Homeopathy Remedy Spigelia anthelmia

Clinical Ciliary neuralgia, the pains radiate in every direction and are extremely severe. Ptosis, with sharp pains and hot lachrymation. Rheumatic iritis, indicated by the ciliary pains. Asthenopia.


      Twitching in r. auricle. Itching-sticking in l.; boring- stitching in r. Boring sticking jerking, at times shooting through Eustachian tube to throat. Jerking pain extending to eye and lower jaw. Pinching on posterior part of r. auricle. Thrusting tearing in r. Boring back of ears, (<) confining eyes, as in reading or writing. Pain in l.; in margin of l.; in r., extending to malar-bone and r. molars; as from a plug in l. Drawing pain in l. antitragus; in l. ear, extending to malar- bone. Burning pain in auricle. Pressing asunder in r.; P. inward in auditory canal. Jumping sensation as from swashing of water, on stepping suddenly. Beating in l. Itching prickling in r. Itching crawling in r. Stopped sensation; on blowing nose, (>) boring in with finger, with loss of hearing; in l., without difficulty in hearing; as with a finger, when wind blow into them; in evening, as if something were in front of drum; in evening, as if something were in front of drum, which seems contracted.

Hearing difficult, as if ear were closed by a finger, with fluttering noise in it. Sensitive to loud noises. Distant ringing, with sensation as if loosed stopped or as if a mist were before it; R. when talking, with re-echoing through head. Sudden crackling and buzzing before them extending into forehead, (>) holding hands over eyes, with wavelike pulsation in them. Sound in l. as if a wind blew rapidly across it. Humming, (<) evening, with bubbling. Roaring before ears. Fluttering as of a bird, then moist discharge and very clear hearing.


      Tetter-like eruption in and on r. nostril. Itching boring in r. nostril forcing him to sneeze. Burning in wings provoking rubbing, but not relieved thereby. Sticking crawling in nostrils, transiently (>) scratching. Itching in nares. Stoppage; of anterior part, with discharge through posterior nares; at root. No irritation from tobacco when snuffing. Sneezing; in morning, with discharge of bloody mucus. Discharge of mucus, at one time white, at another yellow, with discharge of mucus from mouth; D. only through posterior nares, on blowing nose violently only a little tenacious yellowish mucus is discharged, forepart of nose is always dry. Fluent coryza; with hoarseness, external heat, prominent eyes, headache and weeping mood. Dry catarrh after eating; sudden C., Dry, then fluent.

Clinical Frequently useful in nasal catarrh, especially of the posterior nares.


      Redness, then pallor; R., sometimes of one cheek, then of both, sometimes upper lip hot and swollen, as if my breath scorched it. Sallow after flushes. Yellowish after pain in heart. Swelling on waking from midday sleep, with pallor and sickly look, S. again next morning after waking, more about eyes; muscles seem swollen and distorted in morning on rising. Sticking in l. cheek. Tearing in l. zygomatic, process, and as the pain became a little better Dullness as from swelling; jerking T. in r. zygoma. Burning pain in r. malar-bone; in l. cheek. Pressure on zygomata.

Jaw. Drawing sticking from r. upper to vertex. Tearing in lower, extending to ear and about it as far as nape, (<) moving head; pain in r. lower as if would be torn out of joint when chewing, at other times dull pain in articulation. Pressure on r. angle of lower. (Tensive pain in articulation.)

Lip. Blackish painless pimple in red of lower. Burning in r. side of upper, even when moved. Burning tension in upper during rest. Burning in upper.

Clinical Facial neuralgia, pains radiating in every direction, shooting, burning, tearing.


      Teeth. Sharp and brittle. Throbbing tearing, (<) cold water, (>) lying. Gnawing in hollow T. Aching in evening from the customary smoke; A. in molars; at night preventing sleep and driving him out of bed, not during the next day except just after eating; cramplike, in upper, so that when moth was closed the lower jaw seemed spasmodically pressed against them; like a pressure outward, (<) lying on r. side, (>) eating and drinking, but it began immediately afterwards, it often woke him at night; throbbing, in a l. molar; drawing, in a hollow T. Intermittent jerking through both rows, (<) a hollow tooth; intermittent J. in never of a hollow T., (<) afternoon, (<) water or drawing air into moth, (>) tobacco- smoke. Coldness of upper, with sticking jerking in them.

Tongue. Full of cracks, as if it would scale off. Blisters, with burning on touch, now on T., now on palate. Coated white; dark brown. Sticking in r. side; boring, extending forward in r. side, with acid taste in mouth. Sensation as if swollen posteriorly; when chewing.

Mucus at one time white, at another yellow, in mouth and fauces in morning. Burning pain in palate. Dryness in morning on waking, it seemed as if mouth were full of pains and needles and as if stuck together, without thirst, even with much saliva. Salivation white, frothy; S. posteriorly in mouth, with excessive hunger in chest. Offensive breath. Taste bad; insipid. Does not relish his tobacco.

Clinical Neuralgic toothache of the most violent shooting character, (<) cold water.


      Discharge of mucus from fauces all day, most from posterior nares; D. of mucus from posterior nares so that he must hawk it up to avoid suffocation, waking him at night. Accumulation of saliva in fauces. Swelling on l. side of fauces and sticking when swallowing. Sticking in region of larynx, (>) swallowing, but returning; in r. side, and on swallowing S. in parotid and within ear, something between an earache and a throatache. Soreness, with cold on lungs and in head. Tingling in back part. Tickling itching in oesophagus, with sensation as if a semi-fluid substance would rise into fauces, hollow, cough, waterbrash, anxiety and fear that he would faint. Inability swallow saliva because he always brought it up again as by nausea, necessity to spit it out.


      Appetite and thirst great; ravenous A., with nausea. Loathing of food, especially sweets. Aversion to smoking and snuffing tobacco; to smoking tobacco and to coffee. Thirst; late in evening; great with loss of appetite; unquenchable, while face is red and hot. Eructations; sour; of gas; of after eating. Nausea; in morning and lasting into afternoon; rising into throat.

Sticking in pit, (<) inspiration, with oppression of chest; in pit during expiration, (>) lying; in pit and above it and between pit and where beat of heart is felt, with oppression of chest; intermittent, to left of pit; intermittent burning, near l. side of pit. Pain. Weight in pit; as of a lump, (>) pressure with hand and changing to pressure and tension in chest. Pressure in pit as if he would eructate and be relieved thereby, but no eructations till he has swallowed air. Chilliness in pit, spreading to abdomen and lower limbs, and at times to back.


      Distressing fulness after a moderate meal. Rumbling; before stool, that occurred twice in morning and once in evening, thin; like croaking of frogs. Flatus of the odor of bad eggs. Pinching sticking, with emission of flatus, then desire for stool. Pinching. Griping when lying; G., then difficult, soft stool, that constantly became thinner; as if intestines would be constricted, causing anxiety and making respiration difficult; extending like a stitch to chest, with emission of flatus; wandering, every day about 3 P.M., (>) emission of flatus. Burning, with tasteless eructations, as if mingled with water.

Sticking in hepatic region on walking rapidly and jumping, (>) walking quietly; rhythmical, deep below r. ribs, (>) breathing deeply, returning on expiration. Rumbling in l. side, then in r. Cutting in sides, extending towards middle, in morning in bed, with emission of Flatus. Sticking to left of umbilicus on inspiration; to left of U. when walking. Umbilical region, cutting every day from 5 till 6 P.M., with chilliness, diarrhoea and much micturition; griping in l. side; pain as from a hard swelling evening.

Hypogastrium. Rumbling here and there, now and then painful. Sticking in groin; in region of os innominatum when walking, (>) thirty or forty steps; above groins, with stitchlike oppression of chest; in region of ring, with cutting, the intestines protruded like a hernia (which formerly was seldom the case), the spot sore to touch; from pelvic region down limbs; intermittent, in l. side just above ilium; boring, in ilium; tensive, in r. groin when walking; burning, posteriorly on margin of l. ilium on every inspiration; itching biting, in muscles of l. so innominatum. Cutting on sitting down, (>) rising from a seat, with burrowing, as from incarcerated flatus. Boring digging in r. groin. Tearing drawings through H. Griping; alternating with rumbling and gurgling, and during every paroxysm of pain desire to urinate, which was unchanged though much urine was passed. Pain as if it would burst, (<) evening before a soft, stool, slight relief. Pain in groin and thigh towards perineum as after a long ride on horseback. Tensive pain in r. groin on touch. Sensation as if a weight fell down, (<) inspiration.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.