Homeopathy Remedy Ruta


      Yawning, (<) noon, even after dinner; with stretching, then sleepiness; with stretching of legs and (<) arms; with fever; incomplete and not satisfying. Sleepiness in forenoon, after dinner; overpowering, with heaviness, and head seemed befogged. Sound sleep immediately on lying down, so that it was difficult to arouse her.

But little sleep, with restlessness. Sleep, with partial consciousness when reading after eating, he woke with a cry of fright on slightest touch. Starting up in fright during afternoon nap, with jerking of feet. Restless sleep, with fretful dreams; R. sleep, with copious micturition three times; with waking every hour and difficult falling asleep again. Frequent waking as if it were time to rise; F. waking, with restlessness, nausea, painful twisting about umbilicus, at times it seemed as if something arose to pit of throat and as if water would accumulate in mouth. A wake a long time in night from confusion in head. Unrefreshing sleep from 3 till 4 A.M., then sleeplessness, with heaviness of head. Dreams vivid; and confused constant fatiguing D.


      Chilliness; creeping, (<) up back; internal, which she always had just before menstruation; shaking, with gooseflesh, yawning and stretching. Shivering frequent during the day; S. of whole body, with coldness of hands and feet, internal and external warmth of face, Dullness of head, as in catarrhal fever, with thirst which was (>) drinking once; over back and chest. Coldness from spine downward; running up and down back; creeping over half of head and face; of limbs; hands and feet; internally in arms; (internally, almost like a falling asleep, on inner side of legs).

Heat; in afternoon, (<) face, with feverish restlessness, anxiety as if he would die, that took away his breath, white coated tongue, that seemed rough and dry, without thirst;with yawning; in flushes. Heat in head; about 11 P.M., with feverish restlessness of whole body and anxiety; beneath l. eye; below l. ear about 10 A.M.; in face, with redness; in feet; beneath external malleolus when standing.

Sweat in afternoon when walking in open air; general after walking; on vertex; on back of nose, with heat of nose and cheeks and redness of face, without thirst; (cold on face in morning in bed, with redness of cheeks).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.