Homeopathy Remedy Spigelia anthelmia

Clinical Neuralgia of the bowels. Frequently useful in pains associated with worms in children.

Rectum and Anus

      Discharge of pieces of thick mucus, it seemed as if flatus passed, stool like sheepdung and enveloped in mucus. Boring stitch in perineum. Itching in anus, (>) scratching; in A. and coccyx, with difficulty (>) scratching. Crawling as of threadworms. Sensation as if a thin stool passed during emission of flatus, which did not occur. Pressure in rectum when not at stool. Cramplike urging. Ineffectual urging; after complete stool.


      Watery. Diarrhoea; frequent, mixed with tenacious, yellow mucus. Constipation. Nodular, with pressure. First part hard, then, thin, then thrusts outward in forehead. White. Omitted, next day hard difficult.

Urinary Organs

      Prostatic fluid passes out. Urging; with burning stitch in urethra; constant; urine bright straw-colored and smelling strong. Frequent micturition; and profuse; at night, with copious urine and pressive pain upon bladder during micturition. Difficult micturition at night, then burning. Sudden in voluntary dribbling in afternoon on rising from a seat, with burning in forepart of urethra. Spurting of urine on external pressure upon bladder.) Urine water. Urine high-colored and scanty; almost blood colored, on standing the lower part became gray, by shaking it all assumed that color. Large deposit of uric acid. Whitish sediment.

Sexual Organs

      Swelling of half of glans. Itching stitch extending forward in penis and r. testicle; I. stitch in l. testicle; burning S. in penis and r. testicle. Crawling about glans every day. Frequent erections without internal physical sexual excitement, though with voluptuous thoughts. Quivering of scrotum. Emission in morning, with lascivious dream, without subsequent exhaustion.

Female. Heat in vagina, with fulness and pressure, (<) standing; H. in uterine region, with pain and pressure, with dislike to move. Tendency to leucorrhoea. Menses too soon, profuse, dark clots of disgusting odor; too soon, copious, bright red, of foul odor, with pressure, fulness and tearing in uterine region and stinging extending into limbs, after menses brownish leucorrhoea; too soon, with giving out of osseous, muscular and nervous systems, ending in a relaxed condition of system; fetid, bright red, with pain, making face and feet cold, beginning with depressing headache.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough in morning after coryza had mostly disappeared; at night, with catarrh; sudden violent, on getting water into trachea; suffocative, as from water running down into glottis; short dry, in open air, causing soreness of chest dry, violent, hollow, taking away the breath, from irritation low down in trachea, (<) stooping. Slow and deep sighing.


      Enlargement of mammae and pain originating from centre of lobes deep in and proceeding to surface, causing irregular flashes of heat in head, eyes, neck and shoulders.

Sticking at the point where the best of the heart is felt; S. in r. side; in r. side during inspiration; in l. during inspiration and expiration; with drawing together so that he could not get his breath; beneath l. ribs in evening, bending him over; extending outward, unconnected with breathing; extending outward transversely through C., (<) sternum; towards l. clavicle in evening, preventing respiration; rhythmical with pulse at the point where impulse of heart is felt, or rather more externally; intermittent, extending inwards above l. nipple when bending over at writing, suddenly (>) becoming erect; jerking, below axilla; sudden drawing, near sternum, extending downward; pinching, in l. side of diaphragm, taking away his breath and forcing him to remain standing; beneath heart, changing to crawling, then to sticking again; itching, beneath clavicle; itching, in l. pectoral muscles; boring, in r. side, in region of diaphragm, during inspiration and expiration; tensive boring, in l. side during expiration; tensive drawing, in true ribs during inspiration and expiration, (<) pressure. Tensive sticking in r. false ribs during expiration; in l. side, (<) expiration; in r. side, (<) inspiration and expiration; in r. side of C. and abdomen during inspiration and expiration, (<) walking.

Cutting tearing beneath l. nipple, extending to region of scapula and arm, (<) inspiration and deep breathing. Tearing boring extending outwards beneath r. nipple, extending to sternum and becoming a tearing. Sticking pinching extending outward r. nipple, (<) inspiration. Sudden jerking as from electric sparks in forepart. Sprained pain in upper and l. side on turning body to r. side, making a false step or on turning l. arm. (Pain after hawking and clearing throat); intermittent P.; bruised, in first four l. ribs when straining at stool; and ending in gastritis, aggravated by stricture in oesophagus an inch and a half above cardiac orifice and about middle of the tube, at latter place the pain passes through to back below inferior angle of r. scapula, the P. at these points (<) swallowing and by frequent sour, acrid, clear, bitter and frothy vomiting, especially in morning fasting, oesophagus spasmodically contracted so that I could not rest nor sleep without the almost constant use of ice, with pain in chest trembling of stomach and beating of heart.

Pressure beneath l. clavicle; upon middle; towards evening; when standing, with drawing; above ensiform cartilage when standing. Suffocated feeling; constricted. Cutting constriction, with anxietY. Tearing constriction in pectoral muscles when standing; T. constriction above pit of stomach, with oppression, then the same pain below pit of throat, with palpitation.

Clinical Intercostal neuralgia. It has been prescribed for hydrothorax.


      Stabbing through H. on deep inspiration Spasmodic pain through H., frequent stoppage, apparently of heart, the blood merely gurgling through it, which produced no fear, a listless, disgusted indifference towards everything. Heavy aching in region of apex, with feeling as if a dull pointed knife were slowly driven through it.

Palpitation (Arsenicum, Pulsatilla, China, Natrum mur., Sulphur, Cact.); in morning when sitting, with anxious oppression trembling of heart; (<) sitting down and bending forward; on deep inspiration and on holding breath, with increase of anxiety, the palpitation was felt by the hand at pit of stomach. Violent beating in morning as soon as he sat down after rising, with weight upon chest above the point where the beating was felt, with cutting and digging in hypogastrium as from incarcerated flatus, which lasted longer than the palpitation. Irregularity of action, with suffocation. Beats audible and visible through the clothes; audible, (<) lying, with pain, causing desire for fresh air (Cact.).

Clinical Inflammations of the heart, both pericardial and endocardial, with violent irregular action, severe pain. Pericarditis, with profuse sweat, sticking pain, palpitation, dyspnoea from lying on the back, dry cough. Inflammation of the heart and aorta, pain under the sternum, with numbness of the arm, irregular pulse. Neuralgia about heart, extending t arm; angina pectoris. Frequently useful for irregular and tumultuous action of the heart, nervous.


      Rapid. Slow during the morning fever; S. and feeble. Weak and irregular, now rapid, now slow.


      Swelling of glands. Intermittent drawing in muscles of nape and up to occiput. Pain in nape as if he could not raise head after stooping; P. in nape as if asleep in morning after rising, (>) motion. Paralyzed sensation in l. side.


      Twitching of dorsal and costal muscles. Bruised pain in spine even during rest. Sticking opposite heart; in upper dorsal vertebrae; extending to l. side when walking; periodical, in r. scapula; boring in l.; itching, in r. dorsal muscles; S. in sacrum when sitting, (<) inspiration and expiration. Bubbling sensation in l. scapula; as if blood were dropping through a valve. Tired aching over crest of ilium and down into pelvis, (<) r. side, with general languor and desire to lie down, later the tired aching (<) morning and forenoon.


      Trembling; of lower, then of upper. Nails brittle and many white spots on them. Shooting through all at a false step. Tearing in bones near joints, as if scraped. Uneasiness at night preventing sleep. Fatigue, (<) walking, with bruised feeling in spine. Heaviness, and after ascending stairs difficult breathing; H. so that writing and walking were difficult.

Upper Limbs

      Trembling. Axilla, itching biting stitches to wards forepart of l.; burning pain in l.; tensive pain in l. during rest. Jerking in r. shoulder; in top of r. L. shoulder and arm hang down as if heavy when walking, with tension in forepart of upper arm. Sprained pain in shoulder-joint and proximal joints of thumb and index. Cutting drawing across above deltoid. Drawing pain in l. deltoid, (<) hard pressure. Heaviness of r. arm when at rest. Arm falls asleep when writing, so that he cannot hold a pen. Twitching in l. upper arm. Tearing on middle and inner side of upper arm, (<) touch. Stitches in bend of elbow and in fingers; itching S. in bend of r. elbow; itching S. in tip of l. elbow.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.