinking.). Tearing in extensor muscles when sitting. Electric shocks in knees and elbow, then bruised pain. Pain as from fatigue; (as if the bed were hard, in those upon which he lies); arthritic, in deltoid, upper arm and knee. Drawing pain; when walking, (>) night by continuing to walk. Spasmodic drawing above joints on moving. Weakness. Stiffness, (<) forenoon and after standing; S. and insensibility. Falling asleep; of arms and feet even when lying. Paralysis.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.