Homeopathy Remedy Sulfuricum Acidum


      Teeth. Chalky white and had lost their polish. Yellow and black fur, like the sordes of fever. Broke off and fell out in pieces. Tearing in l.; in l. lower in bed in evening till midnight; in l. eye-tooth all night during menses and in lower jaw. Gnawing in r. lower in evening, (<) lying down till 2 A.M.; in molar and incisor when biting on something hard. Digging in a hollow molar during and after chewing something hard. Pain in l. lower in evening after lying down; P. (<) cold, (>) warmth, Preventing sleep all night; pressing inward in r. upper incisor. On edge; in afternoon.

Gum. Ulceration. Swelling of r. lower, when pressed pus exudes. Feels fuzzy and bleeds slightest touch.

Tongue. White; and thick and denuded; and swollen, corrugated, and mouth; and eroded, dry; and denuded, and mouth and throat; T. and mouth, with much tenacious glairy mucus, white patches on throat; T. and mouth, and corrugated, dry, as far as lower lip, where there was distinct line of demarcation; and mouth, afterwards the pellicles dropped, the mucous membrane beneath was bright red and very sensitive; and mouth and fauces and covered with a white viscid secretion; covered with grayish-white crusts, tip and edges red. Dark. Very red, Often bluish-red shining. Swollen. Shrivelled, small. Phlyctenae on back and on palatine arch. Denuded at tip and very red parts of it coated white. Cast off its cuticle and was red, with prominent papillae. (Dry). Insensible, dry in centre. Speech difficult; indistinct; short, abrupt, hoarse, with at time hoarse hacking cough; only whispering, cold scarcely open the mouth from which exuded a ropy mucus. Speechless.

Mouth in General. Swollen; palate and pharynx, and injected, ulcerated; M. and fauces. S. and inflamed, corners of lips burnt, with burning in pharynx and oesophagus. Inflamed, and fauces and pharynx. Brown. Ashy-gray. Bleached white and ragged. Coated white, and pharynx, swallowing difficult, voice without sound; coated white, and fauces, peeling off in parts, leaving a raw reddish-brown surface, (<) dorsum of tongue and of uvula. Covered with a fuzzy membrane, and fauces. Shrivelled and dry, and fauces. Aphthae. Covered with fungoid blackish red masses, and fauces. Vesicles on inside of l. cheek. Superficial ulceration, with discharge of bloody liquid. All parts touched by the acid from mouth as far as could be seen covered with crusts and exuding an offensive ichor, then aphthae and gangrene. Brown, bloody liquid in it. Frothing, with constant retching. Black froth issued. Brownish mucus. Mucus often comes into it, which causes choking, hacking, obliged to swallow it constantly; stringy copper-colored much and froth from the dependent corner of mouth. Discharge of frothy, viscid, tenacious fluid, with retching caused by the fluid irritating the fauces, the fluid ejected was reddish-brown, contained shreds of mucous membrane and seemed to be a mixture of mucus and saliva, reaction on test paper was neutral.

Pain; and heat. Burning pain; and in throat speaking difficult and painful; extending along oesophagus to stomach. Dryness. Salivation; with nausea and contraction in stomach and abdomen; with swelling of parotids and constipation; saltish, even in morning. Breath offensive. Taste bad; in morning after waking; insipid and pasty in morning, (>) rising; bitter like bile, to bread, bread causes pressure in stomach; lost.

Clinical Sore mouth, aphthae occurring during protracted diseases, especially in children with marasmus, with salivation sour vomiting, stools like chopped eggs.


      Swelling of submaxillary glands, with inflammation and time sticking. Pain as if swollen in submaxillary gland, as far as into tongue, with burnt feeling in tongue. Painful swelling of l. parotid, with suppuration. Swelling; of uvula and root palate; of fauces; of fauces, which is whitish-gray; near cricoid, with pain; as if there were a lump in it. Redness and sensitiveness; dark r. of pharynx. tough mucus. Rattling of mucus, and in chest, with difficult respiration. restlessness, with pains in larynx and chest, then death. Hawking; of mucus; of tenacious masses of mucous membrane; with retching and vomiting of bloody, reddish- brown mucus, which was so acid that it burnt holes in the linen.

Sticking in l. side of pharynx on swallowing, also in evening, with pain externally on touch; paroxysmal, in T. and chest, stopping the breath, when standing and walking, (>) open air. Cutting in side on swallowing. Scraping. Rawness. Sensitiveness. Soreness in evening on swallowing. (<) l. side. tenderness from pharynx down to epigastrium. Pain; in fauces; and as far as stomach, (<) swallowing, talking or turning body. Constriction; in pharynx; (<) r. side. Burning pain; in pharynx; Burning; in pharynx; fauces. and gullet; and oesophagus to stomach, with coldness of rest body. Dryness. Feeling of mucus. Acidity.

OEsophagus. Stricture; with frequent painful vomiting. Exfoliation of mucous membrane in the from of a tube, the cast was very offensive. Pain; on pressure; extending to umbilical and epigastric regions; burning in upper part. Heat. Swallowing difficult; from swelling opposite cricoid cartilage extending down trachea and moving on deglutition; as from an obstruction in pit of throat; of fluid, causing pain and convulsive cough, sometimes the fluid returned through the mouth and nares; impossible. Spasmodic Dysphagia.

Clinical Tonsillitis, with tenacious, gray yellowish exudation, difficult swallowing. salivation, extreme fetor of the mouth. Diphtheria; valuable in the worst regurgitation of liquids through the nose; drowsiness; characterized by a great quantity of exudation; diphtheritic croup, with drowsiness.


      Hunger; and yet she eats without appetite, discomfort in stomach after eating; great, but nausea after eating, so that he must stop eating before he is satisfied; distressing, but inability to retain any nourishment; ravenous, (>) eating, with rumbling and gurgling in abdomen; desire for fresh plums. Appetite lost; with discomfort. Aversion to eating, (>) towards evening.

Thirst; after vomiting; during menses, with dry tongue; with inability to drink; burning.

Eructations. Sour; when walking in open air Bitter; after dinner; sour. Like onions. Empty; in morning after coughing, then bitter, slimy. Of food; after coughing. Of water; (>) dinner; sweetish salt, before vomiting.

Hiccough; at night; when smoking; (<) after drinking, with vomiting.

Nausea; in morning, with oppression of chest; in mouth towards noon though food and drink are relished; from slightest liquid, with retching; (>) eructations; everything turns around in stomach and rises up, is obliged to swallow it; with constriction in stomach; feeling as if stomach were disordered; with chilliness; sudden, then vomiting of clear water faintlike, with griping cutting and twisting in abdomen and labor-like pain as if everything would press out. Retching.

Vomiting; after eating; with purging; then shivering, then ineffectual retching; of all food; of all fluid as soon as taken; of clear water, then of food taken the previous evening, then continued nausea; the matter effervescing as soon as it came in contact with the dust; of scanty coffee-like liquid; of slimy substances like coffee-grounds; brown substances; serous liquid, with white flakes at night; glairy mucus mixed with shreds of coagulated membrane; of the color of porter and of acid reaction; a fluid of the consistence of treacle and color of carbonate of lime. Of blood; convulsive; and mucus; mucus and black fibers; mixed with sour-smelling liquid, pieces of membrane and curdled milk; and dark grumous and viscid matter, afterwards brighter- colored and mixed with patches of tough mucus; streaks of B., with pieces of membrane; in clots, with watery brownish-red liquid and pieces of membrane; mixed with black clots of B., with neuralgia, then thin black stools. Black; and glairy; and flocculent mass; violent, of fluid mixed with flakes. Causing distress. Of casts of oesophagus. An elongated false membrane, evidently made up of mucus membrane of oesophagus. A blackish mass formed from mucous membrane of stomach (after a fit of suffocation). Mixed with blood at 3 P.M., with pain and anxiety, then V. of a wide membranous tube, a part seemed charred, in other parts it was tinged with bile, the branching of vessels could be seen, it was tenacious and probably a parts of stomach, V. and anxiety continued, and at 8 P.M. a tube was cast up, consisting of mucous and nervous coats of oesophagus, a parts charred, and transverse muscular fibres could be traced round one of its ends, then she was comparatively easy and swallowed with more facility, but oesophagus was painful.

Distention; of epigastric region, also with pain on touch. Contraction of epigastric region,. Sticking. Cutting in epigastric region; near l. side of S., extending to back; extending to hypochondria; paroxysmal, in region when sitting and walking, with painful moving about in it. Clawing every evening, as after taking cold. Griping beneath pit, and on pressure upon stomach bruised in it. Cardialgia. Distress, (<) eating hastily or taking indigestible food.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.