Homeopathy Remedy Ruta

Clinical Irritable bladder, constant urging to urinate forcible retention seems to paralyzed the bladder. Incontinence at night (Pulsatilla).

Sexual Organs

      Emission at night, without amorous dreams. Desire increased. Violent pain in evening, then discharge of blood from vagina and miscarriage. Bearing-down pains in womb. Miscarriage, then slow recovery; M. of dead children at about seven months uterus well contracted, after two days fever, delirium and spasms, then exhaustion and vomiting of bile, for five days partial intoxication, with contracted pupils, swollen coated tongue, slow pulse, delirium, spasms of arms, vomiting painful tension in epigastric region, abdomen soft and painless, uterus contracted though lochiae soon ceased, later lochiae returned, long- continued slowness of pulse and weakness. (Compare Tanacetum.).

Respiratory Organs

      Bruised pain in larynx. Hacking cough waking him about midnight, with scraping in upper part of chest and with slight, infrequent expectoration. Forcible cough in evening after lying down, with expectoration of stringy mucus, C. several times in night, when most violent it seemed as if stomach turned over and as if he would vomit. Respiration impeded, with sensation as if whole body were pressed full. Dyspnoea and shortness of breath; from fulness of chest.


      Tremulous twitching in last r. true rib. Stitches in sternum on motion; S. on ascending steps, with arrest of breath, causing anxiety; between l. nipple and axilla, (<) inspiration; internally in l. nipple, (<) inspiration; oppressive, in sternum, on inspiration and expiration when sitting; burning like pains in an ulcer, in morning, (<) beneath sternum. Dull thrust in l. side. Pain beneath l. short ribs at night on waking, (<) pressure and arresting breathing; P. as from a burning-biting ulcer under r. axilla. Gnawing in l. side, in r. side, with biting and burning; intermittent G. or picking on one of the costal cartilages, above ensiform cartilage, at night. Pressure on sternum internally and externally; on sixth true rib, (<) expiration and touch; on last ribs at night, dream that some one was encircling him tightly, which woke him. Painful throbbing or picking beneath l. short ribs. Corrosive biting drawing in l. side. Internal heat.


      Rapid. Slow and small.


      Tension and pressure in nape and shoulders. Drawing in nape. Stiffness in morning.


      Stitches in spine when sitting, with sudden anxiety. Tearing pulling-sticking. Pain; in evening. (>) exertion, with heaviness in limbs (Rhus-t.). Pain in spine as if beaten and like lumbago (Arnica). Bruised pain extending along back when sitting, (<) l. side; in l. side when sitting, (>) standing and walking; in spine when sitting and walking arresting breath; drawing, in spine, often arresting breath.

Scapulae.- Sticking at angle, extending to back, with pressure; drawing S. on tip on moving it, so that he must let arm hang down. Pain; between S. in afternoon; in dorsal vertebrae, as from a fall; drawing, arresting breath. Pressure internally on r.; on r., with shivering.

Lumbar Region – Painful jerking in spine opposite pit of stomach, (<) pressure, when there was aching beneath last short ribs extending into abdomen and impeding respiration. Tearing waking him at 4 A.M., (>) 9 A.M. Digging as if bruised just above sacrum when sitting after a long walk, (>) continued walking, returning when standing still and sitting (Rhus-t.). Bruised pain in vertebrae; in coccyx, extending to sacrum; when sitting, with tension across hypogastrium. Pain in posterior process of ilium like a forcing forward, (>) pressure, with tension across hypogastrium. Pain in posterior process of ilium like a forcing forward, (>) pressure, with sensation across hypogastrium. Pain in posterior process of ilium like a forcing forward, (>) pressure, with sensation as if something were pressed outward. Drawing pain opposite liver, (<) inspiration; in region of kidneys extending along loins, when sitting. Pressure on l. part of sacrum; on l. side of os innominatum, near spine. Beating on posterior margin of l. ilium, extending over hip to inner surface of thigh and almost to knee, after a long walk, (>) pressure upon ilium; intermittent, in anterior spine of l. ilium; intermittent painful, above l. ilium, (>) pressure, but returning.

Clinical Rheumatism of the dorsal muscles.


      Constant, not convulsive motions. Cramplike tearing, now in upper, now in lower. Bruised pain in joints and hip-bones so that he cannot bend. Weakness when sitting, when hands lie upon lap they are so comfortable that he does not wish to raise them; W., with heaviness and aversion to work;of hands and feet, she could hold nothing firmly and when walking could not stand firmly; of lower, with heaviness of them, and with painful jerks, beginning in middle of upper arms, when the pain reaches the elbow it extends down fingers and seems to be in shafts of bones. Heaviness.

Clinical Rheumatism of the wrists and ankles, with puffy swellings. Dislocation of the bones of the wrist and of the tarsus. Synovitis from strains. Ganglion on flexor tendons. Bursa of the wrist. Ganglia on wrist (Benz-ac.).

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in shoulders. Sprained pain in r. shoulder; in shoulder-joints, (>) drawing and turning arm upward, anything. Tearing in bones of arms. Tearing in r. elbow and neighboring parts, extending to lower end of humerus, on stretching out arm it is a rather pressive pain. Pain in elbow, (<) stretching arm; in l. as from a blow, with weakness of arm. Cramplike drawing in biceps. Shaft of ulna seems bruised. Forearm, cramplike tearing in l.; paralytic pressure on outer part of r.; painful drawing in middle of anterior surface of r.

Wrist, tearing in r., (<) violent motion; pain in l. as if broken; bruised pain in bones of wrist and backs of hands. Veins of hands swollen after eating. Cramplike pain transversely across hands. Fingers, tearing in l. middle, (<) middle joint and middle phalanx; sore and ulcerative pain in l. ring; bruised pain during rest; pressive drawing in middle joints of three r. middle; painful drawing in last joints of two last, at night.

Lower Extremities

      Gait unsteady. Falling from side of side when walking, legs will not support him, no power or steadiness in thighs. He cannot walk at first on rising from a seat, he falls back again, bones seem broken, thighs refuse their service on account of weakness and pain. Weakness, walking difficult, and walking difficult, and weight in legs (Rhus-t.)

Thigh.- Sticking as if ulcerated, above r. knee when walking and standing. Bruised pain on stretching lower limbs; posteriorly above knee on motion; in bones about hips on motion; in middle of femora on motion; on anterior surface, with pain on touch; so that he could hardly walk. Cramplike throbbing pain in middle of r., then in both, then in both, then on outer side below l. knee. Burning pain on upper and inner surface when sitting, worse on waking in bed. Pain at night as if grasped. Pressure in middle of outer part of r. (Contractive and spasmodically drawing pain extending from middle to hip-joint and thence to sacrum.)

Knee – Trembling, with weakness of feet. Spasmodic contractions in hollows on rising from a seat. Weariness of l. after walking a little; sinking down on rising from a seat and on beginning to walk. Paralytic heaviness, (>) walking, with necessity to move feet.

Tremulous heaviness of legs. Pressure in middle of outer part of l.; on upper and inner surface of l. Legs give out on ascending and descending stairs. Pain consisting of throbbing and hacking, as in an ulcer, anteriorly on l. ankle. Cramp in l. sole. Slow stitches from back of foot up tibia; stitches in l., then r. heel when sitting. Pain in l. sole when sitting; in bones of feet so that he cannot step heavily, with heat; burning and biting, in bones of feet during rest. Toes, cramplike sticking in r. little when sitting, (<) moving toes; burning and tearing in l. great, (<) pressure; burning pain as after a bruised, where a foreign body had been forced in; painful drawing.


      Inflammation, with swelling of hands. Red swollen stripes from root of nose to frontal eminences. Redness of hands, with warmth and sensation as if scalded, later covered with water blisters, (<) finger-tips, later between the vesicles dark redness with bluish tinge, afterwards the swelling spread posteriorly over arm to elbow where there had been no blisters (Rhus-t.) Erysipelas of hands and forehead. Corroded and blistered.

Stitches in arms changing to biting itching, with heat and redness. Formication on thigh upon which he was not lying. Hot tickling prickling in sole. Stickling-itching tickling in l. palm.

Itching over whole body, in morning on rising, (>) scratching; I. on one side of face; l. upper arm; hands, with redness, then vesicles with red areola and filled with transparent liquid most V. between fingers, somewhat like itch-pustules, the itching (<) night, vesicles became confluent, large phlyctenules formed, then desquamation, then vesicles in palms, itching on great toes and vesicle like those on hands, next year the effects of contact again with the leaves were more intense, hands looked as if they had been boiled and were completely excoriated, with fever (Rhus- t.).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.