Homeopathy Remedy Spigelia anthelmia

Forearm. Twitching above l. wrist during rest; sticking, above wrist. Boring stitches in r. Sticking cutting above l. wrist, on moving index while holding arm firmly against body. Pinching in bones of r. during rest. Pain in r.; above r. wrist during rest.

Hand. Pale yellow. Involuntary drawing in tendons of l. so that all fingers were bent, with spasmodic pain in hollow of hand. Rhythmical tearing in joints of l., at times extending into metacarpus, then cramplike tearing in palm. Cramplike pain in l. metacarpus extending from side of thumb to that of little finger, as if hand were squeezed. Drawing pains transversely through bones. Crawling as if asleep on compressing hand. Falling asleep when at rest, (>) wetting them and taking firm hold of anything, with crawling in tips of fingers.

Fingers. Sticking jerks near proximal joints. Itching sticking in tips; throbbing S. in tips, as if they had been frozen. Tearing in phalanges of r. thumb; in tip of little; in metacarpo- phalangeal joints; rhythmical, in phalanges of r. Burning pain on back of proximal phalanx of little finger; on joint of l. thumb. Paralytic pain in r. index. Painful drawing in metacarpal joint of thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Weakness, (<) thighs. Heaviness; with tingling and with difficulty in walking.

Thigh. Itching stitch on l.; tensive sticking in l. when walking, (>) standing, returning when sitting; intermittent burning S. in muscles below neck of l. femur, in a spot externally and posteriorly, when sitting, slightly (>) rising, on sitting down again worse than before Drawing tearing in r. when sitting; tearing outward in l. extending from knee to os innominatum, as if in periosteum, (<) pressure on bone. Burning above r. knee during rest. Pain above r. knee when sitting; in r., (<) pressure; bruised, in anterior muscles when walking; drawing, in muscles and in hip. Tension in r. when sitting; in muscles in anterior surface when walking; in l. gluteals when walking. Sensation of gooseflesh our r., without chilliness. Movement downward, almost like chilliness, caused by sneezing.

Knee. Sticking through middle on bending it, momentarily (>) walking; deep in r. patella when sitting. Tearing in l. as if sprained when walking, so that he limped at times, since he could not bend knee as usual. Digging in l., with uneasiness preventing sleep. Jerking in patella. Bruised pain on touch; on inner surface on bending it. Tearing tension on outer side of l. at every step on ascending stairs. Compressive pain, (<) walking, with drawing and sticking.

Leg. Cramp in l. calf. Sticking jerks above ankle. Sticking in calf and pulsation in patellae if knee are held stiffly outstretched; tensive S. in l. tibia during rest. Digging on inner side of r. calf, (<) walking; itching, in l. tibia below patella during rest. Burning pain above r. inner malleolus. Drawing extending downward, with sensation as if warmth had penetrated them, and warmth of feet; tensive D. in l. calf when walking. Bubbling sensation in r. calf, as if blood were dropping through a valve. Heaviness in r. when sitting.

Ankle. Boring sticking in r. malleolus during rest. Acute pain n l. in morning when stepping on it. Cramplike pain as if tendons were too short on bending foot up and down. Pressure as from a stone when standing, with drawing in it. Smarting drawing, with soreness.

Foot. Sticking in l. so when sitting; in l. sole as if too short and tense when stepping on it; itching, in r. sole during motion; itching boring, on back of r. during rest. Jerking tearing on back; intermittent tearing in l. above toes; intermittent, in l. metatarsal bone. Suppurative pain in sole in morning on first stepping on them. Burning pain in back of l. Digging in r. above toes during rest.

Toes. Itching stitch in second t.; boring-itching S. in balls of second and third. Tearing in muscles of l.


      Swelling on l. side of chin, which itches during midday nap. Wartlike growth on second l. toe, with biting pain, pressure of boot caused burning pain as in a corn, it left a thick white scar. Elevations like hives on lower limbs after scratching. Pimples red and sore to touch, on neck. Pustules on chin; on r. middle finger exuding yellow ups on pressure.

Biting pain on l. side of forehead. Tickling on back of nose as if the hairs there were lightly touches or as from a wind across it. Crawling in calves; in tips of r. toes during rest; boring, in spot in r. palm; itching, on r. sole.

Itching in r. auricle; externally in ears; over whole side of nose; in l. groin; in axillae, (<) l.; r. forearm; more on thighs than on legs, returning after scratching; on l. scapula, not (>) scratching; on back of l. foot during rest, not (>) scratching; biting, in thighs, not (>) scratching, (>) night in bed; as if palms and tips of fingers had been frozen; crawling, on forehead; crawling, on r. thigh, (>) scratching. Burning itching in middle of palm; in r. eyebrow, (>) scratching; in a spot in l. palm, next day a hard red pimple, with burning itching.


      Yawning; in forenoon, with irresistible sleepiness; without sleepiness. Sleepiness. Irresistible sleepiness; in morning; in evening so long as he was up, but late falling asleep after lying down. Sleep heavy and stupid. Sleep long at midday and on waking he could not persuade himself to rise and kept falling asleep again.

Sleepless before midnight. Late falling asleep; on account of mental activity, then uneasy sleep disturbed by vivid unremembered dreams, and after midnight frequent waking, tossing about and a half waking condition. Sleep Unrefreshing. Restless sleep; with frequent waking, full of frightful dreams, for example, that lightning had struck off his shoulder; with vivid dreams of fire and quarrels and about 1 A.M. he thought it time to rise. Dreams anxious; vivid, anxious, of fire and ghosts; vivid, of wellknown past occurrences, lingering dreams of one subject; indistinctly remembered; voluptuous, with emission without erection; lascivious, with emission.


      Chilliness in morning, without thirst; every morning after rising; every day at 7 A.M., on rising, then at noon heat, (<) trunk and face, with redness, without special thirst; in afternoon, then heat and thirst for beer; in evening on going to bed, then offensive sweat; in evening on lying down, then heat, then sweat nearly all night; in evening, with cold hands and distended abdomen, without thirst, afterwards in night when lying on back bruised pain in all joints, vivid, fatiguing dreams, talking in sleep, day heat of body, with dryness of mouth, nose and eyes, without thirst; waking me between 2 and 3 A.M., then paroxysms of labor-like pain, (<) lying on back, menses bright scarlet; on slight motion; after dinner, obliging him to lie in bed; sensitive to cold air.

Shaking chill in morning without thirst, with lightness of movements of fingers and mental activity. Shivering towards evening in open air, with tensive pain below l. ear, next morning glandular swelling in that spot, hard and painful to touch, with sticking in l. side of throat on swallowing, swelling of gum and difficulty in opening jaw, the sticking on swallowing (>) pressing the swollen glands inward, with sweat two mornings. Creeping shivering; with heat, without thirst; intermittent, starting from chest; over whole body except arms, with sensation as if hair bristled.

Intermittent chilliness every morning after rising. Internal chilliness with external warmth, (<) chest. Alternations of chill and heat all day, with redness of face; alternation of C. and heat, C. (<) back, heat in hands and face.

Coldness of finger-tips; hands and feet; arms and shoulders; in back extending to umbilical region; extending through limbs all day, without thirst; in arms, with gooseflesh, did not dare to bring arms against body on account of shivering; hands seemed cold when held against face, while to touch they seemed warmer than, usual, only clammy in palms; of hands, with heat of face, without thirst; hands, with cold, clammy sweat, (<) inner surface; chills nights after retiring, beginning about region of heart, causing restlessness and hyperaesthesia of nervous system, which sensibility lasted longer than chill; internal C. and heat alternately in l. side of forehead; intermittent, every morning, extending upward from feet; intermittent creeping, in morning, starting from pit of stomach and extending over trunk, head and upper limbs, with external heat, without thirst; sudden creeping, every morning, at one time in feet, at another in head and hands, at another in back or chest and abdomen, at another over whole body, without thirst.

Heat; in evening, (<) face, yet longing for warmth of bed; (while eating cold food); after slight exertion, with sweat, (<) head, without thirst; on moderate exertion, (<) in face, on more violent exertion general sweat; with thirst for beer; in paroxysms, with red lips and cheeks; internal, in forenoon; internal at night, with dryness of mouth, without thirst.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.