Homeopathy Remedy Sulfuricum Acidum

Pimples on forehead and side of nose. Burning itching red spots on tibia with a pimple in the middle, after scratching the part swells, after the swelling ceases the itching begins again. Skin of l. side of face partially removed and the whole presented a white disorganized appearance, eyelids inflamed and swollen, l. eyeball involved, inside of lips white and swollen, white excoriated streaks on back of l. hand and between fingers, the white marks turned brown, pain in l. eye extending into head, bursting of cornea and discharge of aqueous humor and crystalline lens, towards the close of the fifth day a shivering fifth, next morning acute pain in bend of r. arm where he had been bled, inflammation around the orifice, swelling of arm, afterwards fibrils symptoms, difficult breathing and other signs of pulmonary inflammation, death on the thirteenth morning. Sloughs on r. buttock close to anus, a probe passed some distance into pelvic cavity and towards gluteal region. Dark red elevation on back of hand, with a scab, under which there seems to be matter. Boils on back. Ulcers on hands and feet.

Stitches in the scar of burn; S. as from woolen clothing. Intermittent burning cutting crawling like a corrosive soreness. Corroding sensation in an ulcer. Itching, appearing in another spot on scratching.

Clinical Purpura haemorrhagica. Itching over whole body was cured by Sul-



      Yawning after dinner. Sleepiness; in morning after walking. Wakeful all night. Falls asleep late; and wakes easily; and sleeps uneasily, wakes often. Wide awake after two hours, as if he had slept enough. Wakes after midnight; with heat, dryness of throat, thirst, intolerance of being uncovered. Sleep light and seldom. Restless. Frequent starting from sound sleep. Jerking, Causing starting up, and salivation; J together of gingers and doubling up of them, so that he started up. Dreams unremembered; anxious, even to crying out; anxious, of fire, dead persons and danger; by a woman that she had coition twice, and orgasm twice; by a woman of desire therefore, which was especially seated in the clitoris. Nightmare as if a weight were lying upon her or as if some one were holding her by the throat, she could not speak, she woke in perspiration, two days before menses.


      Chilliness; all day; in morning, (>) open air; external, with internal heat and prostration; alternating with heat. Shivering, with gooseflesh; internal. through trunk; down trunk, without chilliness. Cold skin; (<) limbs. Cold face and limbs; face and hands; limbs; limbs, and lived nails; limbs, and cyanotic; hands, with transient warmth of body; hands and feet; feet and forehead.

Heat; in evening after lying down; during or after dinner; with delirium and excitement; with small, rapid pulse; with small, rapid, hard pulse; with full, hard pulse, then fever with raving, then pulse soft and small, then rapid, skin covered with clod sweat; in attacks; dry, in evening after a journey of eight hours, till 8 P.M., with thirst, burning in eyes and one creeping chilliness; in skin; extending from throat along back; cool burning in l. cheek.

Sweat; during the day; in morning; on every motion; when sitting, (<) upper parts of body; with scarcely perceptible pulse; sour, in morning, then hoarseness. Cold sweat; after taking anything warm, (<) face and forehead; and clammy; on forehead. Skin dry, forehead covered with drops of sweat. Skin hot and dry.

Clinical Typhoid fever, with phosphoric-acid symptoms of great drowsiness and slow answering, desire for stimulants, which give relief, vomiting of food, sour discharges. Typhoids, with haemorrhages, rapid sinking, deathly paleness of the face, thick soft pulse, sense of general trembling.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.