Homeopathy Remedy Sulfuricum Acidum

Pain; in pit; in region; in epigastric region; epigastrium on touch; epigastric region after eating, (<) hard food, with sensitiveness of S.; epigastric region, (>) vomiting; epigastric region, with tension; epigastric region, with a round had swelling as large as a child’s head; with ineffectual inclination to eructate; with feeling as if a hard, bitter substance rose into chest, with frequent risings of mucus, which is afterwards felt only in throat; in pit, extending to shoulders; so that he must keep his body bent, supported by two persons; as if a stone rose up, then salivation. Sensitiveness; of epigastrium. Tightness as if it would burst, after eating. Constriction, and in abdomen; in pit; sudden anxious, in pit preventing respiration. Heaviness in pit. Coldness; from every drink unless some spirit is mixed with it; and relaxed feeling, with loss of appetite. Burning; sudden.

Clinical Dyspepsia, with vomiting of food and drink and craving for stimulants. Vomiting of drunkards. Vomiting of pregnancy, with constant salvation, feeling of lump in throat, soreness in pit of stomach, great thirst, vomiting (>) drinking hot water. Vomiting of pregnancy, intolerance of the smell of coffee, vomiting when lying on r. side. A valuable remedy for the desire of alcoholic drinks. Valuable for dyspepsia from alcohol, with persistent sour breath; the patient is shrivelled and cold and can not eat, liver is enlarged, chronic diarrhoea, etc.


      Distended; and tense; with emission of flatus. Muscles hard and right, with pain on pressure. Retraction; with sensitiveness to touch; with emptiness on percussion; Painful spasmodic. Spasms. Resonant, with tenderness, (<) between caused by milk. Short, abrupt, difficult emission of flatus. Rumbling after emission of flatus. Gurgling on moving body by breathing when lying.

Stitches during menses, and in vagina. Neuralgia. Griping; in evening; at night; at night, with cutting and urging to stool. Pain; on pressure; (<) epigastric region and back; after, eating then digging and uneasiness in it; (>) pressure; with dragging down of parietes; with “bilious” symptoms; as if in uterus, with burning; labor-like, extending into hips, then bruised sensation inn small of back; bubbling, in r. side, extending almost to back. Anxiety in morning in bed. Weak feeling as if menses would come on. Relaxed feeling in intestines after stool.

Flank. Jerking in l., with pressure outwards as with a finger. Sticking in l.; in l. in evening on inspiration after lying down, then sticking in l. upper part of chest. Griping in l. Burning in r., with hacking cough.

Hypochondria. Distention of l. Sticking in hepatic region near stomach; in l. on leaning to r. side; in l., (>) pressure; in l., often with sticking in chest. Griping during stool. Burning all day when sitting.

Umbilicus. Protruded and abdomen for about an inch and a half above U. red, with pain on pressure upon umbilicus or reddened part. Rumbling in region in evening before lying down and next morning after rising; r. in region, with feeling as if stool would occur. Sticking in l. side, extending into abdomen. cutting in region, worse when walking in open air then in the house; C. and moving about. Pressure. Sickly warmth or heartburn in region.

Hypogastrium. Sticking in l. side on movement; S. in region of inguinal hernia. Tearing in l. groin when sitting. Cutting in region of caecum. Pinching in r. groin. Sharp jerking, almost like intermittent jerking colic, rather superficial. Griping before, during and after micturition; G. extending into lumbar region, causing cold sweat. Pain in r. groin as if a hernia protruded when walking and standing, so that he dared not cough or inspire, afterwards a hernia protruded at times, (<) talking, with pain, it returned on holding quietly, especially on sitting, and then he could breathe and cough without trouble. Forcing out in a hernia at abdominal ring, with pain in the ring even after reducing the hernia; F. in r. groin as if a hernia would occur, in morning on waking, (>) rising, frequently recurring; suddenly in r. groin as if hernia would occur on rising from stool, not affected by cough or respiration. Throbbing in place of inguinal hernia.

Clinical Enlarged spleen, which is painful on coughing, with haemorrhages in various parts. Sometimes indicated in inguinal hernia.


      Haemorrhoids, itching; H., with burning and sticking; with moisture and pain on touch. Pain as if it would be torn asunder during stool. Rush of blood. Sticking in anus before soft stool. Pressing in anus during and after pasty stool. Ineffectual desire for stool.


      Liquid, black, fetid, relieving the pain for a moment; partly L., partly solid, offensive, with much thin mucus and streaks of blood; (L., green.). Diarrhoea; dysenteric; all evening, flatulence and rumbling. Soft, then empty feeling in abdomen. Constipation; with pain in abdomen. Like sheep-dung. Hard and infrequent; H., delayed, painful; and bloody; in small connected black lumps mixed with blood, during means, with sticking in anus so that she must stand up; fist part, then soft; at first, and bloody, then soft, with burning in anus. As if chopped, saffron yellow, stringy and slimy. Yellowish-white. Colored with blood. Black, mixed with blood. Frequent, green, painful. Large, formed. the child’s napkins when washed went into holes. Indolent. Omitted in the primary action, and urine retained.

Clinical Diarrhoea, like chopped eggs, of yellow mucus sometimes frothy, said to be (<) eating oysters; often indicated in children; the evacuations are extremely fetid, and there is a general sour odor over the whole body.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in bladder if the desire to urinate is not immediately satisfied. Pressure upon neck of bladder a as if everything would force out, when standing, walking and sitting, obliging him to press thighs together, (>) coition. Frequent micturition of only a few drops. Obliged to rise at night to urinate. Constant desire, always before the last drops cutting in urethra, for seven days, afterwards there is every time a dragging in loins and groins. Frequent desire with pain behind symphysis and on urinating cutting, the catheter met with an obstruction in region of neck of bladder, which was found to be a swollen and very sensitive prostate. Burning in urethra after coition Burning in urethra during micturition, with diminished urine; with increased then diminished urine; with micturition only morning and evening.

Urine. Increased. Diminished, thick. Suppressed None passed in morning. Red and fiery; brownish-red. Like water; and soon deposits a thin mucous sediment. Becomes turbid when standing and deposits an earthy sediment. Has a fine pellicle on its surface and a bloody sediment. White sediment. An ounce of pale U., which had a powerful effect on litmus paper. Fore ounces of clear amber-colored u., acid reaction, sp. gr. 1030, 1000 grains of it yielded 54 grains of solid residue, half of this residue was soluble in alcohol. the alcoholic solution showed free Sulphuric acid, the insoluble residue furnished 16.9 grains of sulphate of baryta. Albuminous and containing much Sulphuric acid; A., light brown, very acid, highest sp. gr. 1038, containing free degeneration, copious sediment of urate of ammonia, afterwards. urine scanty, sp. gr. 1028, no chlorides; A., containing sulphates, pale cylinders, free blood-corpuscles; and varying amount of urates; and containing casts; and red, acid, sp. gr. 1020. containing Sulphur, on standing may pale or yellowish granular cylinders; with brownish-red sediment containing haematin, but no blood-corpuscles; and containing blood, with acute nephritis, in one case fibrinous casts and epithelia, and in the other cellular elements only, the albumen diminished from day to day, microscopical examination of kidneys after death showed a recent inflammatory process (granular opacity and fatty degeneration of epithelial element, recent cleaving of the nuclei of interstitial tissue, especially along course of vessels.).

Sexual Organs

      Warmth, and in scrotum. Itching pain in upper margin of glans. Erections, during the day without amorous thoughts. Relaxation of scrotum. Emission without voluptuous sensation.

Female. Miscarriage. Discharge of corroding mucus; of bloody mucus, as if menses would come on. Burning leucorrhoea. Transparent of milk-like leucorrhoea without sensation. Menses too late; with pain in abdomen and small of back; too early. Desire after menses; D. rather in external genitals, yet she was not much excited by coition. Aversion to coition after menses.

Respiratory Organs

      Rattling in trachea and bronchi. Sticking in air-passages. Bronchitis with prostration. Glossitis. Larynx, rattling of mucus; movements as in croup; sticking; constriction; sprained pain on talking and on external pressure; pain on touch; sensitiveness; pain, talking was irksome, as from immobility of parts. Hoarseness; with dryness and roughness in throat and larynx; and hollow voice, almost unintelligible; without sound. Voice croaking, almost unintelligible; low muttering; feeble; weak croupy, then lost; lost.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.