RUTA – See Hahnemann’s “Mat. Medorrhinum Pura,” IV.
Aconite, Asa-f., Belladonna, Bryonia, Ignatia, Ledum, Mercurius, Nux v., Pulsatilla, Rhus., Secale-c., Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Thuja, Veratrum
Ailments from mechanical injuries. Bone-pains, burning and gnawing in the periosteum. Pains as after a fall, bruise or contusion in the limbs, joints, or bones. Cramp-like tearing with pressure, now in the upper, now in the lower limbs, during rest and motion. Great debility. Lassitude and heaviness in the whole body.
The pains in the limbs are aggravated during rest, particularly when sitting, relieved by motion. The pains are worse in damp and cold weather.
Itching over the whole body. Inflamed ulcers. WArts. Anasarca, contusions and injuries of the bones and periosteum.
Yawning. Excessive drowsiness after a meal. Restlessness at night: wakes frequently, experiencing a nausea, and a painful turning in the umbilical region. Restless sleep, with vexatious dreams.
Shuddering of the whole body. Chilliness and coldness of the whole body. Coldness descending along the vertebral column. Internal chilliness. Frequent flushes of heat. Heat over the whole body in afternoon, with febrile uneasiness and anxiety, arresting his breathing. Great restlessness, with headache and febrile heat.
Indifference. Peevish and out of humor. Irresolute.
Frequent absence of thought. Dullness of the head. Violent vertigo.
Heaviness in the head, mostly in the forehead, as if a weight were lying in the forehead. Painful pressure on the whole brain, in the morning after rising. Stupefying headache, with nausea. Drawing headache in the right side of the forehead. Stitching drawing pain, extending from the frontal to the temporal bone. Heat in the head, with feverish uneasiness of the whole body, in the evening. Dullness of the brain in the forehead, with a beating pain in the forehead, in itching and soreness of the hairy scalp. Corrosive itching if the whole hairy scalp. Gnawing pain with pressure, on the forehead. Dull lancinating in the temporal bones. Burning compressive pain on the head, externally, causing stupefaction. Humid scurfs on the scalp. Erysipelas on the forehead.
Pains of the eyes from exerting them too much. Feeling of heat and sensation as of fire in the eyes, with soreness when reading at candle-light. Pressure on the upper wall of the orbits, with lacerating in the ball. Specks on the cornea. Muscae-volitantes. Weakness of the eyes, as from too much reading. Red halo around the candle-light. Incipient amaurosis, particularly from exerting the eyes too much by reading or fine work, with mistiness of sight, and complete darkness at a distance.
Pain about the ears, as if violent pressure were made upon them. Contusive pain in the cartilages of the ears. Sharp pressure in the root of the nose. Bleeding of the nose, also with pressure in the root of the nose.
Gnawing arthritic pain in both cheeks. Cramp-like lacerating in the malar bone, with stupefying pressure in the forehead. Erysipelas in the forehead. Acne-rosacea. Digging pain in the lower teeth.
Sore throat, as from a lump on swallowing. Spasms of the tongue, with difficulty of speech.
Empty risings. Eructations tasting of the ingesta, after a meal. Frequent hiccough, with some nausea. Inclination to vomit when stooping. Sudden nausea while eating, with vomiting of the ingesta.
Lancination in the pit of the stomach. Gnawing oppression in the pit of the stomach, night and morning. Oppression in the region of the liver, near the pit of the stomach, exciting an uneasiness. Burning gnawing in the stomach. Aching gnawing in the region of the liver. Painful swelling of the spleen. Corrosive burning in the left region of the abdomen. Severe stitches in the abdominal muscles. Scraping and gnawing in the umbilical region, mixed with nausea. Colic, as from worms, in children. Pinching and aching pain in the abdomen, with a feeling of uneasiness as after a cold. Tensive pressure in the whole abdomen, from the umbilicus to the hypogastrium, at night, as if the menses would make their appearance. Heat in the abdomen and chest. Bruised pain in the loins. Foetid flatulence. Tearing in the rectum and in the urethra, between the acts of micturition.
Scanty, hard stool, almost like sheep’s dung. Difficult expulsion of stool. Mucous diarrhoea, alternating with constipation. Frequent urging to stool, with protrusion of the rectum, also during stool, sort or hard.
Pressure in the region of the neck of the bladder, as if the neck closed, with pain, shortly after micturition. Involuntary emission of urine, in bed, and in the daytime during motion. Frequent urging, with discharge of green urine. Frequent nocturnal enuresis. Gravel.
Increased sexual desire. Menses too early and profuse, irregular, feeble and only two days, followed by mild leucorrhoea. Metrorrhagia.? Miscarriage.? Sterility.? Corrosive leucorrhoea, after suppression of the menses.
Pain in the region of the larynx, as from a bruise or contusion. Expectoration of thick yellow mucus, attended with a feeling of weakness in the chest. Ulceration of the lungs, after mechanical injuries. Dyspnoea, from oppressive fullness in the chest. Gnawing in the chest. Stitches in the chest and arrest of breathing. Anxious palpitation of the heart. A spot on the sternum is painful when touched.
Stitches in the small of the back, only when walking or stooping. Pain in the lumbar vertebrae, as if bruised. Painful darting in the dorsal spine opposite the pit of the stomach. The dorsal spine is painful, as if bruised, when sitting or walking; this pain arrests the breathing. pain as if bruised in the dorsal spine, and paralytic weakness in the small of the back. Drawing in the nape of the neck.
Intense pain, as if sprained, in the shoulder-joints. Dull lacerating in the long bones. The ulna feels bruised. Weakness of the hands and feet. Erysipelas of the hands. Pain in the bones of the wrist-joints, and of the dorsa of the hands, as if bruised, during rest and motion. Painfulness of the wrists on lifting anything. Pain as if sprained and stitches in the wrist joints. Numbness and tingling in the hands, after exerting them. Pains in the fingers during rest, as if bruised or contused. Contraction of the fingers.
Pain in the bones around the hips, as from a bruise or fall. Uneasiness and heaviness of the lower limbs. Weariness and weakness after walking. Burning pain in the upper and inner side of the thigh. Paralytic heaviness in the knees. Tremulousness in the knees, with lassitude of the legs. Tremulous heaviness of the legs. Burning and corrosive pains in the bones of the feet, during rest. Painful drawing in the toes.